Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/401

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DON i. ARTHUR, his heir. ii. John (Sir), lent., 7sf.?. for Ponoraile, and afterwards baron elsiost dan. of Ilednsond Barry, Esq. of Rallyclough, ce. Cork, of the Exchequer in ireland, si at Ins coat, Grangemoilea, co. Kildare, 14 May, 1743, leaving issue, by Levina, his 2nd 1. Iltens, Isis ssseeessor. wife, dau. of Kingsmiil Pennefssther, Esq. of Newparh, en. is. Richard, 9. 12 Jaly, 1796 as. Ist, St Jaly, 1779, Acne ‘]‘ipperary, MU., Sve sons and three dasss., I JOHN, of Orangemullen, 5. 10 April, 1726, who mI3 July, 1754, Mary, only dan. and heir of Cot, the lion. Thomas Botler, governor of Limerick, and had issae, JnnR-]tayco, b. 23 July, 1706, the friend and associate of the Prince of Wales, who beeamo eventually major-gea. in the army, and cal. of the I Otis stragoosss. ansi was MU. for Okehampton; Thomas, 9. 3 Sept. 1757; Mary, s. to Count do Perogurd; aisd Antony-Botler, as. ltaorietl5 dau. of C. liMos Chester, Eoq., and had issue, AntonyF. Butler St. Leger, 9. 1806, of Park huh, Yoriç and 10, Berkeley-square, who (1.0002.31 Oct. 1602. 2 Arthur, killed in action in Flanders. 3 ‘sViIlians, capt. of dragoons, sd. in 1748. 4 Anthony, usajor-gon. in the arsny, and ool. of the 06th foot: M.P. for Grisnsby, in Lineolashire; si. o.s. in 1766; as. Slargaret Wonshwell, co-heiress of V. Wombwelh, of Wombwell, Yorkshire. 5 Barry-Statthow. I Elizabeth, as. in 1750, to Major Ralph Bssrton. 2 Levina, as. in 1756, to George Clarges, Esq. 3 Cathoriae, si unas. 1736. Tie ns. 2ndiy. Afra, dan. of Thomas Marfieto, of Trssphasn, and had a son, who ri. 1673. TIse elder son, Tue Rsonv How. Acmua St. Lunca, of Doneraile, wiso waa created, 23 Juno, 1703, .iRsrow Kilssssssiow and Vssoouat DeaaSALLe, sss. in 1690, Elizabeth, dan. and heir of John Hayes, Esq. of ;Vinehilsoa, and had issue, s. ARTOUR, his successor. it. John, killed hy Arthur Blennorhassot, Esq., in a duel, in 1741, and si. nasse. su. lions, seho a. his nephew in the honoars. i. Rlizalseth, as. to Richard Aidworth, Esq. of Newnsarket, eo. Cork, Ml’., gransison of Ssr hliehord Aldwortls, Knt., provost-mareselsal of SInssster, assd had issue, I Rovs.c, of New,narhet, eo. Cork, who sss. 1st, Jane, don. of Ilohert Oliver, Esq. of Clossghnodfoy, eo. Lisnoriek, and in. Janses, in Isaly orders, 9. 4 Oct. 1787; os.2 March, 1809, had by her, Richard, wise sss. Ansso, widow of Admiral Coates ; Robert, who sJ. asssss.; Jasse, sss. to Plsineas llssry, Esq.; Elizabeth, so. to Jolsn Flood, Essi.; Stacy; and Susan. ito sss. lssdly, Stariha, doss, of ilolsert ttogcrs, Esq. of Lola, no. Cork, and lssssi by her, St. Leger, Christopher, and Itohert Rogers. Tise lant-isansed, RoacnT-Rooecs ALn5VORTII, Eaq., as. II Starch, 1793. Ehoaholh, dan. of Arelsdeaeon John Oliver, ansi hod, RicnAan OLsvca, of Newissarket, high sheriff of the ro. Cork, 1832-3, 9. 2 Feb. 1794; as. 22 Jan. 1824, I.etitio, slasi. of Viscount Eunismorc. ant has issase, ttiehard-Wiuiaso, lient.-eol. 7tls fasiliers; Robert; Willians-St. Roger, in holy orders, as. 16 Juno. 1807, Mary—Rrowne, 3rd dna. of Ihe lote W.-Stark Osoaglsall, Fop of Scot’s Craig, eo. Fife; John; and KatiscrineAnne. sv. Artlsssr, 6.5 Sept. 1761, a major-gen. E.l.C.S.; 51, uses, in Jelsa, as. Anne, dau. of Chos.-D. Oliver, Req., and has v. Ilnrry-Iioyle, 6. 23 Nov. 1768, isacrister-al-law ansI SIP.; issue, Cisarles-Olivor, Robert—St. Leger, Sliehard-Fitzjohn, St. Leger-Itewitt, Eltaabelh-Catherino, SarahSlariq, i. ttenrielta, so. lot, tss Jolsn Godsoll. Esq.; ansi InsIly, to the Lctitia-Agaes. St. Leger, as. Alicia, doss. of Charles-D. Oliver, Esq., as. Flizaheth, as. to Wilhnns-Annealey Baihhie, Esq.; and si in and has issue, a son, Robert-Oliver. RoborL 2 St. LEOER, who was created Lord .Dwaes’nilein 1776. The vioeonnt st. in July, 1727, and was a. by his eldest son, ARTHUR, 2nd viscount, who sa. lot, in 1717, Story, only ohOsi v. Carolino-Calberisse, as. in 1002, to Cal. Thosssas Ales’rk, of of Cisorles, Lord Iltohuss (who lost his life in a duel sntth tise vi. Charlotte Tisrodosia, sss. Wiliiasn, Lord ltivomdsslc, sd. Doles of Hamilton), and had an only son, Asitnua-Slonuo, 9. 7 Aug. 17t0. His lordship sa. 2ndly, Catherine-Sarah, don. of Capt. Jolsu The viscossnt si. 15 Slay, 1797, and amos a. by Isis eldest son, Conyngham, but by her hod no surviving issue. Ito d. 13 Hayes, 2nd sisenonat, 9.9 Starch, 1750, who ass. 3 Sa1d. 1700, March, 1733-4, and was z. by isis sun, Aa’rnra SIenna, 3rd viscount. This nobleman as. 1st, of Jasncs hlernssrd, Esq. of Castle Bernard, by Isis nifo. Esther, 3 April, 1735, STory, heir of Anthony Shepherd, Essi. of Nosyeaatle, dan. of Perry Snsyth, Esq. of Iloadlsoi’ongh, ro. W’sslcrfssrd (roe eo. Longford; and 2ndly, 3 June, 1739, CatherIne, eldest Rnaxn’s Lan,iesl Gssslry), and by her (who sl. 2 Se’t. 1530) had, dan. of Viscount Stossoswene, but sd. op. in 1749, when the ltavns, 3rd viseassut. houossrs reverted to his nnclg, listen, 4tls viscount, who sso. I 723. Elizabeth, eldest dan. ansi Harriet, as. 31 Oct. 1821, toll. Snsyth. itsq. ssf Ilallynsotray, en. co-heir of the Lord Chief Boron Deane, but 8. without issue, 25Apr11, 1767, when the viseounty, he., became cxtiart, while Walerford; and 1125 May, 1846. 11cr oosslawec 1. lOSS. - the estates devolved upon (the son of Ins sister) Isis nephew, St. Lnona ALnwoc’rn, Esq. This gentleman represented the Movns, 3rd ydseosmi, ss reprosenlalive peer, eel, of the South borongh of Doneraile in parliament in 1745; and on sneeecsting C By Ilenrictla Isis wife, 2nd dass. of William Dnaocomho, to the estates of his maternal ancestors, assamed tlse surname Esq. o1 Mensst llroart. ro. Cork. The Boasts “6 Ballyrb.uIsh and arms uf St. LEOER. lie was elorated to tne peerage of were farnserly sealed at Lisnegar, and are directly des,’ended Ireland, 2 July, 1776, as Barsn .Doncrafle of Dnaerssite, and from WiRiam do Rarry, who claimed to be the senior branch of created VIscoUNT DoHnaalLn, 22 Jsone, 1795. lIe an. Mary, the hloasse of Ilarrysnore. 351 DON and had, eldest don, of Charles Blakenry, Esq. ssf Ilolywell ra. Rnaoa’ssnson, ansi isy se r (srhss 1, 19 Jsdy5 18015) lussl, I tiss’ssocn-Asstnra, iss Isoly orslers. peclseloal essratcssf 0. tcrford, hosncrsct, 9. I Mfl, 1796; as. 13 Slav, I °2d, Clsas’lahle, Isssl Jan. of Sir Jsshss h”reslcrieh, thick , sss,st by her (wlso sl. 2 OcR IbSO) has, tlielsard—.trshssr, 6. 23 l”cts. 1h25. Eslsasss’sl—Fraderiele, St.A., reetssr ssf Saotlou, Lineolisslsire IsiS; so. 1661, Carsstisse—Klizssl,rtl, dssu. of Wihlisssss— llselsssrd hlishols, Esq. of Eaotcr, sssssl Isas I stsoard, Is. 1866; Ralph, t, 4 A,ril, thuS ; and toviss dons., Eliset and Edith. Ehizasisells. Frances. Mary-Anne, sss. 3 Jan. 1054, to ,Isstsn-Bssller Feliowes, Faq., hywhons (who 8. Slay, 1856) she has a dau., STand. 2 Proaefs-llarry.Royle, 6. 1790, lsasrrister; si. waas. 1029. 1 Mananne, so. 10 t”eh. 1807, the lloss. and Rev. Edward Taylonr, ansI ,i. Isis widow 22 MorrIs, 1859. 2 Itenrtoths-Frances. The Ilon. Richard St. Legersa. Sadly, iss OcI. 1609, Elizabeth, only elsild of tsaniet-Rohcrt ilulless, Esq. of Old Cossnanghst, eo. Duhttn; and si. Jan. 1841, havhisg hod by her, I John-GUSts, of Rathmines ltssssee, s’s. l;ol,lin, 6. 19 July, 1811; as. 12 Oct. lOla, Charlssrto—Anne, 2nd slzss. of ivillions— Slade Golly, kssj. ssf ‘frevesssseis lionre, Cos’sswall, and sd. 17 Jan. 1867, having Isad issne, Richard-William, 6. 9 Jaa. 1802. William, 9.1503. bt. John, 6. 1850. Josr1slstne-Eltza. 2 Jonses-Aldwarfh, 9.20 Feb. 1811; roasas. O.K.; as. Ang. 1853, Maria-Esnilia, Inst dan. of tise Rot. W.-5i. Flensyng, and has tsssse, a son, Riehard-b’lrmycg. 3 William-henry, 9. 1016; sss. Kate, dan. of Major Doyle. 4 2lontasso-5lnthen’, b. 10 Oct. 1817; as. Esther, dan. of Thomas Oollssek, Esq. of llonsaarklyn, en. Cork. S Edward-Richard-Taylor, 9.10 Jan. 1821. I Clsarlatle-ffcnriotto, so. 11 Jaly, 1842, to the Rev. JamesIlontec Olonahan, MA., rector of St. ilssry’s, and Isrebondary of St. Slirian’s, Dublin, and 1. 26 Nov. 1560. 2 Eliza-Canalinc, sa. lana, to 14.-S. Pagan, Esq. 3 Louiso-Margarct, sss. Oct. 1851, to Ttsonsas-P. Carr, Rsq.; and sI. 18 drlst. 1806. Caltscriue, yossogost doss. of’l’humos O’tliiams, Esq., lsy whom (snho sI. 182!) ho loft at his decease, 21 Nov. 1034. 1 Charles-Arthm’, 9. 14 Fets. 1817; os.28 Jaly, 1839, JaneRabins, don, of William ltowkcsley, Esq.,anst Isas, Arlhnr— Francis, 9. July, 1846; and Arrlsihald-WiOians, 9. 11 AIsril, I 85.3. I Caroline, ass, in 1830, Ttsomas-Nctherton Langford, Req., past—captain IN., assd has fassr elasis. 2 Caslscrtssc, so. 23 Fob. 1043. Is, llsc 11ev. Fmneis-Ksyvrtt Leigis lose MA., rector of htar;ssdess, en. llx,sss, late frll,sw of Al; Sossis, sssn ssf C,sI. Frasseis-Kssyrrtt Loiglstoss, lay Ilso Hon. I,assisa—Anne St. 1.egrr, hts wife (as LesnnTow Raauwevrv;, ansi has a sssss, Francis-St. Lcgcr Knyartt Lctglstan. 9.27 Ang. 1500. Jan. 1723. din Nov. 1799. h-lois. Josc;sh I.ysaght; and 1. in 1022. 1521. in. Mary, m. to Jolsn Watkisss, Esq. of Old Conrt, en. Cos’k; and 51. in 1824. iv. Lo’sioo-Anne, as. in July, laOS, to Lient.-CssI. Francis— Knyvett I.eiglston; oriso sI. 19 Nssv. 182-h. Rnrwood llossse, Surrey; and 5;. in Fob. 1540. v.Georgiana, ns. in 1796, to Pascoe Grenfoi, Esq. ofTaplow Honse, hacks; and sI. 19 Slay, ISIS. Chsarlntto, sister of F’s’ssncis, let Earl of Houston, asset IsIs doss. Charlotte, asS July, 1516, to Jonas SlawsIl. Req. of ttilbriltasss, en. Cork, who 1. IS Jan. 1835; shed. tss 1049. Ills lordship . 5 Nov. thiS, asid was a. lsy his ss’n,