Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/395

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OIL i. CHARLES, his successor. is. Arthur, 8. 3 Sept. 1750, a gen. in the French service, and debroised by a fesse, cc., between three crescents, reels srith an lest colonel commanding the feissous Dillon’s eeginsesst. f:reofe—lnt, oat of a dncat eorsnel, or, a pillar, erg., Ibereon A Dillon had during centuries been alsoays chosen to cmnmend a falcon, ae., for LEE; 2nd, a dead-lien, roumpant, go., holding it, end on one occasion, seoner then breek tlsroesgis cisc between the paws an rsteile, arg., for DiLLON. risle, Louis XV. sent to Irelend fur one of the family to telee Sapjusrfei’s—Two angels, tsr., vesled, arg., icings elrraled, the colonelcy. The Hon. Cot. Arlhtsr Dillon, was guillotined, the dexter wish a seals over lime shoulder, ae., cads Isoldismg in 13 April, 1794, during the tteign of Terror, end his regiosent the exterior heed a laIn brands, alio Hr. was slisbarsded. Ito so. 1st, in 1769, Lucie, dao. of tlse Coosst .Olallo—Duns p° specs. de ttothc, who rl. is 1782; and 2ndly, in 1784, hladame de Ia N efs—Loughglynn Ilouse, lioscomamon; and Ditclsloy llonse, Tooche, widosr of the Count do Ia Toucbe, end dau. of Oxforslnbire. 51. Oirardin t he had two daus., I HnaasnnA, so. in 1786, to the Coont de Ia Tour-do-Pin Gonrornet. 2 FANNY, os. to Coont Bertrand. Thio lady end her hosband were disliogseished by their fidelily to the Eseperer NAPOLEON, ansi were witis him when he died etSt. llelena; Madame Bertrand ci. in 1836. mis. Henry, otajor-gen., t. 28 Jone, 1739; so. 1st, 27 April, 1790. Frossces, dan. of Dominick-Theory Trans Esq. of hasingwold. and by her (who ci. 12 Oct. 1828) Isad, 3 Charles-Henry, b. in 1808. 1 Tlaris, rn. 3 Nov. 1621, his Serene Highness AuorsvusFastsr, Duke de Croy Dssimen; and ii. his widow in 3827. 2 Charlotte. Gen. Dillon rn 2ndly, in lS2T, Miss Lorinda Matthews; and ii. 7 July, 1837. s. Frances, si. to Sir William Jerningisam; aod 7. in 1825. us. Catherine, 7. 1797. iii. Laura. iv. Charlotte, 1777, lo Valentine, 1st Earl of Keomare and ci. in 1782. his lordship if. 3 Nov. 1787, and was z. by his eldest son, CHARLEs, 8. 6 Nor. 1745, who conformed to Ose established Sir llenry Ic Dillon, the first Lord of Drumrany (vile safsra) ehorch in 1767, amid claimed, and was allosred the viecoantcy, a. Lady Rmily FitzGerald, and bad insne, 3laumsmcn, Ins heir; as 12th viscount, by the House of Lords (Treland), in 1778. His and JAsses,a0005toroftbe Rarle of itoscsmnnmon. The eldest son, lcrdolsip Ia. 1st, 19 Aug. 1776, Tlenrietta-1laria, only dass. of Sma Slauasen DILLoN, J,ord of tlrnosrany, was father, by Constantine, let Lord 3hulgrave,e by whom (who if. I Dee. 3targaret MeeCoghlan, his second wife, of 3782) he had issue, Heaav-Aeecsors, his successcr. Frances-Charlotte, us. 14 March, 17Th, to Sir i,somas Webb, T’etyt. tlaren of Molyngar, and had, irish sstlser issne, a sets Bart. 1 and d. 17 April, 1819. His lordship ns. 2ndly, a French lady, and hy her (who if. 28 Enasuan DILLoN, Esg., of Kilcornan Castle, ‘1. 7 Oct., 1620, Aug. 1613) be lied a dao., Charlotte, as. 1813, to tlsc late seized of Ardbane and Noghawalto: hew. Catherine, dan. of Lord Frederick Beauclerk, atod it. 26 Sept. 1866. TIe ii. 8 Nov. Thomas Dillon, of Killenfagbny, and sister to Tiseobald, the 1813, end was a. by his son, HnNny-Anonsvus, 13th viscount, b. in 1777; ns. in 1807, Roanav DILLON, Esg., of Kileornan Castle, attended the henrietta, eldest dau. of DominickGeoffry Bron’ne, Esq., fnneeal of Lobe, Viscount Dillon, anne 1629; he am. Rilice, Mr., and sister of the let Lord Orannssre, and by her (who 8. dan. of Wtlhians Tutte, Fsq., of Monilea, co. Vestmeath, amsd at l’aris, 18 March, 1862) lied issue, 5. Cas.eaLrs-hleeav, 14th visceont. is. TneonALo-Doammascc-000rraoy, present viscoant. mis. Aaunue-gnisoan-Dnass, BA., t. in April, 1812; st. 22 of Rielseed Hope, Keg. of Lodwichtows:, en. Westmssenlhs. and April, 1843, Ellen, dais. of the late J. Addesley, Esq., and has hod issne, Rscnaao DiLLoN, Req. of Kilescuan, whose nsale issese, 1 Harold-Arthur, lient. rifle brigade, b. 1844; and 2 ConradAdderley, line because ercsaeT; and b. 1843. sv. Consfenline-Aagnstus, 8. 14 Sept. 1813; so. 10 Feb. 1842, 16T0; he us. F.tinor, dau. of Gerald Lntlser, Bsg. of Eiihlyoany, Fanny-Dsrothea, 3rd dau. of P.-L. Story, hog, end had in the lttng’s Co., andwas father of Henry-Philip-Constantine, t. 1843; Tlulip-Oerald, 8. 184S; Tnnonatn DiLLoN, EN., of Isobhin, who as. Clsnstian, dan. of Constantine-Francis-Arthur, F. 1851; Constance; Marion; Thosnuo Whyte, Rig., esptain in Dillon’s reginsemsl, ha France, and Lydia-Frances. He 8. 16 April, 1853. v. Oerald-Normanhy, b. 21 Nov. 1823; sit. 22 ltay, 1847, son of henry tVhsyte, of Bahlyasore, and bed issue, Louisa, dau. and co-heir of Richard, 3rd Earl of Clare, and 5. ROBERT, of sshom lueresfler. has, Charles-Richard, 8. 5 Oct. 1889; Angustus-tlenry. b. 6 us. Thomas, of Ilnbhin, s’s. 3tarie, dau. of Edward ltmsssey, of Dec. 1850; Cecil-Arthur, b. 12 Oct. 1854; Clarc-Valentise, t. 14 Feb. 1858; LooisTheobald, 6.6 Dec. 1859; and FlosvneeHenrietla-Clara. 5. Henrietta-3tariu, so. 7 Oct. 1826, to Edward-John, Los’d aim. 3hietsacl, so. a duo, of — Coaueeford, of Cork. Stanley of Aldes’ley. is. Margaret-Frances-Florence, rn. 26 July, 1818, to WilliamJohn v. Tlseobald, of ltolss’rdam. Hamilton, Esq., late .hlP. (who ci. 1867), son of W.B. m. Anne, seife of Ambrose OFerrall, hog., of Dssldin, ancestor Ttomilton Bsg. in. Loohsn-Anne-Rese, ci. 7 Oct. 1847, to the Hon. Spencer- mm. Mary, srife of Captain tfennis Ferrall, aham O’Kelhy, Cecil Ponsonhy. iv. Holena-3latilda, 01.16 Jan. 1838, Thomas-Kemp Story, Esq. This noblemen, who assumed the additional snrnanse and TIse eldest inn, arms of Lnn, ci. 24 July, 1832, and won a. by Isis eldest son, ttseeaT I 5iLLON, Rsq., Seigneor de Terrafort, in France, CuoaLns-ItnNaY, 14th visoeunt, wlson’asb. 20Apr11, 1810, and a. lot, Martha, dim, and co-Issir of Wihhiaism Ncis’land, Eng. of rn. 1 Feb. 1T33, Lydia-Sophia, dan. of the late Philip-Laycook Gaston, aisd lied Isy her, a dao., Chsristiaea, selso s.Sir Ed— Story, Esq., and hod issue, Rlhetred-Florence. heraldine-Lee-Frances, us. 13 July, 183T, to Charles-Aognstus through lIme noble fensihiee of Pelce, Somnersel, Ihastings, l’ole, Drake Ilalford, Esq., and has issue. The viscoant ci. 18 Nov. 1T65, and uras s-by his next brother, dying at bloedeaax, 1161, lefI isssse by icr, Tonomeatn-Doremieuca-Gaerraan, 13th and present VmneoOar u. TsmeoBaLrs DiLLoN, Cssssssl tsilhon, kisiglsl of SI I,oumis, DiLLON. Crealisn—l6 3lareh. 1621-2. ..drms—Qaarterly s 1st and 4th, erg., a fense, bet,reen three crescents, sa., for LEE 2nd and 3rd, arg., a lion, rampant, gti., OIL estoile between tlse horns, ef the 2sd, for I) Town Hsesc—51, Sooth Aodley Street. !191U013—Couhlt 31Jiftoti 01 rB11fc. GEaALO DILLON, Lord of Drumrany, 5th in descent from Enamuso DILLoN, who bail frotn his father a grant of the lands and Castle of Kileornan he no. Anne, dau. of Wlllionm and heir of Kilcornan Castle, from a’hmoou sprang, 1st Viscoont Dillen, and had issue. The oldest son, was s. by Isis son, WALTER DILLON, Ksq., of Kilcornan Castle, who attended the luneral of Lake, Viocoant Dillon, ossao 1629; he ssss. Elhre, dais. ROBERT DaLL0N, Fog.. eeptain in the army of JAans II., Danorc, co Kildare. Esg., assd had issue, four sosss and two dane., ttda’ard-l’atriek-Jomepla; ThseobaldTlyaeimmth; RobertArthnr; Clsrimtimsa; ldary; and Francesea. is. Stephen, of London. by her of the highs then. itichard Mom OFerralh, 11.1’., late Governor of Malta. bratiser of John O’Eehly, of Chanhyon, Rug. ward Ssoinbuirsse, Ilurt. m he s’s. 2ndly, Ba ry, dais, of Edward Dicconson, Rug., of iVrighsinlon, en. Lancaster (descended and l’tantageoet, frues Eowaan ill., Iting of England), and ha Englamsd, thee., 1347, esssiitruled in 1192. nsa’he nmar,b’lmah de ranuhm, 23 (let., 1816; he is. thenriette, Baroness dr Lessee, seidose of Ilaron de 3horaehss, and ci. 24 July, lhhT, leaving isssme. osse son, At’oosvn- BEans, Count Dillon, heir male and rs’pre° This Tbeolsahd, Cssnsle Ddten, mnnul net lie eomsfusmmsded seith the Theebald. Cosote Dillon, also was nsasssaered at Lihle in 3792, By Lepell, Isis wife, eldest dan. of John, Lord Hervey, eldest and who died one. son of Johis, Earl of Bristol. 315