Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/444

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EFF (Sir). The eldest sen e. to the estates of his father, but was ruled by the experienced in sea-matters, the queen dying e. p. in ff20, those devolved upon the led, bra FRANCIs hOWARD, of Great Moekham, Surrey, who Otis lordship if. at the advanced age of 27, 14 Dee, 1624, irs. Jane, dau. of Sir William Mooean, Knt. of KinneraIcy, arid wire a. by his 2nd but eldest surviving ss,ir, and was e. by his eldest son, SIR CHARLES hlowxan, who ra. Francee, dau. of Sir CHARLEs, 2nd earl, who ci. without male issue, 3 Oct. George Conrthope, of Wyleigh, co. Soasex, and 1642, when the houours devolved upon his half-brother, dying in sf72, left two sons, 1 FaANma, who .‘. as 5th baron. 2 Gooaoe HOWARD, Req., who so. Anne, dan of but the bssrory nsf Howu-d of Effinghans reverted t0 Thomas Kidder, Req of Lerves, and left, in 1284, Fa,svcrs thoivArin, Eoq. of Great Meekham, co. Snm’oy, an wily son, Lnr.uv,-Gr.N. TnoMAs llowaap, governor of Tier- as ltb barorr (revert to descendants of Sir William Howard, wick; who or, Mary, youngest dan. of William and sari of the let lord). This nrrblcman ins. l’hiladelphia, Norton, Bishop of Slcath, and dying in 1753, dais, of Sir Thensaa Pelhsnr, Dart , by whom he brid three left issue, - I George (Sir), KM., frelrl-naarshalhr the army, aons rind three doria., Philadelphia, ivlro ,i. nasa. ; 3 largaretFrances, N. P., garerror of Chelsea Hospital, who or. Set, Lady Lucy Wentw.srtb, sister and ce-her of William, Earl of Strafferd, by whom he lift Req. Hi’ ii. 10 Slareh, 1694, and wire a. by his 2nd, hut eldest an only surviving child, Ann, iii. in 1765, trr Gee. Rich. Vyee, and n7. ii, Tnainas, Liii baron, who ii, without male iaaue,5 10 July, 1784, leaving asrrn and heir, Richard-William— 1735, when the barrriy devolved upon his brother, Howard Huward-Vyoe, Faq. of Stoke, Bricks. Fr.aacss, 7th baron. His lordship was a nulitan3’ officer Sir George is. 2ndly, EB-eabeth, don, of Peter of lugh rank, rind was advanced to the ErsoLnoan Os Ere’roouaar, Ileckford, Esq. of Jamaica, arid wirlow of Thomas, fnd Earl of Kffinglrsm, but by her lii Sic same year lie was corrstitrrtcd deputy earl-marshal of had no issue, lie d, iii 1756. 2 HENRY Howaan, Eaq. of Arundel, who left at Enrgland, lIe or. lot, Diana, darn, of Major-Gen. O’Farrel, his decease, 10 Sept. 1211, by his let wife, Catherine (who ii. in Dcc. 1762), dan. of the Rev. John Cisrlten, I). II., Iwo dons., Catherine, so. of the commissioners if the Board of Green Cloth, hut by to the Roe Robert filayncy, lord of the manor that lady lra,1 rio surviving issue. The earl ci. 12 Feb. 1743-3 of Garlford, arid 1. 12 April, 3830 ; and Slary, and was e. by his only iorr, who 1. OoOS. 36 11cc. 1233; andbyhisfnd wife, Tnoexe, 2nd earl, also a mihtary officer of rank, and, Slaria (who ‘1. 29 Jan. lOaf), 2nd dan. and by appointment, deputy-carl-marshal. Ilis lordship si, in ce-heir of Kenneth Sloe Kcnzie, Viaeannt Fortress, ,n only son, KENNEYH-ALEXANDER, late 1744-2, Elizabeth, dan, of Peter Meckferd, Eaq., speaker ci Earl of Effinghom. 1 Mary, irs. to Sir Francis Vincent, Bert and the Ilonee sf Assembly of Jamaica, and sister of William had a dan., Mary, C,srintese of liooehcrry. 2 Catherine, or. to Field-Marshal Stndholnic Lonid,os, (See BensKr’e Lune,lesh Ocafry.) Dy this lady (v-be Rodgson, eeL 7th dragoon-guards, ranger of or. fndly, Pield-Marshal Sb- George Howord, K. B.) his lordship Windsor, and had a sn, lien. John-Stndhelme Hodgssn, cot, of the 4th rcgt. 1 Jane, rn. Thomas Metheld, Req. of Hole Henoc, Tooxae, - successive saris, Kensington, by whom she left at her death, in Elir.srbetb, sir, to tire Right Rev. Dr. Henry-Reginald March, 171ll0, an only son, William Melbold, Req., is. Frances, din, and Anne, Lt-,-Col, Christopher Carleton, wbe din 178 7, evsntuaBy sole heir, of Thomas Preaticy, Esq. Maria, so. to Guy, Sat Lord Dorchester, who ci. in 1508, ef Cornfield Place, and had issue, 1 Evasiele Methald, grandfather to Mr. ltotheldEden, THoMas, 3rd earl, aieo deputy earl-marshal, who as. in of Ecomieb Park, Durham. 2 Thomas Jlctlesld, ,,s. Catherine, don. of John 1761, Crtherine, dsrnr, of Sietmtlc Proctor, Esq. of Thorpe, Teller, oerjeant-at-larv, of Rilliuborenigh Hall and Ryhall tIall, so. Rutland, by Catherine, dan, of Sir John Chester, Mart, of Chielnley DrenARn, 4th Earl of Effiaghani, at whose demise, 11 (we BURKE’S Exlicl Js’sree,;tege), and had issue, Dec. 1912, the earldonr of Effiugham ceased ; but tbe barony I Themo, in holy orders, prvbcndory of Norwich, reverted tsr his kinsman (refer Is the descendants of Sir deceased. 1 Catherine, on. gdmmrd-Tbomas Wolers, Esq. Thewsird, of Effingham), Lard Howard, of Effingham, ci. 21 Jan. 2573, and woe a. by KEa-Nrrn-,aLrxANne;rr HdrwAon, as 11th Baron howard, of his eldest eon, CHARLES, 2nd baron, who was installed a knight of the His lordship, 6. 39 Nov. 1767 ; on. 27 Slay, 1600, Charlstte, Garter, 04 April, 1574 ; and having been oppnhrted, by don. ef Neil, Irri Enirl of Reacbery, and by her (who n,i. Queen EUZABETES, eemmsniter-in-chief of the fleet fitted Indlv, 00 April, 1652, Tbomas Helixes, Esq. and ci. 17 Sept. out to oppose the Spanish armarla in 1322, his tc’rda-bip 1604) bad isasne, (a Roman Catholic) hod the high honour s,f preaerrirsg the lieaov, present earl. shores of his coimtry inviol;ehie, by dispersing arid tetally Charles, late of the 2nd ferd.grrarda, 6. 6 Dec. 1507. destroying that powerful armament. On the 22 Oct. William, ft.A. hon. canon of York and roeror of Whittan, oo. 1526, Lord Howard was created Raw. or NoTvlxeusii, and after the aeceesion r,f JAMES I. (at whose coronation he officiated as lerd high steward of England), his lordebip was engaged in several diplomatic missions of importaxes. AraheBaGeorgiira,n,r. 31 Starch, 1541, to Francia-Tbornhill, Tire earl ‘i, let, t’atharine, dan. r,f Ilenry Csrry, Lord irma- don, by wh,,m he bad Los eons and three dross. ; and tnilly, His lordship, who was a knight grand cross of the Math, a lllorgarct, den. of James Stewart, Earl of Murray, by whom goir. in the army, and eel, of the 70th rcgt., ci. 50 Jan, 1545. be hart two eons. Puller, in his quaint manner, thus speaks (‘i’eeCii,sno—Barony, 11 lIar, 1513-4. Earldom, Joiy, 1515. of this gallant anrl eminent personage ‘‘An hearty gentleman, and cordial to his aevereigx, of arg., air cscoehesn of the field, charged svith a demi-Bon, a most proper person, sire reas’ Sri wIry Queen ELIZABETH rsmspantl, pierced through the mouth with an armw, within a (who, though she did not value a jcsvel hy. valued it the double tressurc, fiary-cormlei’fory. sears for, a fair ease) reflected a’ much en him, Hia service in the 25th is ust’ ‘rieiealy known, when, .Sopjsnieter-s—Twe hens, avg., on tire shoulder of cash a mallet at the first news of the Spanish approach, he towed at a for difference, o,ibls with his own hands, to draw out the harbour-hound ships lute the sea. I dare boldly say, he divw mare, though not by his person, by his presence and example, than any ten in the place. Ti-rue it is, he was no deep seaman (not ° By Slary, his let wife, dan, and heir of Ruishe Wentsvortb, to be expected from one of his extraction), but had skill enessigh to know these wba had more skill tbari himself, two dime,, his co-heirs, antI to follow their instnictiona ; and would riot etarre the ANNE, ins, to Sir William Yongo, Bait. of Recot. queen’s oct-vice by feeding his own sturdy wilfuincea, but MARY, sr. to George Vernon, Req., afterwards Lon’d Vernon. 391 E F F hsivtng a navy of Ost, and an admiral of DEer,” Sun Cnaot ra Hcnvasn, Rut., as 3rd earl. I-Ifs lordship ci. without iosne,2f April, h’351, when the condom of Nottingham expired (one luoics’e E.rlirrrf crash Deroscurt Peeragc) whir 1. young; and Elizabeth, or. 1st, to William lhuhertv, Eoq. of WiBeaden, and Indly, to William Hutcboaon, surviving son, S Dee. 17H, hi consideration of professional services. by whom be bad an only eon, Tbsrors, bia successor ; be on. 2ridly, in 1725, Anne, sister of Robert Bristew, Req., sue Theckford, ef Fs,ntbifl, lord mayor and H.P. for the city of had iessre, Rir’narnn, Conrrtcuay, bishop of Exeter ; and ci, in 1215, The earl ci. 15 Nov. 1763, and was a. by his cider son, near I,seils, hut is, without issue, 15 Nov. 1751, when the honsnrrs dcvslvcd uperr his bristlier, William Howard, of Lr’ngflcld, 2nd een of the 1st Baron Effingham, who svas created EARL or ErnINouAN in ISIS. Y”rk, 2. 23 Apm’il, ISIS; or. 12 Feb. 1961, Barbara-FranoesWiiheiminst, youngest dan. of the late Lieut. -Ocn, Chester, H A. of Ashatsad, Surrey. Charlotte. let Lord Northhroek. ,iersso—flu,, an a bend, beta-cm six crseees-crosslet, 0 lchho, t’rcof—Oo a ehspeau. gu., tamed up, erm,, a lion, stalantguarriant, his Intl extended, rir, gorged with a rlneal coronet, srg. Alelte—Virtus mills seats. Sent—Tire Grange, Motherarn, Yorkshire. Tsornr Iloooe—57, Eaton I’lace, lisigravo Square. Req., nephew of Thomas, Earl ef Stmffsrd, ho had