Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/382

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DES DES DESMOND, EARL, pee Duanenu, EARL. liar Vutux, Slit FREDERICK- Co., 8. 1848 8. his half-brother, the giant was renewed and confirmed to his son, whose seat surviving 1,rsither, JOHN-ST. VINcENT, 3rd and present descendant, BARON DC SAUSIARLZ. MATTHEW DE SAC5MAUr,EZ, of Guernsey, 5. 4 June, 1685; f’rsalisi, s—Rart, 1801; Baron, 15 Sept. 1831. ss’as eol. of militia in the islasssl cf li,ternsey. lIe lii. Ann e. As•s,sArg , on a chevron, go., between three leopards’ fares dasi. of John H urs’lI, It. bailiff of the island of Jersey, and sa., as many castles, truile—tisseered, or. had issne Crest—A falcon, slislilayed, l’pr. . I. John (w lie alone relainesl the onginal surname of Dr Sepjiovlees—Dexter, 00 unicorn, arg. the tail rewarded SACS 1MIL? win Isis tic Cl I I y his 41 CCCII I its t 5 the gsrstesl wills a navel crown, or., ansI el,;rged an the shoslstet present ills’), t. IS tan. I sO0; if. 4 A1irsl. is. He was ills a r stls It iptc Ic etc d go susister a gres boniest org selgarar of llte tief Saoei,saree, roil etisstr’lain , if Julini g, collared, gn., riesg and lint 01’, elsarged on the sheolder with anil tar many ears ;ittoniry—g’s’neral of the iat:sissl f an aeelisr, erect, ste., encircled ,ritli a svrealls of lenrel s’ert. i iaernsey he a’. unit bail, ii ills oIlier issise, Jlatthc,r, ti. asides—In ties i cr0. 1749, 51. a p., and Th,,nsas, litternel —general of the island of J’,’sra Idoesc——41 , Prince’s (ialo, Goeritsev, silos 1, I A1,ril, 1037, le’as hag, saillt other issue, ,lesso.Tnesnas He Sauss,iaree, Es,;., isis sit ‘f tile royal eeaset of tInernocy. lise tireaent retresent. live of the eldest I,reaeh of lhr faintly of lie Snosinaree. ii. A OLin, l. alt tielinit. iii. Philip, t. 17 3i’’v. 1710. Ito seas first Iteitl. with C,imnso— di,rr Diver in los s sq’a’3e rsonsst the sasrlil unit es1iesticisiis Ic the SoastS Seas, and seas assists’ caplsun sf lIce gutless Ihen .. P E S V u x. , raitingit t he tell dirt inclveaoasssinitie Itse ‘‘N ‘tsinghans,’’ 60. ,rhrn that stOp ea1itseerl the l’resseh ‘‘ Stars.’’ el, at Lard I lasslse’e nienieratile action eli flrcst, 14 (let, 1747, Iv.Slerynesv. °‘ ASOHFTON, of Indiville, Qneeis’a v. Tb ossas, esilit. RN., t. 20 A tiril, 1720. lIe seas also walls Lord A souls iii his ev ‘eslitian, anst ssetsoeqttessttv, si lien coin. nsassler of Ilse Antelope,” of 50 gssns, eaiitnred the “Itelliqneoas,” ef 61 genie, in the british Channel. tte it. as 4th hart., 4 Jan, 1868. 171(4. The 4th son, tIl HATTOEW Sav’aiAseez, seas t. 40 Oct. i7io, and seas Pnnsinrxy ns BAequeNconav, of the parliament of Hooen, rlress’ned in his passage to I’tsigt’snd in Slsireh, 7770, lIe m. had tsvo sons the 2nd of whom, lot, S,ssannah, doe, of Thomas Tlnnsaresq, Req. of Jes soy. ANTHONY 3’iNrneiN ne HAOQUENC05’RT, assumed the sorname and had a dan., Snsannah, the wife of Henry broets, Esq.of Jersey. Hem. Lndty, Castevet, dan. of Jamso Ic Itarehant, ing ineiined tlso displeWnre of his family by abandoning likess’ise of ass enainens Guernsey family, and had issue, of tics Vmr N, and took op his ssbado in Ireland, hay- their religions fintls— that of the church of Rome. He was I’hilsp, lieot. to’s’., it. silo. olin, Ii. in 1705 ai. Jodi Us, dan. of William Itroels, Lag., nnd a man of great learning, and much distingsiishod by his d. 2 Feb. lsJ2. sses,L94•dstsSainuai’e; the army, uu. Ilsirriet, dun. of against the Jansenists. His translation and eonsmontary Wittiane ttreets, Req. lIe w reed throegliosse the American srar of indepen hence, and lae se’ss, to 1700, rqoerry and open Isbn tlso honorary degree cf nsaster of arts. 51. Des greens of (tsr chamber to 01cc late I 1ake of Kent. lIe was, in ‘,‘iettx in. ttse Visronnteoa de Seden ; and dying in 1702, left 1513, coesniander—in-etsief of Ness ltronso’iek. lie 1. 4 Slarelt, (with a younger sen and a dan.), 1,041. Ills stisloss d. 10 I’d,. 152$. , ,, . ttseha,d 1o1ç lscssinta ‘ones 577e00 F sr sl S tn i. Cn,anuss nra Venute, Esq. of Indivihle, Queen’s Ce. eldest son Admiral Richard Oanoiaree, who to., and ii. los-i, goveiessssent of lodsa, having been governor of Masnlipatam, and whose sen Capt. assnsoee, RN., betsaved recently with great gallantry in Chins. , lsteliotae, late rellector-general of lIce revonno in Ceylen. Isebree, MA., roolor of Ch’smpagnd. slenn of Cissnsnaeooise (sister of Jane, Countess Sr. Mary-do Castro, ii, l.iocrosey. lIon 7. 5 Jan. l0S. ageil 07. (.‘.ietcret, as. to Peter Lshon, Rsq. pole’saieal writings, particularly those on miracles, and on the book of Heehestastes, was esnaidered of so much importaiiee, css so induce she University of Dublin to confer who h Id loi several ‘no distngoi he I offices in the and second in council at Madras ; and on his return had a seat in the parliament of Ireland. Dr. Des Venox 10. in 177$, Nary-Anne, 3rd dau. of the Very Rev. Arfhnr of Uxtirolge, aesd Harrsett, Lady Dnrrowes, aisd graoddan., maternally, of Ceesge, Earl of Granard ; this lady was also eollaternhly descended from William of Wykeham), aisd had The 3rd son, bone, Sin JAMEs Srox.cnr.z, Dart., G.C.H., t. 11 March, 1. CRAnLEs, Inst lsaronet. 1717, svhose highs professional repnt;etioss was established I; Arthur, t. in 1780. in the nsnot bmilliant epoch of nor naval ldstiiry, and schose 151. Henry, in bsily orders, I. in 1706; in. lot, I Dee. 1012, nanie is to be l’osnsd in the same histoe’ie soil with those of Itonacy, Hosve, Heen, Jrnvus, and tsrLaen, w’ss.s created a ts: Daronct in 1801, and elevated to the peerage, by letters who d. in 1927, leaeiisgissne Indly, in 1028, Fimny-Eliza Iiats.nt, dati’d 13 Selit. 1031. hoed do Sannsarcu as. in 1788, beth eldeot dan. nf George Itotten, Esq. of Carbon, North’s dan.,and heir of Thomas Lo llarehaot, Req. of .Tohn Donioeus, Esq. of Useingten, and sistor of the Hiobop Gssemsey and by tier (wise d. 17 April 1840) 1usd issue ‘ I. Jaairs, Soil ban,n. a n. i’hs,insos-ke btarrhaoe, 5. 10 (srI. DadS t so. I Dad. I 0_O Csstleersnr Spencer-A. htercsfi,i’d, slsucs. of Itie Issue l,seusl.—Lel. Sp”serr Vnssiill, who gattssislly felt at 11 elite Video (Ses loans. s Lu idol f, ef.’yl, and 1. 4 Jely, 1 0 1. lbs ss’idose s,’. ‘Sadly, a Pets. 1041, use lies . Loritlc —Il elenal Slaroltntl, of heel . Saeoi’C. , in. Juno-Sr. ‘N ISCENT, liresi’sst peel. iv. I ulteras. 51, 55 1511. - .M-,ry-Is,l,,-s’e. d. eat. in I’lL. is. SIai sl,,s-l arm I. sO. 20 Jan. 15 l ,, ‘ In ti 5 1 5 d I I IN shisni ‘Nonng Ilonse Lsq sif Stall s, tcsrlsrsustbe’iglst, aissi d. us 1-35. His tordshi1’ mae socood in cosnmand at the battls of tIes Nile; and obtaiuecd the o.’der of the Hssth. the nilaninsens thanks of both honos’n if paritamneit, and a pension of Stmslfoild, Req. of Ties Itoelss, Sussex, and ii. 30 Nov. £1200 ‘iw annons, for Ide gallant aette,e sgsdnot a superior 1064, having by her tsvhe P Ii Nov. 1141) had issue, Fe-ends and .Sp.osisls fleet, Ahg, eirao h’ssy, sit)’ tIm coast of Spainin loll. Ileil. F Oct. 1836, anti was.u.lsyhis ehdestson, Jssmes, 2nd harosi, in hsiiiy e”il’ ru, reet,’r of Iloggate, co. Yes k, who was lv I Oct. ls l5 ; inch SC C Oaf. 10l4 Slary, slot, of thio lsste ‘iee-Aelnisrah I,es’hinsere, ci Steeple ,tvten, , Charhcstte’os. iii Ang. 1012, to thee lien. Sir HenryGoerge is Oxforilshire, aisd nicer ‘f Sir J’isis Dcs’hwo’sd hCieg, of Weot-Wyricinise, ilseeks. svliieh hsdy ii. May, 2040. Notto t and lrdhy, in 1839, Julia-Grace, dan. of the hate of Sattshnry, nnd was accidentally killed at Interlaken, 30 Sept. )1l7:he bad issue, I Itenry, us. 151 Aug. 1q67, Alice, yonngost dass, of Thonimib. .nd l’tssrl el Wilti,n, and has three dases., then 04 Joins 1069. 23rroderiek, ft.N. ‘ 3 Charles. 4 klfred capt. 0th reel. R.L.h., os. at Poet Church, Hclgamn, Essst mutes, Ii lice. I Osil, teatsella, den, of the late J ‘NV. ill nslsratt, gag., Rsiest toy CS. Whh 6 Edward. 1 Charlotte Jane, nu..S Nec. 1800, to Lhcnk-Gen. Sir Chart’s- oshe Windhnm, 2 Anonsta si, S Feb. 1932, to George-Henry, eldest eon f Gesr°o Leads’s go k q ot Li nsnsai di’s cc Lavan 3 Geergsana. Rinfield, htont.-eol. ho the army, late of the 3rd regt. of foot guards, in. lot, in 1911, Georgians, den, of Diehard I Csreline.Clessrhotte, 2 Geargsana-Anne-ldarca. as, 11 Jniy, lst7, to Major 11.-C. Col, lIes Vnx m, Indly, 31 May, 5940, Prances, dan, ef the Ver lies, I Ir. Weed dean of Niddieham, Gry,, a gen. offleor in tho army, and eol. of Gte 13th regt. of light dragoons, fnd son of Charles, Lard de Sasemsrre d. o. p. Ii ,t1iril, 1952, and was .u, by Ins 1st Earl Grey.