Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/512

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P05 1 George - Grenville, 8. 2 J00. 1655; accidentally killed Jeuw-Tuuno FOSTER, Esq. of Dnnloer, sonattitne SIP., who on board the P. V. S. schooner the 2nd Nov. 18.56. 2 Ilugh-Grenville, Caldstreom-gnards, 6. 2 Mae, 1838. 3 Cyril-ttndley, 6. 18 Sept. 1847. 4 llevil, 8. ] Nov. 1858. I Louisa-Susan-Anne ‘at. 25 June. 1863, to Wosthy-William antI ‘1. lit 19241 1cc hatt tsstro, Moore. ksq., and tI. an March, 1884. 2 llarriet-P,leanor, at. 29 .larch, 1584. to 4’apt. Augustus Fmderiek-Tloonans, 6.2 Oct 1777, SIP. Pliillintore, U.N., eldest son of tIre late Jsse1’li l’lulltntnt’0, DCL. 3 Mary. 4 Elianltelh-Prnnccs. itt. John, 7,, 5 Ma;’, 1796, in Italy orders. MA., canon of Tnt tlinuT lies. Ar’nrsTPs-JouN PosTeo, iC., and Worcester, and rector of l’eltiruore. Ilevnn -it. In 1842, (tutI son), was appointed envay-oxtraurdinary nod minister- Sephin, lIon, of ttte late tIer. I Icury ?,erslle, rector of CoRes— plenipotentiary Ic Snrdiuta, and crenlcd a Daranet, 40 Sept. more, en. Rutland, anti has issue, I Ifssglt..lehn, 8. 10 Aug. 1 o14. I lImIer-Emil;’, 2 8,t1thta-Ehiaalteth. 3 Eleanor. of lttirlcitrghattsslsire, anti tty Iser (trite ti. 28 Slay, 1967) Isad 5. hester, a. 20 May, 1s84, 1.’ Peter, Tilt Lord King. ii. Catherine, to. 24 buy, 1820. to Notrlsu, 4th Earl of Potts— Poeneisicg-Guenns, 2std baronet. mouth, and /. ltb widow, It , pelt, I 8a4. Iii. Anne, t,;, in 1814, te George Wilhrnhans, Esq. of Delamere Tere_llent.yLo,sis, 6. 25 April, 1919. Ilsuse, cc. Chester, ‘vIsa ‘7, in 1852 she 1. 28 Feb. 1064. iv. Mary, at. 15 Feb. 1823, to Sir Jantts—llamlyn W’iUtansa, Sir Avsgttslats-Jeltn r1- I ttttg: 1615, atad tens e. by his eldest son, 3rd han, u-ho 1. 10 Slay, 1886. V. Eleanor. vi. Eliralteth, cc;. 27 Dee. 1530, to Wil9nm-tleginald, 12th C,-estise—31 Sept. 1831. Earl of ISes-on, and 7. 27 Jan. 1867. The earl tI. 16 June, 1841, nnd was a, by Itis elder son, Itun.n, 2nd earl, E.G., I.L.D., FItS., n-Ito u-asS. 13 Frh. 1783, siringed. go. and a,. 1st, 4 July, 1817, batty Stosasa Ryder, dae. of Dudley, 1st Jlattttes’—Itirini gloria ntt-is; Ornado to aspictam. Enel of Iiaerou’lty, hy o’tontn (trhn st. 30 July, 1827) he hati, I. lfv’uu, present peer. ii. Johu-55’jllians, Rent-cal, E. Devon militia, and 9t.P,, 8 14 July, 1819; ‘1, at Madeira, 25 Sept. 1829, in, 11oct10)’— leant-is, 32,1’, for An,laver, 8. in 1820; at - 8 Josne, 1832, Caesilla-Eleauer, dan. of Nets-Ion, 4tts Earl of I’ortsmantis. The earl stt. 2ndly, 26 July, 1841, Eltzal ‘eth, eldest Inn, of Piers Peale, Esq., and relict of Sir Marcus Somerville, Port. lois lordship, 5,1st; nb sstnstotoiaett in Isis father’s Ilarony of Poe— lescur, 28 Felt. I o2l1, filletS lice office of lor,l—liesttencntt of Irelatsd frau, April 1839, to Sept. loll. lIe ti. 14 Sept. 1481. Ct-eofioooo—Bannn, 5 Jolt’, 1746, Visronnl auth Earl, I Sept. 1789 A tate—Ac., a Itend, engrailed, arg., Itinie rotiseti, Or. i. late capt. 1111; Isustars t 5. 24 MaccIt 1525; ss. Creof—An iteraldic tIger, slt,tant, org., strsssn,1, sisanetl, anti tosflcd, or. Sttttota,’ter,—Twe grerlsosnstts, tug., each tlarnlly eeflaretl attd lit,ed, ga ,.tlotto—Pttrte srtstotttt saltss durtnn. Seats—Castle 11111, and Weir Giffae,I, Itet enslsire; Talietahalt, Liuroluoltii-e; Eltringtnu, Glaoseesterslstrr; nod Summervile, en. aVaterfsrd. FORTH, VISCOUNT, see PERTH, EARL 01’. FOSTER. FOSTER, THE REV. RtR _______ CAVENDISH-IInRvEY, of Stonehtttsoe, co. Lotsth rectoi’ of i. Easily, ot. in 1946. Thoytlon Cartattis, Eaoex is. 7 it. Julia, no. II April, 1967, lIerherttVilIinm Day, Esq. of May, 2817 a. Isis brother’ as 3rd barb. 25 Den. lSiiT; ttr. 15 Sir William spas created n Baronet in 1838. Jan. 1844, Isnlteilta, youngest riots. ttf the late 11ev. .John Ttttld, of llnleottwen, and laos isstte, i. JOuN’EEEOOEICE, officer ia 13th husotu’s, 8. 18 Jan. 1847. Poolee, of the saiae place, lty Sarah, his wife, dnu. of Robert is. llervey, 8.22 June, 1991. 1. Jane-Vere. ILtlIritgr. Jontr Foswoo, Esq. of Dnnleer, en. Lonth, us 10 Dte. 1104, by aliens he loft, at hIs decease in 1021, Eliaaheth, youttgest dast. of Williana Psrteoene, Esq of Newrngh, I. LosieraT-ttLaco.wrr.L, of Itnton,Iall, Noefttlh, ha losly orders; no. Tooth; and ‘7. 16 May, 1747, leaving isane, Anthony, lord-chief-baron of tlte Cotort of Entheqster in Irolatati, trt,ose son. J,tlttt, srtss et-eatett La,’tt Odt 1. Tuttaras, of witom ltresetltly. Willitttu, of Dotuleer, u’Iao 0. t’o,tienee, dats. of ,tolssi S’otrko, Esq. of Dnltlin; and 1. 24 Ang. 1758, leaving issue la-u clans., Patience, ttt. to John M’Cltnlcrk, Esq., MI’.; and Elizabeth, It. Wiomsai, erealetl a Baronet in 1859. no. to J’ttiti Lttttgfeltl, Est1..M.t’. ; mcd tsr-n sttus. of rvltoos i. Assastaria, ct. lot. 20 Apt-il, 1829, to Giernnni-L’tetro Gitohie— the elder, Jttltn-W’illiam, NP.. bin 1745, at. tlettet-en, dan. of I tamilton M’Clst-e. Esq. of tl;tltlitt. atod had, l’ocooosicg— Jouy, note of Castle llisg. ro. Ltonllt, J.P antI t).L.; louisa. Jane, ttt. to Tlsotttns, 2otl 3,ot-tl Fitinket ; Eliaaltellt ; anti Rosily. Margaret, ttt. to Slepltett Stttthorpe, Rsq. of Brownston. Charlotte, ut. to Niehslas Faster, Esq. Tire 2ntt son, Tnu Rev. Tuonios Fos’ruis, 1St)., rector of Dnnlct’r, 6. 16 Jlotts—Virtnte et lahane. Jlt-ait/eace—Norwtets. Nov. 1789 at. 1746, Dntuthy, datt. of IVilliatti Btn-glt, Eu1. of Kiev, so. Kildnre, n,td seas a. Ity Itis sort, 4132 F OS m. 2 April, 1776, Lady Elizabeth hlenny, don, of Frederick. Augusttis, 4th Earl of Brhtul, and bishop of Deny, by whom (who s,t, after Itis decease, ‘tVilliam, 5th Duke of Devonshire, APnrsToo-JouN. Itr. Poster tO. in 1165. 1831 t 8. tsr Dee. 1799; ‘to. IS March, 1915, Alhinia-Jane, dan. of tite tInt,. tleorge-Vere Itohart, 2nd son of George, 3rd Earl tsstte, t”Avuautou-lioEvoa, present hart. It. Ha Peroeisiec-Gr.oana, who was 6. 3 Jan. 1616, and tt. nact. 25 Dec. 1957. As-tt,s—Arg., a ehesren, verb, between three bugles, an., Cr, at—A stag, ppr. Sooth ace—I’hoydon Gaeusn Rectory, none Epping. POSTER. FOSTER, SIR W’tLLrAnr, of the city of Norwich 5. 16 Juno, 1708; to. 14 June, 1821, Mary. Anne, vinos. of Starlilag Day, Esq. of N,trwiob, banker, and boo hati iosne, I of, 1854, Geut’gintta, 2tad dust, of Uteltard Areattt, Esq. Icy wti,oiss (visa ,t. 1o61 ‘ lse Istia Itod issite, Svinu an, 9. 1660 Unsily—letts-1-iua ; toss’l Sltsr’ nitti Giants, twins. He so, 2ntlly, 21 Jisstt’, 1964, Harrtvl, ynstisgoat dan. of Iho late Capt. ‘1’. U. thilic, U.N. n. Chnrlcs, 8. 12 Nov. 1826; ott. IS Stay, 1659, Chnrlotle, 3rd dan. of Capt-F. 11. Wills, U.N. no. Praneis-Gostltrsg, 6. 3 July, 1970; to. lot, 16 Aug. 1653, Luty, dan. of tVillinna Gwyn, Esq. of Tnst’urgh Lodge, Norbtlh, ond by tnt (trite 7. 1964) has had isstto, 1-berherl— Fennel,, 8. I9fO Chanter-Ularkwell, 8. 1861 ; Lury-Slnude, and Alier-Stary. lIe us. lndly, 5 Sept. 1861, Bertha, yonngest dart, of the late Timothy Stessard, Esq. of II riglaasts t.uttgc, Nonfoilt. The Heath, East lorrehana. 3tiisrztt. WiLrtaas Porno, Esq. of Nuru’tals, 5. in 1762 (son of William I’eatt, aIm of Nsroirh), ttt. Itt, 24 Aug. 1197, Mary, dan. of Jehosophot T’estlo, htit by Iser had no issue; and 2ndly. in Jotno, 1791, Anaottslin, dun. of Jolsn Beevot’, M.D. of Norwich, 8.27 Jusse, 17950 a;. 22 Nov. 1821, llnry-Greene, dan. of the lIes’. tl.—E. P.rewne, of RIsing, a;sd tsar, I Lausherl-Dlnekw’ell, to. 1 Feb. 1d24. 2 Wtlltasn, to. 24 July, 828. I Story, 07. octet. 29 Nor. Ia42. 2 Antistttsta, to. t’ttvo. 14 Dec. 1545. 3 Chnsdahte-Praoces. Franersea Cneelsi-Ptocnasnte, srhe ci. 11 Aug. 1935; and 2ndly, in loll, to F.rnesio-IdaHassare-Luigi Fcootti Pinusonte. She S. Jsoly, lois. Ct’eotioot—l 536. A etac—Aeg., two books’ heads, erased, ppr., betsreeso two eltera’oitols, usc., the srhak Itolss-oon tloree hngle— l,oo’t,s, sn.0 striisgetl, got. Ct-sot—A burl;, ppr., the dexier fore— hasr resling on act, ineseocheon. gu., charged svith a castle, org.