Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/426

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PUN P A S. a DUNDAS, Sta D,tvso, of Beeehwood, Co. SlidLothian, ii. 28 Aug. 1803 ; e. as 2nd baronet, on the decease of his father, 28 Dee. 1835; sa. let, 23 Nov. 1841, Catherioo-Margaret, eldest dan. of Juhn-Whyte Melville, Esq. of Bonnoehy and Straithkinness, and by her (who el. 23 April, 1856) has had issue, i. Robert, rifle irigade, 9. 27 March, 1914; 1. at Q,,el’ee, 19 Sept. 1995. n. David-Peihain, 9. 5 April, 1943 ; 1. 23 May, 1047. iii. Sinteev-Joains, 9. 1 June, 5919. iv. Charles-henry, 9. 1 Jan. 1951. v. Goorge-Whyts-SloIville, 9. in 1936. i. Georgiana-Cathoune, ii 20 .Jnno, 105.1. ii. Mary-Louisa iii. Lucy-Jane. Sir David eu. 2ndly, 24 Aug. 1858, Lueie-Anne, Scotland; a capt. in the oruoty; 8. 18 April, 1814 youngest dsu. of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Ohieleester. a. his father, as Iltit eat-I, 31 Oct. 1860; us. 1 Dee. 3LiIlrzlgr. The Dusa.ssae are generally believed te have eprnng Maekinnon, Eoq. of Slnekinnon, and has, from the Busnons, Earls of March, who derirod, themselves, s. Douanae-21.’.cuciaaow BssLLse-llaassLvoa,Larsl Ceclsreae, from the liens, Princes of England. (SieL liounee’s Lasts’5 f?eetry.) Sm 3 cairo itranas, of Ars,istor, ,Srd cuts f George is. Thonmno-Itoratlo-Arthur, 2. 2 April, l.o07. Dundas, Esq. of Dn,sdas, by Catl,arine, his 2nd svifr, dan. 1. Leustoa-Catlserisse. ii. Alice-Lam’a-Sophin. of Lawi-ence, 3rd Lord 01i1,hant, was father of Sm flares Bunco, who received tho honour if knighthood to. Eothou’-Rooe-Georgina. from (‘acoLos IT. lie left by his lot wife, Maria,,, dan. of Robert, Lent Boyd, a eon, Il’,l,ert, if Arnioton, This family, which dsnivod its sssrnaisee from the Ras-ossy ancestor of the f,sinilies if itundas if Arniot ‘n, and of of Cuehrano, ow Ressfrosv, is of great as,tiquutty in North Dn,sdas, Viscounts Melville ; and by his 2,sd wife, Janet Drit,stn ,‘aso.t nsstler the ssasne of ELAnI, was of harossial flcpburnc, another sons, Passes, merchant in Edinburgh, svho, 1)3’ his svifs a dan. rasok nsany senturics pros-busty to its attaining the honour of Sir W. Riddell) had issue, Rosrsrr DeNnis, likewise a merchant, irlia ml. Margaret, WAnnra uc Uocna.itse, in the reign of ALexaaunea HI., dan. of Robert Watson, of Slnirhoosso ; and dying its 1799, was witsseas to the grant made I.’y Diusgal, the cost of loft by her (who ii. in 1794), Jines, d. osoii. Reneav, of whom presently. DAv,n IThe Itight ll,,o. Sir), a nsilitary ocer of lugh rcpnntattoo, F,um this person descended, wise was mails a gen., Kit., governor of Fort St. WILLIAO5 nst CoeusaAate, w-ho erected, frosn thofoundatian, George and Fort Augustus, and sp1oitssned 23 March, 1909, the aneseist seat of Coebrano, and ornamented it with eonsseaoilcr—,n-elssrf of tIns fors’ss, whirls Isigis ofiice Ins retained extrusive plantattims. This gonstiensan left hy his wife, n,ssil 23 Slay, 1911 he was also g’versnsr of Chelsea Margaret, dan. of Sir Robert Montgonsory, of Skelmorly, hospital Sir David Dandas a. Clssrt,,n so. dan. of Liessi.— on. Ayr, an only dais., Gee. Oliver Do 2.eorey; and 1. 19 Feb. 1920, without issue. ELuo.uneTn (‘ocnaaao, who si. Alexander, youssger sets Sits widow if. in April, 1940. Story, ii. Oitoi. in 1903. BonneT Duoenao, this 2nd son, a clergyn,nns of the elsnreh oee Bueutr.’s modal fleshy), which s,f Scotland, ni. Elizabeth, dais, of tiso Rev. Thosuas Turss— Coena.saa. Gf thts marrhigo there svero oevons soles ansd hull, and d. in iroo, leaving by her (who it. in 1779), Rosen, crested a Baronet. henry, Slargaret, snd Sisry, all deceased. Tue older sm, RosenT Dunce, Eoq., ii. 39 July, 1791, one ef the prin376 elevated te the peerage, 27 Deo. 1647, as Bou’en Cselu’sne, C’reotiso—24 July, loll - A ‘os—Arg., a lion rampant, gts., within a bordore, eisgr., ems. (‘rest—A lion’s hesd, aifreotfe, in a bush of oak, all plir. Sejsjsseters—Dsxlrr, a grey horse; sinister, an rioplinol, org., each charged en TIm shoulder with a thistle, ppr. Jfolfs — Fssayes. Rots — Beeshtwoed, SlidLotlsian t and Dunira, cc. Perth. Dt-NDoy.CLD, Eano os’ (Thomas-Barnes Coeltrane), no. Ayu-, Baron C’oehrane of Dundonald, Lord (inchnone of Paisley and Ochiltrie, in the peerage of 1847, Lonioa-Hnu’u’iet, don. of William-Alexander 9. 29 Got. 1952. sss. EliznbetL-Slary-Harriet. iLlllragc. of the pees’ago. ,Swaine, t , Walter Cumnsing, Earl of Jtsnteith, of sundry lassdo in the cc. of Argyll ; assd his etscoeooar, Wso.Lsaan nn Cocnasien, performed homega to Enw.onn J. of Johns Blair, if that ilk (fr pedigree of Diane of’ Blair, Aooxanuoima Barn aosnnsod tIm svsrusanuo ,ssd arms uf three dans. The eldest son, Sm Joint CncanaNr, n cal. in the an-my of Csnannta 0., dying without isouo, was o. by his hi-other, Sin Wnasaes Coensnawr, Knit, of Cswdo,u, n’ho was DUN PUN ms)or-generah and inspector ef artillery, an able military sipal clerks of tho Cotsrt of Sossion, its Seutlsuud, was created and scientific officer, who d. in 1959. a Baronet 24 July, 1821. lie ni. 20 July, 1799, Motihde, 3. Davse Duwnas, Eoq., the 3rd son, was one of the dan. of the hate hiss. Archibald Coekhnsns, one ci the medical atts,sdants of Goonon 111., oid was created n baronsa of the Court of Exehseqoen’ sn Seotlassd, by whom Baronet 22 May, 5913. tIe nut. Isabella, dan. of Williarsu tb- (also if. in 3fay, 1942) he had issue, bertoon, Esq. of Rielssssouud, and by her load o’ issue, Bavun, present baronet. hVinwnsns, hit heir. Jansee-FutmoaToN, 3rd bsrosnct. Jane, ci. in 1924 to Robert Whiglnans, Esq, of Lethpatriek, Jons-htesncets, 411, hart. and 7. in 1840. Isabella. Elizabeth, iii. in 1939, to 0cc. Sir Jasuses Simpson, G.CAh., Sir David if. 10 Jan,. 1026, and was a. by his sos, coT. ci the 20th regt., and ii. 27 Nay. i940. Gen. Sir J. IT. S]aWsLsaaas, 9. 10 Bee. 1777, at whese decease, anus., the Rev. Leonsand Streog, 2nd sen ins Nov. 1940, the title devolved ens Isle bnidhor, af the ilev. Robert Strong, rector of llsatnpton Abbette, cc. Ill. Sin Jaasr.s-FumLnnTos, sssajsr-geni. 1iongsl artillery, 1-isreferd. who it nuassi. 19 June, 1919, tunaS was a by his brother, the 3lsrgaret, set. in 1919 to Arclnibald Davidson, Esq., and it. in -Ith and h-sot bareuet 1859. - Charlotte, uo. 12 April, hOle, to Allsa-Eliolt Lockhart, Esq. af f’resstssns—22 Slay, 1813.’ llocthwtsk Bros and Cleghors, forna”rly MB. Robins-Story, as. 1930, tovtee-Adssniral It. Biundas, lt.N., svlso .J. iii 1963. henrietta, it. young. DUND ONALD. -