Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/436

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DYN Home, and was grandfather of the present Sic PsacyvoLtlI Aav Davo, Burt. Creation—I March, 1676. Arose—Or, three rinqnefoils, soCrust—A cubit arin,in a rinour, the- hand in a gauntlet, ees., gaomabel, or, tickling a einqnefail, slipped, aloe so. &,‘l— Lullingatone Castle, Kent. P V NE V OR. UTNEV0R, BAtteN (George-Rice Rice-Trevur, D.C.L.), of Bynevor, cc. C’aermat-theu, hen. eel, of the Cuermarthenehire militia, late aide-do-camp to the Queen, Vice- President of the Catobriatt Itistitution ; fe. 5 Aug. 1795; rn. 27 Nov. 1824, Frances, eldest dau. i. Itenriettee-Ceeilia, see, in 1188, to hlagena Dorrien-Magens, of Lord Chat-lee Fitzroy, icy whom he has had issue, ii. Maria, cc. 1798, to ihe late Adus. John ltarkham; and at. I. Frances-Emily, eec. I May, 1848, to the late Edward-ifoliotI Wingfleld, hag., and ,t. 26 Nov. 1863. as. Careline-Elha’eelh-Annc, ce. 24 Feb. 1540, to Sir Thomas The baroness ci. 3d hlarch, 1793, aud was c-by leer elder son, Jlatessn, Fart. In. Eva-Gwenthan, t. ysesny, 28 July, 1842. iv. Selina, aa. 12 Nov. 1862, to the Earl of Longford. a’. Eleanore-Mary. His lordship asouneed the additional surname of a. Geone.s-Rico, present peer. - Tuevon, as inheritor of the estate’s of tile Tm-cvors is,. liars-hit-lucy. iv. Coroline-Olary. of Glynde, in Sussex. lIe a as 4th baa-on, on the v. Ksetlierioe-Sarah. vi. Maria-Rtizalceth. decease of his father, 9 April, 1852. 3Luttcage. An iilnminatesl pedigree of the family of lOcs, drawn and ermines, a lion, rassspant. or, for Teavon e 2nd and 3rd, org., a attested by Ralph Brooke, York Itorald, in the year 1600, and chevron, between three ravens, sa., for Rico. ronlisnesi to the present linse by etiflerent hands, is now in the fe-eel s—tat, ispon a eltapeau, gu., tnrnednperneine, 0 wyvern, possession of Lord Ilynevor, by svlneh it appears eliot else chugs elevated, so., for Tnovoa; 2nd. a raven, sa., for Rica. founder of the house, Tiaras Rearm, turd of Itidwelly, Carssntlou, and Yakenen, in talbeet. arg., ears ermine, eullured-itory, counter-story, gsa., and South Wales, en. Otargaret l.a l’ayo, dau. of Oerlors, Duke of chnrged en the shoulder ‘title a trefoil, atileleed, vert. Cornarall, and was ancestor of Sic KLlnsa Des-, knight of the Sepulchre long. RsrnAnn I., Seats—Barrington Park, Glsueeaterahsire; cud Dynevur who was great-grandfather of CayrriTu se Nsrnocso, who lsa,t lass sons, of whom the 2nd, Owen, founded the families ot Ruoss of Lterletwyoogs, and of Rosa, now seated at Killymaenliwyd. l&e Brass’s Loeelref Gealry.) l’rons Cue elder son and heir, Tsoasaa (father of the fosssed Sir Risys op Thomas, Ku.), descended, through along line of progenitors, GairriTu Rim, Bag. of Newten, aLP, for 11cc Co. of Carmarthen in lice last 1earhasioout of King Wss.rraai an,l timi first four of Queen Assa. This gentlensan el Katheriue, dou, and eo-leeir nf Philip liohy, Rag, of Neatis Abboy, in Glamorganalsire, and dying in 1729, was o. by isis grandson, flsoaoa Rica, Rag. of Newton (son of Edsrard Rice, Rag., M.P. for Conuarthen, by Lucy, dau. of John-llorley Toevor, Rag. of Olyod, Co. Sussex). This gentleman represented the co. of Carnoorlhssu in prsrhamcnt. Ito ne. 10 Aug. 1756, Corn, only child of Wis.uass TornoT, 2nd Baron and 1st Earl Tathot, who, having DT8ART, E.tnn OF (Sir Lionel-William-John Tohlemadhe), no surviving nsale issne, was crealed BISON l)vaaroa, of Dyoevor, 17 Oct. 1780. with remahe,Ier to his said only dan., Lady the peerage of Scotland, and a Baronet of Great Cecil Rice (by Mary, etau, and heir of Adam de Csirdonnel, Bog., Britain; 5. 18 Nov. 1794; ems. 23 Sept. 1819, hia secretary—at—oar leeeep. Queesi Asos). Otis lordsleijs si. 27 April, cousin, Maria, eldest datt. of the late Sweeney Toene 1782, an’t the barony, according to the llsnilatksn, deseeseded to Esq. of Keeton Lodge, and has, her ladyship, Caeir, as Basoansa Dysrvoa, 8. 1733. 11cr ladyship assumed, Wirsassi-LIessL-F0LIT, Lest lJe’oltuglswer, 5. 4 July, 1820; in 1787, pursuant to the will of tier soother, tics surname and onass of Ba Cssnosast only. She had issue ley the said George Odice (o’ho d. 3 Aug. 1779), s. Osoace-Tatsot, late peer. . Edward, D.D., dean of Gloucester: h. 19 Nov. 1776, us. July, 1800, Charlotte, 2nd dau. of the late Gen. Oaeellcs and fi. lb Asig. 1862, having by her (who sf 1832) hod, 386 DYS 1 Edoord, sl. 5 June, 3820. 2 FuAsrsa-Wis.rsAas, vicar of Fairford, Glooeesterahire 5. 1804; cs. 1st, 1816, liarriet-Ivea, don. of B. Raymusnd Barker, hog and by her (u-ho ,l. 1854) has AtsTsstR ns Csnmoaaec, 8. 1816, and Ellen, ce. loll, to the Rev. J.-O. Joyce, reereer of Strathfieldsoye, ileinta. The vicar sec. lndly, 18 Nov. 1856, Etiza-Asoolia, eldest doss, of she loie Rev. 11.-Caroegie Knox, reclor of Lerhlade, and by her has l’raaria-Cornegie, 1,. 18 July, IhIB Wiltiam—Talbot, b. 24 March, 1861 Cecil-blina, .tlies, unit Ilory. 3 George-Robert, et. 12 May, 5054. 4 Henry, in holy orders, rector of Great Rissingson, Gluuesatesahire e e,,. 12 Dec. 1837, Eus,nn, dau. of TV-F. Lowndes-Steno, Faq. of llrighloelt-Park, Oxeie, and has, Edseard, 5. 1851; ltenry, Ic. 1082; Frances-Roams, sss. 23 April, 1861, te’ Cecil-Charles, only son of Sir O’eter You Notten Psele, Fart.; Catherine; Cecil-Louisa; Florence-Mario; tieorgianee; Ansy—Aogusta ; and Beatrice. 3 Jolsn-Talhot, en. 1st, II Oct. 1816, Clara-Louisa, 3rd dan. of Sir John-Chaudos heads, Fart., which lady fi. 11 Aug. 1851; usid lndty, 24 Oct. 1855, EEzabeth-Luey, dau. of Roleert lloyd, Faq. I Charlotte, ma. I Sept. 1835, 10 the Rev. A. Cameron. 2 Cecil, cce. 4 Jun. 1017, to Ccl. Charles-Augustus Arnoy, and ci. 2 Jsese, 1852. Cccl. Aeney ce. indly, 28 Ilarch, 1060, Ilutildo-Anne, euhy child and heir of the late Major Lang, 13th it. dragoons. 3 llaria, cc. 3 Sept. 1839, to the Rev. Edward Otanhes, cun,,n af fhioureafer ascii lIristul, and chaplain in ordinary to her Olajesty, case sl. 24 May, 1887. it Elizabeth, sI, 7 Oct. 1828. O Lucy-ulenstia, ce. 7 June, 1832. to the Rev. Wm. Rerott. 6 Frances-Emma, see. 20 hlesr. 18 P2, to the lieu. Wm. Wiggin, rector of Oddiogton, Gloureatos-ahire, and at. I hay, 1860. 7 htaria-O.oesisa, 5.21 imrh. 1840. Rag.; and ,t. 17 Dec. 1049; beet. 1849. 1810. 000ssus-TALsoT, 3rd baron, 8. 8 Oct. 1765, who resumed his palernal eeasoe of Rica in 1817. lIe ee. 20 Oct. 1794, Frances, 3rd dan. of Thomas, 1st Viacouut Sidney, and had surviving issue, i. Frances. n. Cecd. Ills herdalup d. 9 Apre, 1802. Ceeolkeee—I7 Oct. 1780. Aroeo—Qnortcrly e tat and 4th, per bend, sinister, ermine and Seep4eceilee’o—Ilexter, a ge-him, per fease, or aced org., sings addoraed and inverled, the tail teetween ilse legs; ainiaier, a Olaf ho—Secret et hiardi, or Secret and hardy. Castle, Llandilo, South Wales. Tense Hsssae—h9, t’risscca Oardena, Ityde Fork. ccc. Fife, Baron Hnntingtower, en. Perth, in us If Sept. 1801, Isis oeusiue, Kathsmriue-Euizabeth_Cansills, yosengeat steen. of Ihe late Sir Jssaephi Bnrke, ltart. of Olinak Castle, Co. Galo’ay, croci laeia iced, 1 Wirt,Aam-Juua-htasssna, 0. 3 htarch, 180 1 blory-Lsuiaa-Napolooua-htannera, sf 20 June, 1859, 2 Agoes-hlary-blarcners. 3 Agatha-hlanuero. DY S A 11 T.