Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/506

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F 0 H V. Eobert.Shaw-Brook, b. 14 May, 1684 if. at Mary’ lames, sf Kuoelsandech, sit, Stacy Daifone, and had six eons. borough, Queensland, 5epi, 1642. vt. Atholl-Stoneoss, bin 1811. I. Emily. Lord Forbes so. 2ndty, 4 April, 1661, Louisa, 2nd dan. of the Jane, is, to Fssrqolsaraoa of Nerlsassa. late James Ormsssd, Esi1, of .tbiagtou, herbs, soil had by her, Elszshelh, sss. to Forbes of Camptield. vii, Walter-Rebert-Drumsnond, ii. 34 Nay, 1669. vtii. Slsntsgu-Ormond. t. 1 Slay, 1566. His tofslship. who was in the Cet,tetrraas-gssaeds, and woe at Trsn Bsoisx 11ev. J’rrs,rs Feosna, of Css’se, who was seveu’ the battle ol Waterloo, it, 2 May, 1866, aol wat 0. by his eldest teess yeaes loslaop of Atscrdeen, snd a very dislingssiahed surviving son, llotsoer..Coc’a’rENAV, 19th and present Lord os’nansent of the refornsed church, lie si. 1568, Lsscretia, dat,. of Forbes. Crerstiosa—Tho Barony of Forbos is use Brat on the Union WillianL, who as. 1614, ttanae Elizabeth Forbes, Lady Sinclair, roll, end as sorb, takes rack before alt the lords of partiaauesst. bsst ‘1. withaut isasse. nstsi Jr,lsn ; and sesss a. by his eldest The date of creation is not preriselt’ ascertained. Lord Forbes surviving see, the learned Dr. John Forisos, of Come, is. 1593, isss designated, 1442. ttarooet of Nova Srotia, 1629. As’,isa— professor of stseelogy ir King’s (tetlege, Abersleen, and author Aa., three bears’ hea,ls, eotzped, arg., muzzled. gss. (‘,‘tat—A of nsany valnabte svorks. Bishop Forbes ml. in 1635, and his stag’s Isead, attired, wills ten scars, org.. spp,rsecs—Tsra iatale line failing witla isis grands’hildren, the representation greyhooods. arg., collared, gtt. Motto—GrAce me guide. and fansily estates reserlesi to Ihe deseendaols of his hruther, Scat—Castle Forbes, Aberdernshire. FORBES, Vtscouyr, ccc GEANARD, EARL. F ORE ES. FORBES, Sta WILLIAM, of C’raigievar, co. Abor. deen, b. 20 May, 1836; a. his father, as 8th baronet, in Fob. 1816, lato a lioest. its the Cohistroana gttae’ds; J.P. assd DL. for Aherdeetsahiro at. 20 Jutao. 1858, Carolins.Looisa, only dan. of Sir Charlea Forbes, Bart. of Nowe, and isy her (frona w’h,,m ho o’otamed Jolsu, lsaroess of Kisscardine, sss. Agnrs, dssn. of Daguid of a riivoi’eo its Doe, 1861) isaa issue a dau., Kathorino’CbarlOtto.Eiizahoth’StOwat’t. Sir William an. 2ssrily, 18 Nov. 18152, Franouo.Endly, yoasstgost sian. of the lato Sir George Ahorerosoby, hart, of Birkenbog, and hoe had ioasse, , JoHN. 4.21 Aug. 1863. ii. Doaglas, t. If Jao. 1565. is,. William, 4, 27 dune, 1966 ci. 6 Nov. 3867. i. A dan, 4. 4 Oct. 1648. Sir William is heir prooumptive to the barony of and Fife, (legcllsen srisb barge rhssreh patronage) and in lands Sempill. titicitgc, Tnc lbs. Ste Passes Fusses, of Corse, srmsssr.hearer Ia Jaucs 111., and Baron of tl’Neil, by chance in 1176, san of Brunswick, erected into a frets barony aad regality, tube caned James, 2nd Lsrd Forbes (see eel,, Lotte Fesees), by Lady “New Craigievar.” Sin William conansanded a troep of home, and Egidia Keith, dan. of W’itliam, 1st Earl Marischal, ty Mary his seas seuively engaged on the side of the parliament dssrbng the wife, don. ef Janses, itt Lord llaseiltau, and a Orion of the civil cossssssotisssao. Iss 1641, he seas ssppabuted usse of lbs eonsnaissiessers Koyal family of Scotland, Isad iseatowed ssposs him, for his services, Ihe barony of O’Neil, via,, lands of ConIc, Kintraigy. and one of the cousnaisslaisecs for conserving the Eipesa treaty; isa Curse, srhich ssas eonfirsssed by zlaarter nuder the great seal, 16-15, one of tbse cosssssaissieoers efcstatrss and in 1647, slaeriffef 16 Oct. 1482, Itis son, Dovsn, called Tic’ ii Ike sac, P,aron ol O’Neit, and Loird of hart. ssf hlarkharsny, isy lsis soife Margaret itault, of Fannsure, Coree, so. Eltzabelh, sister of Paniler (or t’autes5 of Newmansss-elts, by whsas he had (wilts three dans.). Jonas, his heirt and Wil— secretary ol slab to King Jaasns IV., atsd had, Foresee b’ensrs, Baron of O’Neil and ef Cesae, also so, It. Sss Jonas, who so. 1621, llargaret Tonng, dae. of she Marjsry, duu. of Lumsden, a,zied of Siaidler Cnshnie, sad had Laird of Sealon ansi Assldb,ar, by Isis ss’ife Isabella Oclaterleny, four sons sad fire dano. lie n’as a. hy isis eldest son, WILLIAM I’sssza, b, 1520, retons’ed Is Chancery, heir to his father is lansla and Barony of O’Neil, lansta of Curse, Kitseragy, in the cathedral of St. Macham, soilb a eomislimtntary macrip’ Ac,, Jan, 1567. lie os. Flizabetts, daes,ef Sir AlexanderStrachau, thou on his gmavetf000. of Thornton, chief of that ancient nause, by srhoas he had, FoxaIcs. bishop of Abns’decn. Is. in 1864. WILLIAa5, st Craigievar, 0. 1566. Jshn, nsinislsr of Alfsrd, a man of great piety and learning. s’hs, fee his liens adherence tu pres[sytorv, suffered perseeu. tieu and banishment, and because sninisler of Deif, isa list. lasd. tte as. Chrississ,, sIns,, of— itarelay, af Slathers, and had, Colonel Artlsnr, and t’olriek, wIse afterwards because bishop of Caithness. Arthur (Sir), hart. sf Castle Fsebes, in Ireland, asseeslur of Forbes, Earls of Oransrd. Alexander, capt. in the Swedish service. 456 F 0 H SLas’gas’nt, us. to the l,aird of Thainsten (Forbes). Agises, ‘a. to lten. Robert Forbes, son of Lord Forbes. cern’ isaessdatsr sf .alossyssssols, nssst hod issue, Julsss, eel. in lIsa service of llotIaad, and Colonel Jasses. Mary, si. to Ogilvie, of :sindarie. Itt 6. 1396, and was e. by his eldest son, Specs, sf Watssseratoss, ia Fife, lay sshana he had two sons, WiLs.iAaI Paeans, of Craigievssr, t. t 366, fis’st styled of Sieisie, 2nd ecu of William Forbes. 4th harm of O’Neil, and baird of Curse. Tisis gesstteusan aislaissed large pusaeasiorss isa the eec. of Aherdeess, htanif, Forlar, Ediotsssrgh, ,te., as appears feonn several charles’s nuder the great seal. (Sce Doreoos’s Bssrsoel’ ssge.) Ito csssssplelod tise nafmislsesi castle of Craigies’ar in 1624, after tise nsost sssnsplssss,oa style of star periosi, and took Isis slesigaauian tlaes’efrossa. Tise ssaine ef Craigievar, or, in Gaelic, “Creg a lIlsar,” useasss site reek of SIar t end the plate frosas lradisisssa tenses ransisierable issterest in its isn,soesliate viciuity are tsvo or tlsrve long trenches en tlao top of the isill oh Cerse, ssspposed to e a eanp or forliaeotiou of Macbeth t and near this sheer are a great ssnodser ef snsall lumsati, new ever’ grosvn ssills short lseaib, liar last messartabe of lisose svlsa fell solsess hlirnaus fesest cause to i)asssinane.’’ At ss small ehslancs frossa tbeso, ssnsl sssc,ts ttae s.ause lsill, site spot is slaoss’o wlszrz Jtaedsvff kilts’d Start’etb t ansi three is silo a large cairn, called Macbeth’s, in srlsivls ancient arnss were fsssnsd sosne yeses ago. O’illians Fomhcst is. ltarscaret Udsrard, dau. of the lordprovost of Eslisat’ssrgls. asa’l lsosl William. afterss’sssis Sic William. Robert (Sir, of Nesvloss, ansI ds’aignesl of Aslassn and Disblair), tulssr of, ,ss.Mas’garez Lindsay, dau. of Lindsay ef Sha,sie and Williaissalon, ssa,l isast issue, a sesa, Wiltians, assd seseral dsssss., of wlssssss tiso etdeos, Margaret, as. I 658,llse Hon. Tisousas Fraser, sf Cssirnhnlg, brollser to And mess’, Lord Fraser. Asselsisslsive, ansi lsssd isesse, five slaas. Jasases (Capt.), a,. a lass, of hturnet of Cos’csedie, and Isad issue, And tismee das,s,, star 1st. 555. to Kennedy sf Kermncks; lbs 2nsl 5,5, to Sir Assslresv skcsse, of liallyarsls and use 3rd, sit. to She ‘ToPic Straelsass, vf ‘I lssscsslon. lTr it. lice, 1627, ansl “as a. by bis eldest son, 1. Ssu W5LL5AaI Iboons, 4. 1397, retaured heir ins his father, 24 Nsa’. 1629, isstsc ssbi”. isa ttse laas’osaies of Craigievar, Logic’ Fin’roy, and sslisers, in Ilsecoa.sies of Aberdeen, DauB’, Fortes’, in tlse cesssatie.s vst I laslstissgt’sss ansI Ldinhssrgls. s,nitesl issbo tlss barony of5altesns, Ar. lIe ss,ss creabed a BaraoefqfNoen Scotia 20 April, 1636. by letters talent to hOn ‘ct hxraslhbns usascuBs a corpore sue,” with a grant of 16,011 acres in Nese for planting kirts asad a aluation of teinds in 1644, Aberdeen. Hr ss,. 1633, Batlsia, dan of Sir Arclsibatd Murray, hans, ml. a’ibhoub issae. lie st, 1645, and was e. by his eldest sen, of l’kleuweem, had by Iser eight sons and lhree daus,, hishap Forises seas tssss’ied its Itielsep Gavin Dsssstsar’a aisle, Thia geutlensan was remnaeme,’abed by the celebrated Arthur Jobnstsne in the fellosning lines— in elsitnna Oulielsni b’artesih Cmagivacii Nohilis hbc tsssn,slsssss Fssrhs’si etsnspinis; auth Qssi fueriaf esores, ingcnhamque sin. Quod labor est aI9e, a’itse dam carpsret auras, Divitissa illi qssserere lsssls,s erat, Cnnaqsse jtslsemetur lerris sacedere, rideus, Terra valet cab Isnne psticmssr, asP. Qssas possedit oses, et temrwjagera flesse Slimetnr, doushsous ptsss fsstt ease sub S As. Jaaaaaai Peesssala. p. 360.