Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/454

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ELG the Srrw.torrs on Loose, the STEWARTS OF Iloss-nne, and (of the junior branch) the HansaoTotce OF Exton. But the great tlosuse of llmco continued to ho perpetuated The lad eon, in the male line by a moot dlstingninhed family of harosnal Sen Rnwann Beren, of Blaimhall, sss. Alleon, dan. of John rank, which hasbeon prolific of high and important lsranchce. Reid, nf Aikenlsead, sister of Robert, bishop of Orkney, The farstily of Bruce of Clackmannan, from which all the president sf the Court of Session fmsna 1143 to his death, in principal housee of the name in Scotland are descended, Fnsnrc, where he was one of the osmmissi,snoms to witness claims to he of the came stock with the ancient Lords of the issilutials of Queen Slonv with the Dauphin, in 1538, and Annandale and of Skelten, and this claim wee distinctly sesppneed to have beets Foisenod. Sir Edward Bruce had, admitted by the head of the family, King Basin II., iii a chaster to Sir Robert Brnct, tlse eon of Thssoao limes, of iii. Goes-ge (Sit’), of Camtseok.5 iv. WilDam. the castle and manor of tilackmamsan, together with the Tho 2nd son, lands of Weoter Rennet, Gartlet, ftc., &c., dated 9th Dcc., Sen Rnwann Bones, of Kinloss, was appshnted a lord of- 2359. Is this charter, Ihe king designates Sir Robert Bresce session in 1257’, and accredited by Jeans VI., in 2610, with thus: “ Dilrcfs if due/i cssan’goines doe Botcrfe sic Prods.” the Earl of Mar, to the oeurt of ELIZaBeTH, to eongretuiats Sir Robert Brssce, tlse first of Clacksnannan, ii. in 1399, leaving her majesty upon the sssppmession of Essex’s rebellion. He isonc by his wife, Isabel, dan. of Sir Robert Stewart, of then plaocd the affairs of Isle royal master in such a train Jhmoytho. i. RoenaT (dim), his heir. ii. Edward (Sir), seceder of Ihe Bauces of Airfis, S/co/soon, sod the Viscount tie hence of Paris. us. James ltracr, tiislsop of Glasgow, and Lord high Chen— 1601-5, as Jisraee i/rim, of Xis/sn, us the ca. sf .Htgiss. ccllor of Scotland. Sin RoneaT Bourn, Knt. of Clackmanan, who ill_a dan, he was ewoms of the new snoeearoh’s pnivy-connoil, aced constituted sf Sir John Scrimgeonr, of DntUeopc, aaad had issue, i. Davin, his heir. Ii. Thomas, anceolse of the Rauces of Kesaecf, whose heiress, Sir Aloxandor Clerk, of Dalbimnio, in Fife, and bad lessee IltaissAcer, ci. Arcisihald Bruce, of Cretin, and is new represcnlrd to’o woes and one dais., Cbe-iotiase, with whom JAeees I by Essese Deuce, Esq. of Rennet. The elder eon, Situ Davsn Barer, Knt. of Claekmanan, living in 1401, 1db, and was o. by his older son, is. Jean, dais, of Sir John Stewart, of Loris, and was Enwanm, hnd baron, His lordship did not, how father of JOHN Deuce, of Clackenanan, whose sets, Sin hays n Resume, Rut, of Ciackmassass, Ii rissg temp. ‘russo., the laamnssy devolved npose his brother, James 1V., er.ilfaris.n, ubsu. of Sir Itohort Retries, of Tmeotaa, hrd baron, who was advanced to an earldom, Terregics, sad had a cots, Sin Ravin BRuce, of Clackmanan, Mr. in 1313, who es Scimo issolc ,f,sr one,-, hearing the name and areas of Hisses, Jane, dass. of Sir Patrick Elackadder, of TulRallsn, ott. unit created an English peer, 13 Jsshy, 3640, as Bsrsss Brace, l’erfh, and had, 5. lens, wise sit. 9fergsret, faa. of Sir William Murray, of Robert Cbiehoeter, R,eb. of Italeigla, eo. Devesa; apd dyitig Tsaebadam. and d. before his father, leaving a son, Sm Roeee’r Becce, of Clacknsanan, ancestor of the Betroes ResenT, feud earl, wbs, for his loyalty to the Coxauee’e of Clarh,isou,is, whose last smile heir, henry llrs.ce, Esq. of Claclmsasats Caslie, ii. 5 Joly, 1773. is. Ewann, of wisem presently. iii. tl.svsss, of Grceo, whose son AamnsissLn si. his binssreinatt, Earl of Stanefend, by wlsem he bad oighb sans and nine Masoseen harm, heiress of Rennet, and had a son, dane. ICe iF. in 1612, aaad was s. h3- his eldest eoi-vivhug san, Roseer Puree, Essi. of Rennet, lie as. Ehicabetb, shsn. of Alesssder Gall, of Slam, es. Fife, and tad a son sod sueecssor, 5 Sic Censor Roren, of Camnools, seas liP. far Cnlross, and ResenT Baron, Esq. of Rennet, who is. Agees, dais. one sf Ihe conmissf esters appsheetrd hy thee parliament of Scot- of Fatriek Slsresy, Req. of l’erdso’e, luy Ihe lion .Shstrgnrct, lard to treat of a union seith Rngland, in 1604. Sir George ni. Isis wife, fan of Lord Colville, of Coimoss, sod had, with three Stargnrot, fass. of Archibald Pnimresn, of Bomnbrae, anf haf class., as many sons, vie.. I Bsvsn Bssure, of Rennet5 wisose son, General Jansos P.nsco, seithe other issseo, si. Story, fan, of Sir Alexoodcr Swinten, and wss father of Slajor Alexaeder Drsce, of kenncf she left 01 his i/chore, of Ilmesnhssll, one of the lords of ssssion in 1644; sss. decease, is 1747 (hy SCary his ‘rife, fan, of Lord Pnrley), a son end soccesser, hlobert Bruce, a lord of sossioss, hr the I itlc of Lsri Resssset as. holiest, sister of Sir ilolpls Aborcroenhiu’, and was grandfather of tlse present Capt. itohoef its-ssoe, SIP., of Rennet. 2 Alessesder (else Rev.), sohs had flee lands of Gartict from Geonoc Puree, Rsq. of Carneok. seho so, SCary, fan of dir his father, by u’harler, sntlcr Ihe great seal. lie is. J’shese Preston, btamt. of Vahloyflelf, ansi seas s. liy he/s older son, Slorgorct, shea. of Jaosos Ctelan,l, and hy lscr, ohs ‘1. at die Eusosso hence, of Concocts, who 0-as ctevateuh to tho Garllet, 1722, had a son, James, of DanIel, chief jnst)oe peerage of Smeltand, 26 Dee. 1047, is the figeities of Ier’F Bust-c of Pesrhadoos, svhs is. Retssrsh. slats, of Cssptoin .losepls French, and left iostse hsy tier (suIts 4.. in Loodets, 1773) a son used heir (with Is’s yoresger sons, Rotten, fsOth rrginsent, At.exasnes, Sad earl. Tisis aebtesesais -tsok a prone/cent hsnrt and Alesanslor; sod as sssaey fuss., viz., Elizabeth, ice Seolhisha coDes z,ftor thee Rnetse’atien, ansi Iho g000mnneont of to. to lames Stralsee, Req., barrister-at-law, and had on Sosthssnd was placed, Saiss 1667, in the hands of his lordship. only fast., 7lat’tstse, wife of Col. Hesr—Dalrrsssple, 49t1t oogf., A.D.C. to the lord -lieutoosst of lrelatsd (Soc STate); ossd Ketssrah, wife of disc 11ev, Jolts Pilgrim, 3l.A.), Jesnees Osssne hteree, of (Isrelet, judge of the Coon ssf dase. of Csss’neilhe Van Sosnunelsfyk, l.ord of Sommehsdyk anf Cosssnsss Pleas, ssi. Jane, fuss. assf heir of Lt.—Gess. Samssol Spyke. in Oballasd, sod ssas a. by h/a eesty aoreiring soa, Ears-irk, Gov. of Its s’badoes, ansi 1. leaning iessse by her, Jasnes Cosrstdo Bruce, 4. s.p. us. Psa’,riek Brooc, 1l.D., who ii. Aosal,ei, fan. and ecs-hoir of N. Wolru,nd, Esq. and ii. lS4l, having had isaac three sesta (with tsgs fuss., Reestrab, se/fe ef James Doresford, Esq, and STacyDahrymphe, s’ife of Wifliass h’oder, Rig.), ALexAsness, Ae.exarinee, 4th east. This ooblemaie iii. Chrietian, sIan, of mater tt use arssy, sI, sssss,i. l Rev. N. French Brssee, hIP). Robert Brssoe, of ltlairhahl, srha was o. by isis oldest coo, end Sanussol Ilasuosels, 31.1)., sssogeoss Is the fos’ces, srlso ci. Itesner, 0th earl, she d. 0. is.. and eras o. by his brother, 1502, havisg 55. lst,Ssesaos,als Skisnor, niece to Gee. Annesanes, 6th earl. TIde ooblcenas fyiog soithoot male Sleieser ascii 2ssihly, Jasso, fats, of William Dssrnisg, isses, the hononre devolved upon leis brother, Req., and had by her tsvs sese, vie., William llssomeieg THosiss, 7th es,rh, subs is. itnobsel. fan, of Robert Pausrofert, Rrnos, lC.C.S., F.d.A., of I,isoels’s inn, harrisler-at-law, srho is. in 1547, Looisa-Emil-, dais, of W’itliasn Flomor, Esq., only son of Sir Willians Plemer; and RobertCatlsrart-tsalrynsple, (noticed by tiasnihien of Bangonr, amnnget flee first heassties of capt. h.p. 82nd megt., as. II April, his time), f an. of .Ianses itohertson, Rsq., one of thee principal 1507, Itrlen, ostv ehilsl of Jeha Donlop, Req. 3 Itobort of Edissbnrgls, o’lso left a fats., Slary, wife of Cisasnes, 9th Earl of Risrsrdine, who o. is 31h EAses, on 404 ELO Willians Lnmsden, son ef Andrew htisbop, of Ediabnzgh, soil had liens, Isabel, ‘rife of Sir Robert Strange. i. RoansT of illaimball. ii. Edernrf. o’ttb Secs’etary Cecil, as tus isave the way ts a peaceable succession ef the Scssttioh enoeearcb to the English fhrsne. Upon his retum, he was created a peer of Sceilaod, 2 Feb. Accompanying Ring JAn05 into England, on his aoeessien, neaster of the rolls for life, whets lie resigned the suffice of Isurd of soseiu,ee. His hordslnp or. Olagdalen, dau. of gave StI,000, with his owes htsnds, as a marriage portion, to William Cavendish, Earl of Devonshire. The earl d. in ever, long enjoy his hsononrs, being killed in a duel, in hOlh, by Sir Edward Sackeihhe, afterwards Earl of Dorset. Dying ft June, 2037, as Esseu or ELOIN, with remainder to his gf tF)ssrltoss, os. York. ills lordship as. Anne, dan. of Sir in 1062, wsssz. buy his only eon, was created, 11 Shareb, tddh-4, Boise Bs’tsce, of Shellass, os. Y’srh; l”hicss’ot Bs’slzc, of 4esdhiil, cs. dc’(fer’l; oesf Hart of Ayto.ehsary. ihis h’sndslaip is. Diana, dan. of hhenry, hot Gooses, his successor. lIchen, daa. of Ste Janms Skone, of Csrniehiil, and was s. by Isis ashy son, ALexasanes (Str), of Broomball, of whom presenGy as 4th Earl sf Rincarshistc. Sir George Ibmee 5. 6 Otay, 1610, and seas s. by his eldest son, of T”,’s’, and Ran or Rsxrsnnise; and dying srhthostissns, isa Ifui2, Iho bosoms, lush’p to hcima qeises”sl,elevolrcd seponhis ‘rather, Lord Itineardene was appoiolof. a privy oonnoihler and en extraordinary lord of session, in 1667, and mestionef in Ihat oBoe until his decease, 9 July, 1680. lie ssu. in 1611, Veronica, Anexasarsee, 3rd earl, 4. silos. Rev. 1703, s’leen a compotitisu arose for the hossoars l,etss-ron his larslshtip’s sister, Lauly Slary Comlemano, soul Sir Ahrxander lsmoe. ef Sraomhath. which ternsinatest in favour of the hatter (refer to the 2nd son of Sir Goargo Bmze, efCamnsok), soho o. as Req. of the oo. Hereford. sod seas a. by his elder san, Winnisas, Sth carl. TIde nalshonan as. in 1756. Janol Rolsortson clerks of session, and mao a. by hh eldest oan, ELms, and thins astitotl the ties figsntiee, as stated above.