Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/524

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G A I Joseph Yates, Esq. of Clanna hall, Gloucestershire, Iiarhacn was a. in her barony, and Sir Gerac’d-NoeI Noel in which lady d. 6 Oct. 1051. lIe ‘1. III Jan. 1819. vs. Frcderic, capt. RN., 8. 20 Fcb. 1790; cu. 7 Sept. 1515, CuABLEe-Noen, Ini Loxo SasnAai, who wss ereahed 16 Ang. Mary, eldest dan. of the late William Woodley, Req., and 1841, Jdoreo Sect, Fieceuni Ueccsjcclees. and Eves, or GAiNsic000rsu. ii. 27 Dec. 1533, leaving, I Augustus-William. in holy orders, rector of Stanhor, - Rliaalselh, only dan. of Thomas SVclman, Req. of Pooadaferd Norfolk, 8. 30 July, 1806; a. 16 June, 1041, Lucy, dais. f’arh, Soiaes’eersiaire, Icut hy tlcae lady (c-bed. I Dee. loll), had of C.spt. Willi,sus-Norris Tossgc, RN., of Alvcston, assd no issue. lIe as. Sndly, 11 Iley, 1017, Ehioshcelh, dan. of the loss issue, Uchtred-Middletso-Campdess, 8. 30 March, 1042; a. late lion. Sir George (irey, hart., by whem (c-ho ci. 20 Sept. 26 March, 1012. Frcderic-Angsistus-Dotiglas, 5. 28 Aug. 3843. Ocrard-Henry.Uchtred, hoot. lIE., 5. 3 March, 1841, Ida-Lucy. - — Another dan., ci. an infiol, 12 July. 1 Soj 1 Fassssv-Lonisa, coin 3543, to henry-V. Slalau. Req. (de 4 Get. 4520), lie Issid, M-nuclel, of SI. Catherine’s hill, near f,uihilford, SIP. Capt. F. Noel’s widow a. Sndly, iii 1838, Lsent,-Oen. Sir Tb ensue Hawker, K.C. H .,oocl ii. 21 dais. 1567. vii. F’rancio-Jrrece, 5. 4 May, 1793; in holy orders, MA., vicar of Teston and Nettlestead ; e.24 Apt ci, 1122. CeciliaI’eoelopo, Ii. I lessey—I.eecia, of ExIsts t’arlc, late an officer 6Stls fool, dan. of l’aul.Coi,b Sletlnsco, Rsq., and siatsr of tlse 1st 1.ord Tilelhsuess,and 1. 30 JsOy, 3514, having had, I Edward-Andrew, late cILIA. lIst feet; 5.2 dais. 1535; in 1048,, yonssgeetdau. of tlse late W.-14. Par’ wssc, Esq. of Elsten hall, Notte, and has, William-Frederick, Cecil-Edward-Berkeley, Francis-Charles-SIctlnsen, s. lharr-Arsbcella-Locdsa, ci. in Ang. 1541, Ic Sir Andrew it’ diert-Lasrelles, .isnc-, Slslilds, assd another class, 2 .lames-Gamhier, 5. 10 .lnly. 1526, 3 Francis-Slethuen, 5.4 Am. 182;); in the isavy ; drowned ii. Cattcorine-Ilensihton, as. 10 June, l84i, Sir J. Carnegie, at Sydsiey, Ia Nov. 1852. 4 Montague-Henry, 8. 38 Dee. 1146. 1 Matilda-Catherine-Emma, oc. 4 Aug. 1040, to Edward- itoden, and had by her, Leigh I’omberton, Esq., oldest en of Edward-Leigh Peasherton, Fog., brother of Lord ltiisgsdown. 2 lhsllieesst-Mary. ccc. 8 Juice, 1800, to tier consist, Berkeley-P-C. Ned, Req. of Sloxhnl l’ark, re Warwick, i, ‘ielcrici, ‘cc. 13 Jnne, isOI, So Sir T.-F. Buxton, East. viii, iterlceley Oetavins, AM., 5. 3 Dec. 1704; cc. 22 June, Ills lerdeitip ci. 10 Jsine, 1166, and c-as a. hy his eldest son, 1020, Letitia-l’escelope, only dcii. of R.slph Adderle , Feq. Cnannr.s Oeanae, 2nd and present Rvnn er Ovtxennoonnti. of Cetass, Stafferd.slsire, assd widaw of Andrew aket. Req. sf MovInG Park; and dying 25 llarels, 1841, left by Iser (wiso A 18 Jan 1060) a soss, 1 Berkeley-Plaot-sgenet-Cliarles, ef Moxhul Park, cc. Tsvelfttc in descent from Kenneth Midclletesa, ices p. Mvnoccras Warseick, 5. 29 July, 1021; a magistrate and deputylient. for Warwiokshire; a. S .Josse, 1812, JiithsreistMary, dletccn, cn. Rincardine, who was faticer of Jtctsv Msnns.r.ToN, dan. of the hen, and Rev. Francis-Noel, of of Caidheme (which ho exchanged with Middhetou), who Teston, Kent, and has Charles-Francis Adderley, 5. 30 Aug. 1834; Edward-Ilessry, 5. 12 Fob. 1839; Jamea to. Itelc’n, dais, of John Stralcan, and had isnue, two eons, ltariogtoo, 5 17 Feb. 156l ; and Leniea-Letitia-lshillieent. JOLN and Anaxoonee. Tlae elder scsi, Josso, a dietissg-niehod (Sr Horn of ,hlea’ltc’l PatS, liusucr’s bade’? Uric’s.) ix. Leiand-Neel, HA., in Italy orders, Icon. canon of Peter- 11165, Roan nr Mrnns.avcco, Baron Clermont, and Eaton borough, cnsd vicar of Rxtoss, ]iu tiandeldre, 5. 21 Aug. Fettercairn. his eon, Sscd earl, lost tis,esa honors 1707; is. 30 Dee. ls24, liary-Araisehla. dais, of the late thcr’oigh forfeiture, by Act of l’arliasnent, its 1092, ascd left Johu-Savile Foljamhe, lsq. ol’ Oabcrton Hall, Notto, (wills ttcrae dcssm.) Leo eons, .Tnsso end Cae,snnrewtto ci, its and by her (wise d. 0 May, lSShi) has bad issue, I Sierace-George-Wriothesley-NeeI, its Isely orders, 5. 05 Frcii;ce a. p. (See Iii’OaE’s Rxthtcb Peerage.) Oct. 1015. I Rmnta-terilia. 2 Mary-Fenelope, iii. 24 April, 1045, to the lIon, and Kiesg’s t’cdilege, Atc’rdceic, in I GtE, 1 in 1654, ieaving a sccis, Rev. Andrese-G”dfrey Stuart, suit of Hobart, Ind Rat-I Gsccecns; Ji innreaoo, P P., principal aloe, of Kiscg’e College, of Castiestuart, and ci. 24 dais. 1855. x. Ihaptist-Wriathesley. in holy orders, MA., 5. 10 July, cf Seat’ ‘n, and dying in 1726, left, witls an el’ler s’ss. Jehis, 1759; cc. 17 Get. 1020, Jane, eideet dan. of Peter Bailise, Req. of Doehfoccr, and has issue 3 Wriothesley. t. 11 Aug. 3027. 2 Rosiest, m. 24 June, 1857, Louis’s, only dan. of Thomaa Leerlcinc, ccc. Stinlhiccg, assrh had (with two dens.) t a-o eons, Mime, Esq. ci Warley itonae, Yorkshire. 3 Albest-J.eland, to. 21 Jusse, ‘salt, }21a, 3rd dais, cf the Rev. Capel Mnlynenx. 4 Engeue-l”rederick. c. 1 Aug. 156.5, Rthel-Slaria, oisly dais, of thomas Chapman, Req. of llryascslon Square. 3 Mary-Jane, a. 23 April, 1805, to T.-Anlhony Denny, Req. 4 F,dith-Louioa. 2 Rmily-Elieabeth, so. 27 May, 1852, to the ibis. Ilenry. Lewis Noel, eon ef Chas-lee-Noel, let Ran of Gainsicorocigh. 3 Oortrnde, as. S Feb. 1805, to Sir Tlenry-Flower Every, ii. Cnvnrse, of whom preeentby. Hart. and 2. 20 Feb. 1058. i. Louiea-Riieaheth, as. in 1507, to Wilhians-llonry-hleare, The yosnagar eon, Req. of The Orose, Surrey; aisd sf. 101510. is. Emma, as. in 1808, to the late Stafford CBs-len, Rsq. of ettairced rice rank of posl-ccsptciisi. in 17.50 ; was made resinadnsirah, Iilatherwyeke Park. ni. Charlotte-Margaret, cc. let, in 1513, to Thomas Welman, aid adndral of the Rrd, its iSIcS. In 1775,1cc was appointed Req. of l’onudsford P.srh; and 2odly, in 1839, to conaptrsiler of tile Navy; and wee created a Ilaronet Thomas Thompson, Req. of Vonhrugh House. Iv. Augccete-Jnhie, to. in 1814, to Th,tmss-l1. Eahiogton, Edwards, Req. In 1102, Sir Charles Middletan sneceeded Roq. of Rotlsley Temple, Leicestershire; end ,I. in 1132. Lord Melville sic fit-at lcsrd of ttcc Adnsiraity, and was v. Juiiassa-hhieks, is. in 1034, the Itev. Ssmnel Phillipe; elevated be the peerage of Os-eat Britain, May I, in the same and d. 4 Jsn. 1051. Lady Earham ci. 12 April, 1023; end Sir Gerard ss. Sadly, Keel, atad, in dafanit c,f neahe issue, the dignity of a Darosaese Harriet, den. of the Rev. J. Gill, nfSerspetoft, in Leiceetershire, to dcvclve npats Diasaa-Nc’eh, his daughter, the wtfe of which lady d. in 1826; and Irdly, 31 Ang. 1831, SIre. Gerac’d-Neel Nsel (farnaorly Edo’arda), Req. of Extoic Park, Isabella-Evans Stoymend (who if. st Morhaix, France, 9 Jone, co. Ruti,ocd, and tlce dignity of Baraes to beer Iceit’s male. 1567), bnt had isene, by neillser. lie ci. 21 Feb. ISIS. Lady Ills lordship so. Slorgtiret, dan, of James Gambler, Req., 474 OAT his baronetcy, by their eldest son, lie was I. 2 lIct. 1701, an’l as. lab, in July, 1S09, 4558), he had a see, i., present peer. His lordship is. irdly, 29 done, 1020, Arobehla, 2nd dan. of Sir ,Jonccs his eclyss-Wiiliattse. Bare, of Cloeelty, by svhiosn (solos to. i. Gerard-dames, lola rapt. 11th liciasars, 1’. 21 Aug. 1821; 01 1’. for Ricblcctsdsisire ; 0 sec. he the Treseist’ ; se. 56 June, 1003, ,togoela-Slat’y, lad don, of the flea. 11.—C. Lawiher, lIP. (cc gate, Lcceenann, RACE or). and has Gerard-Cecil, t. 4 11cr. 1104; and a son, 1,. 21 Slay, 1008. high Slss’riff ott itctllcnidalsire in loOl, 5. 15 Nor. 1524; at. 27 Itoy, 1112, Rnsiiy-h5haebelh, dau. of the lion. and Rev. Icaphias-W’riothrsiey N,cei, anti has Gerard—’flcoinas, 5. I’d Mao, 1516; llerh-SlidcUehon, 5. 1 April. isil; a son, 5. S Jon,-, i scO4 Rvelyn-Mai- Gerlrede-Arabelie; and a dan., 5. 5 Felt. 1085, A gnocr, han. Earl (new Each of Sescthesk), and 1. 1 Iclarchs, 1510. The cc. 4thiy, 20 daly, 1832, Frances, dan. of hoSed, Earl of i. lIed cn-Ilertceiey-Wrielheshey, groom of the pri chemhcrr, t. 27 Ang. Ia 14; ccc. 21 March, 5o6;l, Alice, daic. of Paid Bred, llsq., and has a d;cic. iilIIIJ Eli 1ELifl1ttDti. 1 V., King of Scotland, us cm Jc,secc i,hiicnorvc’o. ef Slid— ec,inssscsisder in thce civil war, u’ae created 4 Oct. The y’ ‘esisgor a’ st of .1, ‘his Micbcllettec, c’f Coldbcsms, Anexoascen Mcnt,LaT,cN, tIP., Icroloesor assd principal of Aberdeen, who cci. Janet, daci of Jamee Gordon, Req. Rc’nenr Islinnnevccei, onitcetor of this Csiet,,ms at Alicway, us N’,nths hinitain, wise to. Helen, d,scs. sf f’heshes Dcsndas, of s Onooten, of Moss licdi, 1Iid-bothian, comictneBer of the Customs at Lc-itis, ct. Risz;cbrth, dcssi. of George 5S’ileoic, of Scccttesiclecigh, ascd iS. ne 1754, leaving teeue, I Charles, ci. act cc. 2 R,sbert-Gamhier, capt. RN. ; ccc.Sn 1802, Susan-Mat-ia, dan. ofd ohcs -Slartin Leaks, Req. of Thorpe flail, Essex, and t, in 1817. I IciHen, ccc. t’c the Rev. Redenick llacleod, ED. 2 Elieabath, cc,. te Jc,hn-Slartin t.eakr, Esq. I Jotsct, ‘c. to John ‘thomson, Rsq. 4 Wilhelmina, ct. cots. - CsiAci,ro Mtnns.evoo, wise adopted this novel professiess, in 1787; vice-admiral, in 1753 ; admiral, in 1715; 23 Oct. 1751, with i-emaiiader tcs Ins son-in-lciu’, Gerard-Noel year, as Reese Rerheso, of Bar/tom (Sari, cotS Teases, cc.