Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/487

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F E R 1. EDWARD-FITZEDMUND-IIURKE, 8. 114 May, 1350. ii. James-Boothby-Burke, 8. 28 July, 1821. tie. Alexis-Charles-Burke, 8. 29 June, 1891. iv. Uliek-De Rupe-Durke, 8. Jan. 1856. v. Edmund-Burke, 8. 29 Sept. 1859. VI. A son, 8. 5 Sept. 1864. i. Eleansr-Charlotte-Jiurke, ci. Eliza-Careline-lourke, III. Ethel-Kathleen-Burke. 1e26, leaving three eons, FRANCIS, Edward, acid 3lenrice. His lordship, who represented the Co. of Cork in The eldest, parliament from 1837 to 1855, and Marylebone, Fmswcee Rooter., Esq., high-sheriff of the es. Cork in from 1859 to 1865, was elevated to the peerage of 1641, entertained Sir Warham St.Lcger, the president of Ireland, as BARON PEEBOY, 10 Sept. 1856. ILullfaflc. Koch Castle,” says Fenton, in his Fetotrekeekire, “is so and Itch’, called frem its peculiar site, a circumstance that probably Enwxnn Boone, Req. of Traholgan, who a,. in 1012, gave name to the first posseaser of it whom we hear of, vie., Cathes’ine, dose, of James Lavallin, Req. of Walteravewn, Anise no Euro, who was likewise the feunder of Pill cc. Cork, aced ,f. in 1606, leaving (with four dane., viz., Priory. It scenpieo the sonth-west extremity of one of Catherine, to. to — Watts, Esq. ; Anne, as. to Pierce Power, those inland rocky ridges with which Pembrokeohire Req. of Clonnoult; Ilary, as. to James Eearncy, Esq. of abounds running nearly east and weot, and a little to the GatTetstswn; and Mas’gacct, who if. sines.), four seem, north of the church of St. Mary de Eupe.” At what time iv was inhabited is nacertain, but it must ee. Ensmeisn, to. in 1739, Barbara, dan. of James llenncssy, have been prior to the reign of Ilea’mv VI, about which time the great possessions of the family of Lie la Itaohe, the lords of this castle, fell between es-heiresses, one of whom married Lord Ferrere, the other Sir Thomas Lengueville, who soon after sold the property. The tradition is, that a former proprietor of the family of lie la Roche having been foretold that he should die by the bite of a viper, erected this castle on a reek, at a distance frem any growth that might be liable to harbour a noxious eceatnre, and there immured himself for years, but that a viper, concealed in a faggot of wood, happened to be brought in, and was the cause of hie death; and on a monument of a crusader in Langwm church, oaid to be his, they point out, on the military boot of the effigy, an almost effaced thong that winds round the leg, as the representation of the viper. An “ inquisitio post mortem” of the possessions of Me Ia Roche, mentions the castle as then ruinous anti deserted. This inquisition was taken after the death of the last male pssoeoasr, Thomas de la Roche, so that it is probable it never was inhabited since the days of the Crusader. Anise no Euro, who accompanied Behest FitoStephen to Ireland, in the year 1196, was a man “ of great possessions and power” in Penabrokoshire, founded I’itl Priory, built Rech Castle, the church of St . Mary of Bosh, that of Laugsvm, and-many ethers in the same county, In the last named church is preses-vcd a tomb bearing the effigy of a member of the family, the hclmot being surmounted by the head of an eagle as crest, still borne by his descendants. The vast possessions in Pembrokeshire were retained until the reign of HeNRy VI., when they fell between co-heiresses, one of whom, Elen, as. Edmond de Ferrers, Lord Ferrcrs of Chartley, and the other, Elizabeth, Sir ileorge de Lengueville, who sold the property. Dovin no LA Eouna, living S Enwsnn II., aoae 1315, aon of Alexander do la Roche, a direct descendant of Adam de Rupe, at. Eliaabeth de Clare, den., by the Princess Joan his wife (dan. of Enwran I. and Etesseon his queen) of Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester and Hereford, and woo father of Sea DAVIn no LA llocne, lint., li’-ing 17 Enwaan Ill who left, by Anna Fleming his wife, a son, JonN no LA Enema, Lord Fcrmoy, living 9 RICHARn II., nines 1982, who ci- the dan. and heiress of Cesmangie, Tanise ts the M’Cat’tie Mere, and was o. by his son, liloaaece, Lord Roche and Fenrsoy, who so. Anne, den, of en. llaoriee, . who beth if. in Ft’ance. Maurice, Earl sf Desmond, by Beatrice hio wife, doss, of the sv. James, Earl of Stafford, and’ if. in 1439, leoving(with a don., Blanche, The eldest son and heir, as. to the Earl of Kildare) a son and heir, MAven, lord Roche, Vieconnt Fermey, snriaomed 3looae, in 1755, when the former estate descended to his elder who sa. Jane, dan. of Walter-Burke-M’Wtlliam Eughter, nephew, Edmsnd, before mentioned, and the letter of Trabelgen, and d. in 3492, leaving five sona, Moesasca, his heir, Lord Feracoy, who as. Mona, dea. of Enwsnn Roenc, Esq. of Traholgen, colonel of the Imehilly O’Brien. William. EDMUND, of whom we trsai. Gerald. James. The 3rd son, Enacuan no nA Roena, ci in 1540, leaving (with a dan., niphew (only sees of hits elder brother, Edmemed), Joan, at. In 1508, to David de Conrcy, Lord Kingsele) a aan, 3larnvice FrrrEnseuan Romeo, who, when mayor of 13 Jnly, 1771 ; who in. in 1000, Margaret-Honorie, only 437 F E it Cork, A 0. 1971, received on autograph letter fri’iu Queen ELezAaETa, with a patent and c,,llar of SS, is acknowledgment of his services in ouppl’essing the rebellion of the Earl of Deomonci If e 1. in 1091, Loving three sons, Jonw, Enwaan, end Patrick, lie waa a. by the oldest, Jona Itocne Ferzlloonioe FiTzEnalurn, who ,t o. p., and the estates dsvolved on his brother, Enwran Eocna Ftrz3lrueece FerzEnaeran, who ?. in llunotcr, at his soot, ‘l’rabelgan, and assisted him for the king. lie as. Jane Coppingee’, by whom he left at his decease, in 1668 (with a younger oan, Edmond), an elder son I. Resorts, Ins successor. Esq.; and if. la 1750, having had issne, 1 Ens,osn, of Kildhean, which moldy of Ins matte Francis’s esfatc he succeeded to at Ihat goasleman’s decease in 1799. lIe am, in 1700, Frances, only aluld and heiress of George Coghlsn, Esq. of Ardoe, ce. Waterford, and if. Ia 1823. hariag had (wilh tsvo dans., Fraaecs, to. Ic Richard Passer, Esq.; and Gesrgina, abs if. ua;o. in 1813) an ooly son and heir, Ensvsan. who succeeded his uncle, Edward. 1 Fronds, of Itachemount, co. Cork, who so. in 1796, Esther, only dan. of John Wet,h, Esq., and sister of tho Rev. John Webb, LCD., of lice lIill, acid Itesascea, co. Cork; and if. in 1826, haviag had, with ether children, who if. young, Frasais-Jantes, so. 3Irs. Thsrahill, relict of Edward Tharnhitl, Esq. of Casile Itiven, and ,t. in 1828, leaving one son, Edwsrd-F’raeteis, an officer is the 6th Lancasinre militia, is. the dan. of henry Longfield, Esq. of Walcrloo and Scamoant, co. Cock, and has issue. JotsmWebb, of Rovhcmsnnt, do. Cork, sit. Eliza-AnneErmine, only dm112 of lYillians-Atexander Ihadocks, Esq. of Tre Itadoc, do. Caernarvon, 3fF., and has issvte, Fr.sNees-WeLLsAsi-Arrxaonam, t. 18 Feb. 1854. Edmund, of Eatlymonis, cc. Cork, JR. fur the des. Cork and Waierferd, lieot.-col. South Cork regiment of nnlitia, entered the army as cored 3rd hvtssaev, in 1837, and chained the rank of colonel nnatl. in 1597 II e served ailS dishoalion oct the staff, in time Affgbsn aced first Sikti caen’aigns, aced was isrice thanked in general orders for his services. He to. in 1845, Anna3lalitda, den. of the 11ev. Dr., and the lion. IhatildaSophtia Aosten (niece of lIce last Vtscoont Collee) of Hadwell, cc. Cork, aad has had, Charlcs-Edmnnd-Auslen, ‘I. an infant. Francis-lleclie-Thacksvell, if. an infanf. Carotine-lletitda-Geargiaaa. James. Itaria-Andriah, as. in 1820, to Lienl.-Gen. Sir Jcssph Thackwcll, G.C.E., liE, of Aghada hail, cc. Cork, and Ceveragis, ce. Waterferd. Ehiza, a,. to Licat.-Cel. Csrasvall Bnrne, 91st regt., and had issue, two dens., Cernelia-3haria, a,. to John-Il. Li. Webb, capt. 4 lb dragses-goards t end Laviesie-llaria: so. Is F-A. Purcell, 31.11., san of ll.-It. Pen-cell, Esq. of Bornleot. Sasan, as. to Lient.-Cot. A-F. Btyim, of Westoliffe house. Hosts. llerlha. Emma. 3 Enw.ean, of whom bereeGer. 4 James, end I Eiehard; who bolh if. coat. Fasaces Romeo, Esq. of Kildhson end Trahelgan, if. anra. to isis other nephew, Horse (e volnuteer corps); who ste. in 1751, Susanne, elder dan. of Sir George Womhwell, of Wemhwell, cc. York, East., by whseu he had one son, Ednesnd-F.dward, who predeceesed him in 1800, a prisoner ef war at Lyons. Cel. Roche if. in 1525, and beqnoathed his estates to his Enw.ann Boone, Esq. of Trabotgan end Elldinea, 6.