Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/396

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D I L L 0 N. DILLON, SIst JOHN, Dart, of Lisnsnllen, Co. Meath, a Baron of the Holy Roman Empire, 5. 1806; s. his Sin WOL5vAN Dixie,, Knt. (descended from Woletan eonsin, as 6th hart. 36 Dee. 1552; in. 1840, Fanny, lii xie, of Chatwssrth, oo. Rnntingdon, lis-ing in the reign of dais, of Thomas Fox, Esq. of Boaminstor, Dorset- EDWARD 111,), seated himself at Boeworth, in Lcieeeter. shire, and has, I, JOhN-POX, 9. 1943. is. Fresloriek-Baines, officer hi the 40th regt., 9. 1640. III. Arthnr-Steuart-Cerry, 9. 1852. kiiicagr. I. Sonic DILLON, Esq., 31.?. (only eon of Arthur Dillon, and was presented by the king with a warrant for a tag., doseenled from a common ancestor with the Lords berosset’s patent, bnt, throngh the eonfneion of the times, Iloocommen and Dillon, by Ehzabolh, dan. of Dr. Ralph it was not taken ont nntil after the Restoration, 4 July, Lambert, Bishop of Sloath), was created a Ilaronet, 11 July, 1660, in wldch year he was eheriH of the eo. Leteester. Sir 1801. Re vs. in 1787, Sltilleont, dan. of George Drake, Req. Woistan vs. let, Das’bara, dan. and heir of Sir Renry Beanmoist, of l0ornhtll, Berkshire, by whom iso had isene, 1. CsesaLrs-Da,sne, his heir. ii. Assrnosi-llsenxnn, 3rd baro,aet. iii. WILlIAM, 4th barsoset. iv. Ralph, in holy orders, rector of llallymaeall, co. Gal- Ellzabeth, us, to Thonsas Cromwell, son of Sir Philip Cromwell, way. 5. in 1177; Ia. Jane, sister of Thomas-CharlesSteisort Frances, s. 1st, to Glles Asfley, Esq.; and Zndly, in Charles Corry, Roq. ; and d. in 1821, leaving (with two Coaqnest, ltsq. dans.) two sons, viz., I JoEN, present hart. 2 Chars’s-James, so. Charlotte, dan. of Rev. John Sws’ny. v. Robert. major 72nd rcgt., 8. us 1787; ss. Etica, dau of Carols, vs. to N. Beaten, Esq. Leey, ss. to Mr. Finch. Johss Sweany, Eoq , and ‘I. at Valetta, Slalta, 27 Jan. He as. 2adly, Frances, dan. ef gd,eerd llesilrigg, Esq. of 1064, having hal issue vise aoss, Itobert, but-eel royal Thedings’os’tls, Lcireshershirc, sole heir of her brother, and engineers, and three daus. s. Elizabeth, ma. to Richard Stills, Esq., barrister-at-law. widose of Walter Cheiwynd, Esq. of Crenfos, cc. Warwick, by ii. Anne-Grace, vs. to Thomas-h-S. Corry, Esq. iii. ,Milliecnt. Sir John DCle,s had the honour of a free Barony of the it. Sin BcAuoaos’r, who as. STory, sister and heir of Sir Holy Momma Rmpis’e cossfos’red upon Sins isa 1782, by his Ihilliase Willoughby, Ran., of Willsnghhy, ca Notttingham, by imperial majesty Joerrss 11., with reversi,,ss to male and whom he had, fesn:de descossdsnta, and he was a’sthorizsd by royal licence WOL5TAN, isis successor. to bear the title in this tountry. Ills eider son, II. Sin CsssnLrs Dane, vs. 1st, Charlotte, den, of John John, rector of llosworth. ilasnbton, Esq., by svhom (srbo a. in 1791) ho had iso issue; Elizabeth, ‘is. to Francis Codolphin, Esq. ef Sparger, Cornwall. aad 2n’lly, in Oct. 1528, Sarah, relict of the bite Itev. JohnC. SCary, ss. 1st, to Clsaeles, lOtla Lard Willeoghby of Parham, Bitles’, rector of Sliltoss, Nsrthansptonohire. Sir Charles a. 12 Sass. F-If, and was e. by his hr,,ther, III. Ssr. AnTnoss-Rsenxnu, general in the army, who vs. lie of. in 1002, ansI was 8. by his son, n 1814, Letitia-Rlizabeth, 2nd dan. of the late W. Knox, ill. SIR WOLSTAN, 5. is 1607; who vs. Rebecca, dan. of Sir Req. ; b,st ‘lymg I. 3L, 3 J’sly, 1815, was s. by his brother, Riolsursi Atkins, hart., of Claphaso, Snrrey, and had issue, lv. She WsLrsAos, 5. 1 Jnly, 1774; a. 21 Jsme, 1313, s. IVos.sraa, his successor. Eleanor, dan. of Riehd. Webb, Esq., and had earvisingissne, is. hleaussont, us holy ordets, rector of bess-oath vs. Ellea— ARTnUn-lIrNaY, ItS baronet, Elless-Susanna, vs. 2 March. 1248, to Richard Dent s-Tidy, Esq., malor 34th regt., eldest eon of Lient.-Col. Kelly, of Weston. cc. Booth. Loniaa-Wtlbelmina. Re ‘2. 31 Starch, 1851, and was e. by isis son, V. Sin Anraun-lIrvaY, an officer in the 86th rogt,, 8, 7 Jan. 1828; d. earn. 30 Pee. 1852. DIX Creafiea—31 Jisly, 1201. sentativo of the Itileoman line of the ancient, noble, 4rsss—Arg., a lion rampant, between three crescents, and distingutsised family of I ship-es, descended from a go., issss:ssit from each crescent ss star with six pohsts of the eosnnsoss ancestor saiths the LA5LO OF ltosrossaios and field; over all a fess, az. Viseoesva hILtON, 5. 24 Snip, lvii, at Jions, Depart- C-cot—On a chapean, go., tnmaed up, orm., a falcon, rising, meat sf Josssmapes, France fnosv hhelgisssis), doisaheilesl at org.. beaked, legged, and belied, on. Moilo— Anxilinm ab alto. Seet—Lisnsnllen, Dunshanghlin, co. Death. a’. F’n.sae ss—’fsse,s,,,sdss, Cocos I uihissa, lhesss.—grbi., kssholst of DIXIE. Dixtic, Sin ALEXANDER-BEAU. slozs’f-C’elohonshL, Dart, of Dos- worth Honso, eo. Loicester, M.D., 5. 24 Dee, 1819; s. his father, ae 10th hart., 20 Dec. 1857; ne 29 Jnne, 1843, Maria ‘ Catlaarino, ynssngost dan. of Rev. C. Walters i’sctos’nf Ds’aeaidean, Hants, and has, 5. ALoxxvnra.BeAusaoNToJssuaonsrL, 9. 22 Dec. 1921. 2 Oessree—Fsvderiek, Coant Isillon, is. 13 June, 1814, us. I . Slarta-e’atharine, ci. 6 .&esg. 1867, to the Ree. Benjamin— Vieo,ntc de Loppe, knight of the Legion of lTunenr, sad B -0. -istloy, rector of Kingston Pitney, Somerset. is. st as,ouwi - g55ti5, as. 19 Jnly, 1866, to CharlesFetherstoss Duke, Eeq. of Maxstoke Castle, Warwick. shire. - 1st, }lllessCaro1ins sv. Clenssntina-Chserehill. V. Eleanor-Francee-Poehin. Vs. Agnes-Sophia, vii, Fanny-Julia. !LLITCiIgC. hire, in the reign of ELszsnrrn ; which estate wae preentrd to bins by his go’eat-nnele, Sir Weistan Dixie, lordmay01’ of Lonslon. He vs. Prances, dan. of Sir Thomas llcanmnsit, Ksst, of Stonghtoss, and was s. by his eldest eon, 3. SIR WnLsTAcs Dixie, Rut., who sealeusly esponsed the royal canoe at the breakhsg ant of the rebellion in 1641, Dart, of Oraeedicn, in Leicestershire, and relict of Johss Rssrpnr, Req., by whom he had issne,’ssosr, his soecessor. ficns’r,,,,. Silas .tnne Stringer. Ens. Darhara, vs. let, to Richard Pyst, Esq.; and lndly, to Thomas Pachis, Esq. Rosamond, vs. to John Vrntris, Esq. whom he had no issoe. lie a. in 1682, and was z. by 8S eldesi sobs, Reanmont, iii. Jane, dan. of Anthony Ryre, Esq., of Rempton, Nattingtsssm. ssho ho. p. 1613; and 2ndly, to the lion. — Ceekayne, eon of Viscount CaBen. beth, dais. of Ands’ew CorSet, Esq. and sl. 22 Feb. 1740, leaving an onls son, 3 Reaamoet-Jescph, in holy orders, rector of Diossonas-ble, and vicar of St. Peter’s, Derby; ns. Siargaret, dan. of Josrph Sncwcn, Esq. of Strady, Carmarthenshire, and a. in 1106, leaving issue, I45L50000B5WOLSTAN, } sneeessivc haronete. ALexAsnes, Otis baroset. D1L Aso,,vest (l’r.sssoe), is. Clsos’ls’s—g,hwur,t. sit. Tiassssas. Is’. Roh,s’rt—Wihlbassi. usc I .egh’sts f I l,sssossr ‘if St. Lessis, baptized a .1 sIne, 1764: a eolc,nel in I nhl,,n’s rs’gisssessh, 1734; ssss ‘delist sic esssssp, 1812; assd issojor—gesa., i’m; sspio’insssl so t se easosssansh of tise ilssuotrs Alpc’, 1017; cc. i sod, Anise, dssu. ci ..ilexaaslor Cal— lender, .ssasl lssd isasse, 1 Fsoeeis.Enwsan-C.sLLLNDE5, Cosmnt nilloa, snpes’ier officer hss n e Fs’rsscls missy, 8. 25 Joss. loll ; o. 27 .tprhl, 5513, 5] or r—Slar:s— l,assho’, dots, of .hI,ssssiear Li ‘isis de Sabrhs, lay Boric Oadi;suase_Angelique-Oabricllo O’Kelly-Farrcll, lois svife, aissl lssso iassse, Asxnoe-Fnwahss-FsAseis DILLON (ViseonsO, 5.12 Dee., I nI9, wise esst,,s’ed sIse French au’ssy as rolnnTeer, in 1858, 51 tlse age of riolateen, ss-ss slosh thsressgls usc hosly at The hattie of Solferiso, iss eossstsothnse brarely at else lsead of isis eosssposay ; is IbIs’ sfatisosed in Algeria sshtls isis legs - ussens. Slario—e’orslino—h”rssneoise. dan. of Lossis-i’aul 1-’erdisssssd. Isash issmsc, Ileberl-Starie Dlllsn (Viscomot), 5. 7 July, 1847. I Francis. 2 Jasse. 3 Eleanor. I. Slary. ii. Anne. iii. Emehis. 316