Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/476

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E X M ii. Victoria, to whom HEll, the late Prince Consort steed sponsor; and o’ho was so. 19 lIce. 1866, to the lion. W.-C. Evons-Feeke (see ootc, CAReen, U.) The marquess seas appoioted tord-oteseard of the tsoosehotd isa 1058, and resigned to 1859; he seas tord-lieot. of the coo. o Northampton oosl Ruttaust he 1. 16 Jan. 1867, and was a. by his eldest son, WIs,LLAss-ALLETOE, .3rd and present .Stanqreso OF EXETER. Cisotioss —Baron, 25 Fob. 1570—1 Ear, 4 .3iay, 1603. Mar— qnoos, 1 Feb. 1801. A vu .s—itaery of ten, org. and 00.. over alt six esealelsoosss. three, tsso, ansi sole, so., each otesegosi seth, a lion, roospant. of the first. I ‘sei—A garb, or, supported by tseo lions, the dexter, acgl the shssisier, az Noysoss5s ec—T,co Iioos. cnn. Molts lv. Edward, in lsoiy orders; 0. 3 Nov. 1799; us. to 1820, —Csr tsona,, s-to rinse. .0, ,st—ttssrghley, Northasoptooolsice, near Placianne, eldest dan. of Stephess Winthrop, M.D., and by hoc Stamford. Thwo llsssoo—30, Grosvenor K1ssaro. EXMO UTH. Ettetouvu, ViocouNT (Sic Esln’arol Pollew), Bacon Fixsnotsth, of Connontoign, en. Devon, and o Borsssaot, PosvxusLs.-ljasTvoo, 2ssd viscount, 0. 1 Jnly, 1700, a captain Ii. 14 Fob. 1811; o. his father, no 31,1 Viscount, 2 Dun. 1813; ot. 1850, llodanoo illadeline.Honorinu wlsioh sssusniage (svhtoh was dissolved in 1820) he had ioann, Dobrn svolsko. 3LiliclqJr, Geoeoe PELLEw, Esq. of Flushing, steer Falnsossib, to. Cornwall, a. Ptiss .tssditl, Sparooo, by stlaeo, lie had, is-till oilier issue, a ihtnl son, SourEr FELLE5s’, svtio s’s. Conotantia, don. of Edseard Longfood, Juliaco-Sacals, ,,u. 1830, to Thomas Veale Lane, Log. of Coffleet, Es,1. of Traogto, in Cscnss’all, ,ssssl bad issue, ,, Somssel—Hsin,phoreys, so. SIlos Tone ttascden, and ti. 18 Feb. 1843, saving bad tsss,e, Sam ,set and Joist. is. Hansen. of selteisi prescott-. ii,. Israel (Otis, 11.0.11., an ad,,siral in the royal navy. Tlsis officer setso ,ttslingssishsest hsissaself rio variosts r,ecsisioos, tool. ssaoasled the ‘‘ Conqssreor ‘‘ at site battle of Teafalgar. Ho so Starr, rlao. of George Gilseore, Itsq., asol had isssse, Edo-ard, a captain to the life—goarsis, killetl at Paris, Hint, odobip sa. lodhy, 19 April, 1022, Goorgiusa-Janet, oldest 0 Get. ISIS, in a duel, by Lioul. Thoophilus IVolsis, of the stan. of Musugo Dick, Log . assd had iooue, outsie ceginsesst. so. John, on ensign in the army, killed ot the bottle oh Ftceto’osd-Jolss, 0. 0 Noc. t830 ; so. 28 April, 1800, Easily— Saratoga, in North Aissersea. i. Catherine, so. to Charlos-Lonts, Count Jejerskjolsl, vice- admiral of Sseedess. ,,. Jo,se, ci. to Ltesst. Spriddle, tt.N. Tiso 2nsl son, Ensraen FOLLEO. 0. 19 April, 1797, having entered early the bhsrrtnghns-Reroolds, oa(or rifle brigade, and A. P. C. to naval sers tee of lsio cosmtrv, soon becanse a great oruanseot of ilsat gallant prolessioss SIr. l’eltoso seas, in 1780. appointed a lieutenant, and in the Slay of Itse sante year received isis eons— Carsstine-E,sssisa, sI. 2 Macoh, 1032. mission of p’sst—oaptaio. fin Did sue, 1793, be rereleed the The vtocousst if. 2 Dcc. tOll. honour of kntglstlsososl ; ansi eu 9 March, 1790, lse was treated a baronet for his Iserste ooadrset in coptnriog else Cloopatea Feessels frigate; aad having risen to use rattle of admiral of the Creatboss—Baroset 1 March, 5790, Borosi, I done, 1014, Btsse, was dc ratesl to the peerage, 1 Jrnse, 181-I, as Besross Resssosslls, Viscoons, 21 Sept. 1816. sf Coo s.iioi,s,,, to. 1 )eross. hi is lordolsip seas adrasseed A rica—Go.. a lion, 1sasoasat—gstardanh, sn cisief fsco claapleto to a viscsosssty by tue title of VIscouNT Exsser’rsu, 21 Sept. HI 6, of tassrel, os; out a chsiof of .sngoueuu tatios, soap’, a eepu’ooenuauion fur his gallantry isa Isenubarding oust stestcoying the fleet ansi of Ahg-teeo, settle us Itrifish sssau-of-srssr before it, all Islse. cocoai of Algiers tssruig that year. Sits lordship os 28 Play, Crsth—h.’psssu svavos of the sea, the screck efthuc “Dalton,” East 1 703, Ssssassnsshs. 2n’t dais, of Jassirs Frss,s’de, Log. sf Knoyle, eo. lsudhsisuais, alouu us rocky- olsoce, o0’ t’tymoosths garrison, all p1w. SVilis. s,sad by iser (srho ,t. 29 Get. 1037) had mouse, s. Posexore-BxsTans, his sssrcessOsr. us. Fhectseood_hls’oaglutOe-hteynOlds (Sir), Cu., ItCh., ad,ssirai otuaiotei, a utile fiesee, rotsrooesattsg olsivocy, Iroscoers. arg., of the Flute, 0. 13 tsee. I 709 5 a. rs Jesse, 1810, llarrirt, oisly otri1sest,aa., the itt,te’r loch of list Ps’dy usatsod, hsoldismg isu the dass. of the late Sir Godfrey SVeisoior, Fart., ausd by her (n-ho dcx her tsainih l,u’oherus elsusins, pc., the stisisree as’sn elevated, and d. 7 Aug. 1849) heal a dan., llaeoiet— lletlioo-Frano’es, so. tt Nov., 1911, to lioraitoWilliam, Mottoes—Over crocI, Dcsi adjstvasite ; ssssdcr shield, Algiers. 3rd Earl -at Grfocd. Sir Fleetscood as. 2ndly, 22 Feb. 10Sf, MIle. Ceeile Dessnsussosad J’ourue Ifs sos—I, t’etnce of SVaIco’ Terrace, Kensington. de Pheifort, lost of Ihe site ConGo U. do .51 eiforl, and seas diroreed feoos her, 8 daly, 1851; he ii. at SlarseGles, 28 daly, Tool. 42’) E X ill iii. George, M.D., dean of Norwich, peebendary of Voele, and rector of Chaet, Kent, 0. in 1793; st. 20 done, 1020, b’uassoes, 2nd dan. of Ileisry, lot Vioeousst Sidmontls, ausd a, 13 Get. 1560, lsnvissg isad hose, I tleery-Edo-ard, 0. 20 April, 1628; sus. 9 Get. 1858, Elsa’ dais, of the tioss. Judge Witham day, and has aeon, ft II Starch, 1803. I Fcasseeo—Urosalo, si. his 1040. 2 Georgianss—Sssoass, os.29 Sept. 1849, toVioeo,ant Sidnsoulh 3 Clsartsssse.Assgssnta, 5.12 Get. 1832, to Louio-C.—ll.Tonge, Esq.. ee,ssus. lt.N. 4 Ilenrietta-Agnesa, os. 19 Jsnue, 1800, to her. Janice Ausbrooe Ogle. 9 Slariau-tlitary-Adelstide, as. 24 April, 1802, to the Rev Godfrey—llasvy Arkwrigtst, of Sutton Soasndole, Derbyshire. (srtso 1. ii Starcls, 1007) has, 1 Kslsearot—Wissthsrop, 0. 24 Jan. 1830s 2 fteorge-lsraeh, us hoiy ordes-s, 0. 10 dan. 1831 ; 3 0°sssoaoli-Wilhaas,, comm. lt.N., ii. 27 Jan. 1037, os.20 June, 1007, Mas’y-Ehtaahiotls, uf tote lice. John—Arasstrong lisugsoelh, and has a non, is. I 3Iay, 1800; 4 Fleetwoodltssgo, Is. 13 Dee. 1830; 9 Artlusse-Samuel, 0. 29 Oct. 184t; 1 lthtaabeth—dnhia, so. iss 1847, the 11ev. d.-ft. Anderson 2 Mary-hone, so. 11 Darns, 1032, to, ttohert-ilitl Fiukey, Esq., htosnhjay civil service, clstest son of huobert Piuskey, Ess1., tsste of thee s,scdheai sen tee; 3 Esssma-Sss.sssn, 5,5. 1850, to 3V. Tb’Gyiy Esq., F.omtssy CS. 4 Fraoces—llclen, os. 19 Aug. 1030, to 1,eo-is Islahiel, Ohq.; 5 Georgica-Caroltne. 1. Esisuoa-Shary, so. iii Dee. 1003, to Astiniral Sir Lasvressee— Whillians hoIsted, and 1. in 1larch, 1835 is. Julia. so. 11 Ian. 1010, to Itielsard ttarseaed, Log., capt. U.N.; sod sL 20 lIce. 1031. lIe 1. in Slay, 1845. Lord Exmuntta was aloe G.C.B., and a grand cross of the feroigss orders of Cstoas.cs lii., St. Fecslnand, and of Merit, St. .Slasscieo and St. Locate, and of Wilhelm, and an admiral of the Rod, ass,l Vice-Admiral of Great Britain. His lordship it. 23 Jan. 1023, asa’l seas a. by his eldest eon, in the rs’ysd ssavy- ; srh, so. lot, 1 Got, 1S00, Etizaitacriot, oldest das. of Sir Go”rge-llilaco has-low, Dart., by Eassoos. l’resent peer. Porcy-Taplor, 0. 15 April, l.ll, aa officer in Ihso 3ladeas e;svairy -si. 1530, Anse-Ausrhha, 3rd dan. of Frantic Las— celles, Fog., and ii. 31 tsoc. ls4s, lescing a dan., Gertrude, so. 8 Slay, tool, Ca;st. Grauuvilte Lesviii, lashiass arnsy, eldest son sf she tate Sir 0.-A. t.osvio, 01.0.; she sI. 1 June, 1907. tsevosm, ned has issue, Julia-Lucy, so. July 1859, to Henry-Arthur Hoate, Esq. of 35’acs-ondou hIatt, lucks, and Oxeuhaus, nccon. 2 Georgtsna-hhareiett, Inst dau., st. Feb. 1860, Octasius Pluitltsolts, Log , youssgest sets of Bishop of Exeter. 3 i)onisa—Essishy. 1 Gersrudo.Joanette. Fewoolt—Fteotss-eod, 5. 26 duty, 1023, ttent. lt.N.; d. 1891. Sssrals - yoassgesl dan. of list tale Tlios,sas Fergusoss, Log. of ilreosss-iitto, to. tsosvsu, I rotassd. and of hyde, Tote of lVighss., aod 5. 2 Aug. 1500, havisig had Esswsau-FLoc’owoou-Jons, 5. 24 dane, 1061; cud Wtthiaso-Addiaglon-SVinthorp, 0. 2t Get. 1002. Gess. Sir C. Vaa-,otrosuboaecc, 0. 18 Atoll, 1033; served svish ,tistiuscthsss in flue ItalIc war, at use siege of Sebastopel, the nlso’ntssg of Canton, and at the asoasult ood catslns-o sf Lueko,,o-, srhceo ho sb. of dysentery, 6 Dec. 1098. Ss;sj’orteru—llrxloe, a hious, ramtsasst-guai-dasst, or, siavsitty ecescuied, az. rosi isug tiso doxlce lii55V tqtOss a sleoreotent, org.; hsotdiug a cross, or. Seats — Casueuu leigo, C htsshtotgh, ncvoss ; Trovcrry, Teignuoicalls, Corussrushl.