Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/492

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FF0 FF0 LKES. FFos.Kns, SIR WTILLIAIpITOVELL, of Hillington, co Norfolk, Iieut. Norfolk artillery militia; 5. 21 Nov. 1847; a. isis grandfather, as 3rd hart., 21 March, 1860. LIncltgc. Althessgh this family has bec,s Sr corns generations settled at Ttillissgtso, in Norfolk, it is known ti lie if StaDiirdohire extrsetiss,, and tis have bee,, eatssl in that county so far back as the reign I Ilsasav V. The first member of whom there is any authentic rsesrd is, WILLIAM 5osvnr, as use nasne was ssseiently written, whs Fyngycu, BARON (Sir Thomas Ffrench), of Caetle was if ensinenee. in staffordshire, A. n. 1458, From this Ffrench, on. Galsvay, in the peerage of Iseland, and Wsllsas,s li,,sdlly ,leseendesl Manais Fstnrs, Eoq. ass cn,inrsst lawyer, sslss was api luaron, 25 Sept. lStiO; m. 18 Vet. 1851, Mary-Anne, ,, intel s,,Iiritir general is, 3625 ; sssd ii, two years afterw.,r,ls, only elan, of Richard Tisosoapsun, Esq. of Stanaty attorney—general is Casnrniae, Queen Deiv.,ger of [Tall, Denbigh, alsd has lead a dan., Ellen. Kissg (‘cAstLes II. lie ii. Dsrsthy, In,l dan. mid cc heir of Sir William lloyd, Hut., ai,d had, with ether isss,e, , I. Cssanrrs Frnrrscn, Esq. of Castle Pirench, co. Galsvsy, Issd son, W1LLI5n Fs,’LKI’s, Esq., svhs as. 1st, Ursula, dan. ci was created a 1l.ars’net, in 1779. Sir Charles iii. Rose Dillon, Samuel Taylsr, Req., by whom he had four dauss., vie., Ursula, is. Is Admiral Jslsn 7.isebri,le. Dsrsthy, at. Is Fdnssnd ilelfe, Esq. sfHeaeham. ilary, is. te J.-lJ. IVest, Esq. Elizabeth a. Is M. Western, Esq. tIe is. tndiy, Mary, osuly den, of Sir William Drawn, Knt., The baronet ii. in 1781, and Isis wids,w, M.D. of King’s Lysun, cs. Norfolk, as,d lsy her had a eon, I. SIenna Beowar FnoLnce, Esq., P.11.5., whs was DeMO titian Fsnracss, was advanced to the peerage of created a Dssrsnet, 3 May, 1774. .Sfr Martin a. 18 lice. 177.5, irchssssl, 34 Pth. 1708, by the title sf D.snoanes Frnnacn, Passny, (lass, and es heir of Sir Js,lsss Turner, Dart. of War— qf G,sllr Ffs’eoct, with resssaisoler ti her issue I p her late ham, es. Nsrf,,lk (.s,e Duane’s ExIled Bsirsa,fssgc), by wbosa hssobansl, Sir Cli’srles. Her l’olyship ,l. 8 Dee. 1005, and he had (with other isssse deceased,), r10r,e,_,mna_iqnvsa-llsowsc, 2nd tsarsact. Fsnsy-SLry, a. Is l4ilbeet-llsrrey West, Req.; ci. is 1013. Anna-Maclisa, 1. 9 Sept. isIS. Lserelia-l’irsrgiana, s. in IsIl, ts Sir Edsvard West, chief jsntiee of llsmbay; ant ii. in (let. 1910. Sir Martin si. 11 Don 1821, assd was a. by his sniy son, II. Sin WILTs sM.jonN-M,snvsn-llns,wao, who was t. Slarlin, Ii. in April, 1793; ,ss.1 lice. 1825, Slargaret, lad dan. 30 Aug. 17sf, and sti. “1 April, 1810, Cliarlsstle-I’hilllie, youngest dausghtor sf Donsissiek Gclfs’ey Drewsss, Essj. of Castle MacGarrett, in Irelssistl, net sister ci (ton sts,iek, 1st Lord Orannssrr, by whom he had tsone, i. Sleomeia-Wss.LsAas, t. If jass. 1810; Ia, 10 Marsh, 1841, lIes,rielta—Itridgel, 2118 slasu. of the laIr G,’neral Sir I’. Wale, Gonvillc. of Clarneont, Dseesn,enon, 8. Roy, 1797,’si. 16 Joly, K.C.D., sf little Slsrlfs,rsl, ce. Cs,sd ‘ridge, soil lii tier (flu /. 11 Nssr. IsIS) had issssc. Vsrs,sass-1 Is to,., present (assort I,Tseti,s—W’illiaie, I,. 10 ,Isslv, 1 ‘1411; slid lltlselslresla—tesl,ella. hEr. Ffsllses ssas killesl l’y liglstsisg, 211 Jssly, ls4s. II. It illiam—Jsl,n, t. 111 .Issn. hIts 5. 18 ‘Is,. 1867. III. Henry—ltslsranl, I. 255 I ‘es. I sIlt; hi lady s,’dres, 31. A., hose, ii. 14 Oct. loll, Is the laIr Francis-Blake Psrstcr, Req. reeler sf Iesllsnglu’n. ares’ Lynn, Narfs.lls, - ‘24 April, 1860, Septsiss—Lesisss, lss,1 dan. s,f tlse 11cr. Edward—Bras, use Es erard, Slargarnl, is. Is George Beytagls, Esq., and ii. in 1021. reeler at llssrnlsssn ‘l’lssrpr, Nssrfslls, ssn,l see h,sd, 1 Willisssu— Tile lorsistsip sI. 9 Dec. 1011, azssl wlss o. l’y his eldest son, Ererssrd’htrnwne, I. II l’s’ls. Nfl ‘.1 llsto’su’sl—s’h”su’gs’—Everssrst, III. CisonLes, 2nd l’aron, whs, 5. 9 April, 1706; at. 8.24 Jan. 1852; 3 llcsry. 0. 10 I’s’r. 1362, lie. s 1 e’rasriaArihssr-Slsnls 19 Sept. 1009, Maria, eldest daus. of john Drswnc, Esq. of y, 0. 0 hlso. 1 ‘1621 5 llobect-Walling-Evesaid, 8. 1’164 and I Morgas’s’I—hososa. iv. Gesrge-llse’e. t. If Feb. 1834. i. Margsrs’t-Charletlc, s. 8 Jaly, 1847. to Francis-Slay Gnnscy, Esq. sf NsrIIs Rsmetsn, Nerfelk. ii. I anny-Lo lies. Sir WilIiume il. 24 Slsreh, 1860. Cs’selioss—l STay, 1774. .4r,sss—QusrIdrlym let and 4th, per pale, vert and ge. a v. Charles, 8. II April, lol$; sf29 Nov. 1031. fiessr-de-his, org. ; 2nd ea,l 3rd go., a rhnvren, between three I. Slargarct, 05. 7 June, 1836, to Valentine-O’Connor Blakn lisus’ gaialss, erased and creel, all within a berdere, cr1 os a Req. of Tosser lhill, ia Ihe cc. of Slays. chief, of the last, an eagle dis1slssycsl, sa. ps-eel—A dexter arm, embsssrrsl, vested per pale, yen slid gn., lila lordohip ci. 15 Sept. 1868. coil, erm., holding in the hs,nd a spear, ppr. ,lllslteee—Qei oera sera; and, Principlle obsts. SscsleIliIlingtan hall, and Cengham Lodge, Norfslk. F F IL F F R E N C H. a barolset; is. 13 Sept. 1810; 1. hie fatiser, ae 2nd ILIlifltgt, cutest dan. of Patrick llllls,n, f]oq. of Nilleen, es. Roseopan ,os,, by svhsns he hmsd issue, Teones, Isle ssscressor. Catherine, u.s. ten, to Anthsny Dralsazsn, EM,; and 2ndly, to Ednnsnd tlhileheaf, Req.; and 1. lOden. 1933. jane, in. to Lient -Ges,eral Sic (,‘ss,ville lironehead, Ban., who ,l. in 1822. svssss. by her s’nly son, 11. Sin Tnoanse Frnrvnn, who had inherited the lsas’onetry upon use decease sd his fathers’. his lsrdsliip os. in 1783, Margaret, ehslcot dan. of Thomas tlcdinglsn, Req. of Niltornass, do. lialway, and Isy her (who it. 1849) had issue, CnenLeo, 2nd bares,. Tusosssas, 0. ii, Ja,s. 1790 ; d. II In ye, 1046. of Stajee lio,lkie, of the as. Galscay, and lice had (will, a dan., Anne,,,.. 1865, Ic 3l.-J, Choes”rs’, Eoq.) a see, Tksmas, I. in Jan. 1831, who a. in Marrh. 1351, and who, is a fit sf temporary insanity, slew Sir. lltclsard Dorke, and comuail(csl essleide, in Slay, 1555). Nicholas, 8. in Feb. 1706; a elcs’gynsais of the church of Rome; ci. I icily, 1815 1822, Clare. 3 snsegcst dan. ol Willisunt lIeo,scv, Req. of Eli— clsghrr, slalsray. and S. 29Atsril, 1o66, booing by her (who ci. 12 (let. 1064,) had no leone. Sasnls, a. 14 Ccl. 1810, Is t1dward-d. Beylagh, ltsq. of Cap— pagh, en. Gslsva , e ho it. 19 Stains, 1032. of Asblcld, co. Galwny. ond I. 11 tier. 1057. Sloync. co. Gatway, by whom (who ii. dimly, 1017) he has had, . ‘rnsaiss, present peer. 51. dana, is holy srdere, of (Iso etsssrels of Rome; t. I Ausg. 1812 s’s. Siactin, tsar. -at—Io,r, h. 1 Oct. 1813; os. 2 July, 1862, Catherine, lass, of Ike late dsshn O’Shsanghnessy, Esq. of lsirchoree’e, en. Gatwsy, and has a san, 0. 20 do,so, liii, asusl 11 doss. Iv. Sliehsarl, 0. 21 don. 1015; 1. s’nos. S Slay, 1014. as. Jasper. C,’enbiss,o Baronet., 1779. Baron, 14 Fob. 1700. Arose—Rim., ss olserron, ca Creel—A stellIsin, embossed, l’pr. .Ss,1pss’lss’o—Dexter a falcon, gn., armed, membered, belIed, and snings issceclef, or; olniolor, on nnieonn, armed, enguled, enned, an,I tafled, os, holding in the month a rose heronels, syills lsvo resl roses Ilseresis. IlIeli,s.—Slala neon qeam fwdari. Scsi—Castle Ffrencls, en. thaiway. 442