Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/388

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2ndly, Mary, dan. of Sir John Gainooford, and had several in 1783. other children. He d. in 1521, and was s. by his grandson, Fcanos is. 7 J,no, 1770, to Sir John Wrottoeley, Bart.; SIR WiLLIAM CouRTEseAv, who so. F.lioabrth, dan. of John and 0. 24 Feb. 1828. Powlet, Marquess of Winchester, and had an only 5055, Lucy, so. 19 Oct. 1777, to John Coates, Eoq. of Woodooto, William. Sir William was killed at the stsrming ‘f St. in Salup; and 0 in 1786. Qnintin, 1557, and was e. by his son, Charlotte, ra. 1702, to Alexander, let Earl of Bosolyn. SIR WILLIAM ConssacNay, Knt., high-sheriff of Devonshiro He 0. (us ton days after being elevated to the peerage) in 1581, who, in sass, was one of this ssndos-takors to 16 Slay, 1701, and woos, by his only eels, send over settlers for tho better planting of I roland, and WILLIAM, 2nd viscount; 0. II Aug. 1745; in. 7 Slay, 1701, thno laid the loisndatiois rf the prodigious cAste in that Frances, da,i. of Thomae Clack, Seq. of Wailingford, Bcrke, kingdom enjoyed by his postonty. Sir SV,lliasn ci. Islizabeth, by wh,,m he had, dan. of hlocry, Earl of Rutland; and dying in 1830, was s. by his eldest surviving son, FnANeis, Seq. of Pnwdsrh’sm Castle, who Froneso, ,o, II Dee. 1779, te Sir John Honyweed, Dart.; was s. in 1Gb, by his elilsot eon (l’y Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Charl’,tle, ns. 21 June, 1704, to Thomas Giffard, Esq. of Edward Ssymonr, hart, of tiorry Pimeroy), I. Wiusiaai COIRTF.aAO-, Es,1. of Pnwdrrham Castle, 0. in 1610, who was erealed a Baronet in 1044, but shsdaining the title, ho never toik out his patent, and was not therefore Isabella, it. a 1l,srch, 1781, in consequence of her clothes inserted in the list of harsnsts; he was always, howevsi’, having cassglit Ore. so styled in the senimiesi’ os sent him by the ksng. Elizabeth, so. 7 June, 1708, to Lord Charles Somemet; and He in. Margaret, ‘lass, of Sir William WaIler, lOot., the Lucy, so, to John, 3rd Earl of Lioburn; and 0. in 1821. celebrated parliamentary general; and dying in 1702, was Harriet, ss. to George, Lord Carterct; and 0. 13 April, s. by his gs’ass’lssn, IL Sin WILL5AM, H.P. for the Co. of Devon, who in. Sle,,ner, 0-in Fob, 1781. in 1704, Lady Anne Dertie, dan. of Janies, 1st Earl of Anne, so, to George, bud Earl of Menotrierris; and d. 6 Abingdon, by Eleanor his let wife. dan. and co-heir of Sir Carehino-E,sstazia, no. 29 Jan 1812, to Ccl. Charles Her- Henry Lee, of Ditoldey, and had, with other iosne, I, WsLnsso, his successor, is. Henry-Reginald, SLP., es. Catbrrsne, dan. of Allen, Matilda-Jane, sn. is Lieui.-Gsn, John Locke, who 0. in 1st Earl Datlsurst, and had (with an elder sen Wshham, Ssphia, so. ts Ccl. Nathaniel boy, who 0. in 1817. who 0. s. p.), Henry-Tieginald, Lord Bishop of Exstor, m. 20 Jan. Lenisantngnsta, as, to Lient,-Gen. Lord Robert-Edward 1774, lady Elizabeth Msward, dan. of Thomas, 2nd Rio lordship, was the 11th inbes’ilor of Powderham Castle Earl of Ehflngham, and by her (who sl. 31 GeL 1811) the lath in succession fri’m Hugh, Earl of Devonohire, end left at his dessass, 9 June, 1603, I,ss, clerk-assistant of the parliament, whs inherited Margai-et, his wife, granddan. of EDWARD I.; and the the hsnoinrs in 1818, and was the late E.s.xc o DEVON. 21et frons Reginald do Courtonay, who came i,ste England 2 Thonsas-Persgrinc° (lit. Hen.), 0.31 Slay, l78I;sss. 5 with Hcscssv II. He 4. 14 Dec. i7S1, and was o. by hhs Al’. 1041. Anne. dan. ‘if Mayow Wyissli-Mayew, Seq. eon, WsLLsaas. 3rd viscount, 0. 10 July, 1760 ; who estabhiohed of Sydenbam, Kent and ci, 7 Jnly, 1041, having had, his right to the RAsn,D0M or Dcvose, created by Queen by her, (who ii. thee. 1000). Thomas-Peregrine, 0. 24 Feb. 1810 ; a clerk in the SlAsv, 1 Sot’s. 1153, before parilameot, 15 Starch, 1111. His Ts’easisry and Cnstems, ii, 7 June, 1801. Reginald (ihc ltL 11ev.), Ott., 0. 26 Fsb. 1813 the 1’Ose-isinly sf Ceurtenay bocanse extinct, while the Bishop of Kingston, Jansaiea; so. 23 July, 1842, Gssrgiana, 2sid dan. of ,uhmiral Sir John-Poe Msrcsfsrd, flirt., and luas’, Reginald-Edward ; Geergiassa conchs (refer to children of Sir William Conrteuay, 2nd Harriet-Anise ; and Evangsine-Claudette bsronet), and Mahi-l. Gesrge-Henry, Ii. 23 Dec. 1014 capt. in the army, stswarul sf the Univeroity of Oxford, paicsstoe of the sill Sept. 1812, Lanra, youngest don. rif the late LI. Sul”pei’ioa I,) IPso, l’ ‘isrt ‘‘I Chancery, and a govoiassr of tluc S,ssnes,la, Srq., an, I has hue, Erlward—Keginold C’hartor-l,cssse tohsid ; ho ao. 1st-, 21 N-v. 180-1, Lady Peregrine-George, it. 1041 Thnmas-Pes’egrine Catherine Iluss’ri5t Leslie. don. us’ Sir Lucas Pspys, Hart., by JausEBza ; Anise ; E,ioehe-,li ; un,lLuonra. Francis, 0. 1516, in holy ordui-s, ii, 25 Des. 1850. Sdsvard, t. 20 July, P’lS, ot 7 Des. 18-10, Riehard-WiIliam, 0. 11 March, 1820. capt - U.N. Henry-Reginald, to. U March. 1121, SIC. artillery, Jo-reline, 0. 22 Dee. 1014. stnne-Slaysnv, no. 11 Marsh, 1811, to the 1 te Edward Ross, Es,1,, and d. 14 July, 1857. E’’rah ‘lh-llowa’-d, as. 11 Aug. 1511 to the Rev. John issue, 1 Henry-hteginald, 0.20 Jan, 1116 ,‘ is. 12 Juno, 1802, Hnghes, MA. Mary, is - 1.t, to the 11ev. Mr. Wharton, and Sndly, to t’olleohani, .usd has two dons.; 1 Hugh-Leslie, 6. 1 Aug. Major ,tgnew. Catherisse, so. I Jnno, 1111, to tho Rev. 0. Carter. Carsline-Wynell. 1 Elizabeth. formerly maid-sf-hensnr to Qneen CHARLOTTE, Caroline- Margaret Ceeko, eldest don. ef John, ‘2nd SarI d. 27 June, 1052. 2 Catheriiie, iii. Ia Dee. 1005, to the Fm. Archdeacon 1 Harriet-Elizabeth, 4. sines. 4 Oct. 1026. Edward Dereno, and ii. his widow, 11 Nov. 1841. 1 Anne, ii. cam, in 1818. 4 Frances-Charlotte, so. 1611, Rev, Edward Monverie, of the lusts Rev. J,ihsis-Middletn’n Scott, and niece of the s-noun of L’ird Ra’lsser, and ‘1. 29 March, 1614, isi I’ere,grins, d. o. p. is, 1706. s, Ele-innra,ei, to Fiancee Basset, Req. of Heanten Ceurt. C,-esliesse-—-Earldem, 3 Sept. 1113. Baronet, 1644. in Devon; and d. in 1704. A,-in—Qnas’lerly: lot and 4th, or, three tortàanx, for ii. Isabella, so, to John On’lrosv, 11.0. of Exeter. , COURTENAv ‘ 2nd and 3rd, or, a lien, rampant, az , for REDIii. Ilrsdget, so, to B ullsasn Ilbert, Esq. ol Ben-rings Leigh. °th l Earls of Devonshire). sv. Mary, se. 1st, is John Langoi,in Seq. sf Park - and ‘ Sndly, to John llavis, Req. of Or;ei”ls; and din 1724, Crests—I Outofadnealesrenet, or, aplusmeof seven ostrsc - . - — . feathers, fo,sr and three, arg. 2 A d’dphin, onibewed, ppr. Sir William 1, in hI8, aad was s. by his 3rd, but eldest Ssppsrtero—Twehoars, arg.,bristled, tnoked, and nngnled, survivieg son, or Sin WSLL5AM, who was created, 6 May, 1762, a peer of .ofoloess—Q,sod verum tntum; and Dlii laps’ss, Qnid fecil Great llritai,e, by the title of Vsscssai Cssrseacey, 5f .Psoriter- Sc t.s—Powderbam Castle and llenlt Hence, Devonshire; hose Conk, Cs. Dross-. Rio lordship si. Fesnees, dan. of and The Castle Newcastle, Ireland. Mcnersge, led Earl of Aylesfi’rd, and had issise, Fewse Hs-ese—23, Brook Street, Grosvenor Sqnare. * The brother and eistere of the late peer obtained the ________ precedence of an earl’s younger children. 333 DEY DEV WILLIAM, his oncceseor, who it. 21 March, 1560, Chilhioglen in Staffordshire; and became a widow in 1013, She it. 22 Nov. 1844. (For the family of GIFFAnD, refer tis hlouau’e Loisded Gentry.) d. is, 1115, 1536. Jan. 1831, hand, who it in 1818. Amelia, it. 18 March, 1789. 1457. Her ladyship 0. 4 Assg. 1440. Sonserset; and d, in 1843. lordship usvcr niari-ied, and at his deooaee, 26 May, 1035, Raus,u’,iss or Dsvoa and the baronetcy devohsed upon his WIlLis’s!, 11th carl, 0. 19 June, 1777, who was high 1’i-th, C”mstooo of Rotheo, and by her (who d. 16 Dcc. 1519) bad, I Wis,L5AM-REoiNAs,e, prrseui earl. 1 i’Ieiiry-htngh, holy orders, rooter of 3lamhmad, Dev’’nshire, 1’. 35 July, 1811; so. 6 Jan. laSS, Lady AnnaSlaria Loslir. sister 55 this 11th SarI of Ri’ibcs, and hiss 11,-hun, yusnges0 duos, if Charles Chr’stophsor, Id Earl of 1812 I Charles-Leslie, alA., in holy ordero, canenof Windsor, vicar of Rovcy Traccy, loevon, and domestic chaplain to the Queen; I. 21 Slarob, 1816 ; so. to 1849, Lady Sn,msrs. His lerdolup so. lusdly, 10 Jan. 1141, Rltiaheth-Mnth, dan. Earl sf Heath. He d. 19 Starch, 1011, and was s. by his eldest iou, the present peer.