Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/511

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F 0 R Creation—IS Jan. 1794. ..4r,ae—Sa., a chevron, cries., behceen The elder eon, three phoons, ppr. Crest—An arm embowed, in armaur, the JOHN Poe-raecee, Req. of Filleigh and Wear Gifford, eras Panel bare, grasping the butt-end of a broken spear, all ppr fother of Motts—Anslacee fortuna juvat. ,Seat—Coalderry, Carrickmarroes, Bs,crnoLoe,ew Fooveorro, Req. of Filleigh and Wcar (‘vitford; cc. iltanaghan. ]3’ORTESCTJE. FOLTESCUE, EARL (Hugh Fortencoe), Viscount Aytencr, acid lead isene, Ebrington, of thu co. of Gloucester, aced Baron Fortescue, lIarve,aer, enrceeser to his brott,er in the barony of Forteecne. of Castle Hill, Co. Devon, 8. 4 April, 1818 summoned to the Ilonae of Peero 5 Doe. 1859, in lie eoae e. at lets decease by site oleleet sole eif tile first marriage, his fathor’o Barony of Caatlo Hill, Co. Devon a. Sea Itunn F,oa’reerro,, who eras enmnea,eed to parhianient, his father, ao 3rd earl, 14 Sept. 1861 itt. 11 March, 1847, Georgiana-Asigneta-Clsarlotte-C’aroline, eldest dan. of the Right Hon. Lt.-C’,]. 0.-b. Dawson Darner, ef Theopbtlae, Earl of Lincol,, and ltaron Clinton, and wae and by her (o’ho ci. 8 Dec. 1166) has lead bane, I. Heon, Fussed Etrisegtsa, 9. 10 April, la’34. te. Seyeooor4ohn, 5. 10 Feb. 1050. n. Lionel-Henry-Deldley. 5. 19 Nor. 1937. av. Arthur-Gre,,nille, tat Mattetra, 24 Dee. 1920. v. John-William, 5. at Madeira, 20 Dee. 1059. vs. Cbarles-Grcnville, 5. 50 Oct. 1001. vie. A eon, 9. 0 Dcc. 1000. ,. Sstsan-Eltcahcth. ii. Mary-Eleanor. set. Locy-Catherine. iv. tieorgiana.Seymosir. v. Hleanor-llester, 1. 11 Sept. 1904. vi. Allee-Sophia. vie. Frances-Blanche. ILitorac. This noble family dednces its origin franc Sir Richard Ic m. t tnnn, let earl. Porte, a distinguished soldier ia the invading army of WILLiAM THE Co,eouenoa, who protected his royal ,s,aster, at the celebrated battle of Hastings, by bcartng a strong sineld before him from whirl, event tlee French werel eeroe (a shield) was added to tise original snraamo at Fort, and titus Portoscue produced. The son of this gallant warrior, S,a Anave Foarescue, ItnI., bcing also a commanding eHcer in the same conflict, obtained fro,n the enecoesfesi monarch a grant of Wimondestoo, or, as it is noso writton, Winston, ro. Devon, of which he became lord. The descendant of tIne Sir Adam, WILL5AM Poeposcne, of Winston, ‘a. Elizabeth, sister and co-heir at Thomas Beanchamp, of Rynie, co. Dorset, and widow of Richard Braneromb, by who,os toe left two sens, Wmo.msn, of Winston, ancestor of thee PeeaTosrrm, of Wi,e ton Prref on, need Faltepit. (See Roan’s Laotele,l Peafry.) JOHN (Sir). The second eon, Sea Jones Foerroecro, one of the groat soldie,’e of the martial reign of HENOY V., ,o. Joan, dan. and heir of Henry Norrelo, and had, with other ieono, besoT, lord-clnef-jnstice of the Common Fleas in Ireland; and S,a Jones’ Foenscuo, ltnt., v.1,0 being bred to the bar, was oonstitoted Loan-Ce,oe Juoroco or ganLavo, in 1442, and is oaid to have born made tord-rhanceller by i-loser VI., after that monarch was forced to fly intes Scotland. Sir John was esteea,ed a very eneinent lawyer, mod was tlse anlhor of the colebrated treatise, entitled .fle Lao’slitae Lrgsioi dogliw, in which he calls himself C’oaoellos-Ooss deiglice. Sir John retired, after the final overtlerow of his royal maetcr, Reseat VI., to his seat at Ebringlon, and d. there, at the adranced age of ninety. The baron ci. 1780, and erase, by his elder son, Ito ,e. Rltaabctb, daa. of Str Stiles Stapleton, and was e. by his Steen, 3rd baron, F.S.A. and DCL.; 8. 12 Sbareh, 1793, who son, NAaTIN Foa’rascuo, Req., who m. Elizabeth, dan. and l,eir 1789. His lordehip ,o. 10 Stay, 1782, Iheeter, dan. of the Ilight of Richard Deyneehl, of Filleigh and Wear Gifford, co. Deco’s, lion. George Grenville, and sister of George, let Marquess of by whom he obtained thoec estates, and lead two eons, JOHN, his heir. William, of Bi,ehland Filleigh, co. Devon, ancestor of the e. Genie, 2nd peer. F,,aTeecnEo ef Baetdaad Filteigle, of the PoeT000005 cf .Droesietca ansi Rorc,ioslolc, and of the Foarcecree, Lords Clerneont. (Sec flua,ce’e Laessiecl Geatrp) 461 F 011 whose sole, R,coaan Foavescea, Req., was o.3.y his eon, Muon Foevoecro, Eeq., who vs. glizabeth, eietcr of Sir Arthur Chieheeter, lord—dcpnty of Ireland, and woe fattier sef Jo,,v Foonocno, Req., who 00. Elicabcth, dau. of Sir John Spercot, ldnt., and had a son and heir, Ituos, Foaveecna, Req., who ceo. 31017, daa. of Robert Rolle Req.; and dying in leOh, left, wtlh other issue, Aoroua FoaToeree, Req., whoso oleheet eon, blnoes t”oavaocue, Req. of Pilleigh and Wear Giliord, eec. Rridget, only dan. and heir of 1-hagh Itoecaeoen, Req. of Tregolhnon, co. Coraee’alh, and iharcarci, his wife, 0th dan., and cve,etoally co—heir, of Theophilne Chintsen, Earl of Lt,ceoln (whoee elelcet sister e,e. Rol,ert Rolle, Req. of Itcanton Sackvillz Conrt, Devon), and lead issue, Iluan, his successor. Margaret, co-hoh- to the Barony of Clinton. SIr. Forteeceis as. Redly, Locy, dat,. of Sloftheer, let Lord Lucy, at. to George, Lord Lyttletoa. 18 SIasehi, 1721, as Lent Ctial’,e, in right of his maternal gransloesotteer, the aleave—ene,etioeeed Margaret, date. asset co—heir created Recess Fonletree. itt that ii JAIl, en. Do-eon, 1 Jelly, I 748, and Rant. or I,evcoese ; the Slareeny of S’orteecne to revert, in defatelt of enahe teene, te tote l,alf—tereether, Slatlhasc Fertoeene, Req. The earl dying e. p. 3 Slay, 1701, the coridons expired the Itarony of Clinton leassoel eeenheeally, on the decease of Margaret Fsrtoecne, cisc other cee-leeir, to Margarct, nitty daie. and heir of Sainted Belle, Req. of Ileanlen Sackeihte Court, co. feevon, widow of luebert, 2nd East of 5)rfnrd, and geanddan. of Robert RatIo, noenfioeoed above ; eal,tle Ibe Barony of Fartescne dee chred, according to flee lienitation, npeen Mavveeeeo PoaTeeceTo, Req., as Inch learon. Ilis lorehehip is. 9 Jane, 1702, Anne, 2nd dan. of John Canspbolt, Req. of Calder, North Rrihstn, and of Stactcpole Court, cc. Pembroke, by wheen (echo d. 20 Slay, letS) he had teeo soils, ii. ihafthes’, 5. II April, 1704; rapt. R.N.; a,. let, 1 Nov. 1778, henrietta, dan. of Col. Archor, and by her had, I Mottheee, 5. liSt; so. 12 Oct. 151], Rrekine, 41h dan. of Janece Christie, Req. of Dune, cc. Fife; and dying l4Ang. 1802, left leone, Slattheee-Charlee-Shoillond, 8. 14 Aug. 1912; set, to 1049, Staria-Jano, dan. of the hate ‘f-Id. Roecyer, Req. of Iterefordehire; and rl. II Aug. 1557. Theeenae-Dyke-Achaod, Rout. RN., 5. 20 Jetty, 1821 d. Stay. letS. tlngh-Rhrington, 5. tie 1027; it. ht April, 1009. Stooy-Tnrner-Rrekine, no. 23 June, 0040, to Capt. T.-J. Isacke, 0th fuelliere. Itarriec-nooswolt-Erohinc, os. 1 June, 1802, to Captain Stirling-Stood, ttieog’e dragooee-gnarde. Shargaret-Lncy, cii. 22 Jan. 1040, to Be Winton-Martime Corry, Req. of Straw Hill, Cartoer. 2 William, en holy orders, ae. hot, 1019, heahel-Rarelay, dan. of Jamee Chrielie, Req., by es-hem (echo s/. in 1920) he had a son, Archer, 5. 1020; see. 1040, A,,ne-hrrine, dao. of Fatrick Syeeee, Req., and hoe ieeue, William-Archer, 5. 1831; Tleoneae-Dyke-Aelsend, 5. 1508; and leahella-fini-clay. The Rco. William O’orleecne vs. Indly, 1532, Rliaa. beth, eldest dan. of the htev blohert-Fmhe Gould, and ii. 13 Sept. lost. Captain Forteoeeee so. Indty, 8 June, 1790, henrietta Anee, only dan. of Sir liicharet hence, Part., and eeidoev of Sir Thoneas Acland, Part.; acid d. 19 Nov. 1842, having hod by her (soho u.S Sept. 1841) a eon, 1 Henry, echo cii. 2 tiov. 1824, Caroline, 2nd dan. of the Right lIen. Sir Itenry htnseehh, heart., and has a eoo, Francis, 8. 1020, echo e,s. 1505, Ralhoerie,e-Prederica. In,h dan. of the late ColA. Alex. Rthice, RN., and hoe ioeeeo, henry, 8. toOt; Franeie.Alcxander, 8. 1500; and TlnghCharles, 8. 1500. woe created J°teceeenl Etrt’eglen and Foci Fo,•fcoei’e, I ScpL Tluekungham, and had ieoue, ,m. George-Slatthew, of Rocosieoe, Cornwall, and Dropmore, Rocks, 8. 21 Slay, 1711; so. 19 Feb. lS33, Lady louisaRhizobelte Ilyder, Mb dan. of Dudley, let Earl of Ttarroevby and hae had toene,