Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/530

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GA R August. On 1 Nov. 1795, Sir Alan received the thanks of Creattsaa—Burouet, BAng. 1794. Haroo )Irelaud), 19 Dcc. the house of Commons for his conduct in the action off 1800. huron (Untied Kingdom), 11 Nov. 1606. Port L’Orient, under Lord Bridpnrt, where he was second Areas—Or, sn a chevron, go., between three griBns in command ; in 1756, he was returned te parliament for heads, erased, uz., an auchoL erect, between two lions, Westminster; and in 1799, adraoeed to the rank of admiral gnardant, ca’otttor-passant chevron-wise of thae field. of the blue. Sir Alan Oardoer elerate’l t., the peerage of lrelated, 29 lIce. 1009, as Baro,t Ga,-iterr. Otis lordship Sappartere—Tws gu’tffino, wings elevated, ar. beaked, was re-elected for Westminster in 1905, and created a peer memtae, el. atad goaged avith a naval corosaot. or, each resting of the United Kingdom, by the title of l4AaoN Bantam, tho in Ic rt ‘r lain dfoot nsa usa aatchor, with cable, sa. of Uflsxeler, cc. Sisfforit, 15 Nov. 1990. Ills lordship in. Seal—Ray Sleds, Sluideehead, Berks. Snnannah-lfydc, only dan. and sole heir of Francis Gale, Esq. of Ligaanea in Jamaica, hy Sasannah, his wife, dan. Note—Upon the demise of Ahnn-Ihyde, had Lord Gardner, of Jamea Hall, Eaq. of Hyde Ifall, and had, 1. ALAN, his successor. ii. Fraacis-h”arnmgdon, rear-admiral RN., 1’ in 1775; at. veatigation, this Iloatoe of Lardo decided against the chain-, in 1009, Cathe]ine, 3rd dan. of the late Charles-SpencerVast amad declared htslordabip’ssaao by bin second marriage (AlanLogge, Scraubenzee, Faq., and aunt of Ccii Sir Cisarles Stranhenase. K.G.B.; and it. in 1021, toaving inns, 1 Fraucis-Chariw., 0. 25 Starch, 1010 ; S. in 1916. 2 Scowawr.Wtt.Liaat, 6. 10 July, 1012. 1 Alan-llyds, capl. in Indian navy, 1. 25 Jan. 1114: s’t. 1st, 10 Sept. 1044, Caroline - Augusta, dan. of the late Charles-Allen I’hilipps, Req. of St. Bride’s IJill, en. Peosbroko, and had, 1 Alan-hyde, 9. 2 Sept. 1840, it. 19 Oct. 1840; SAtan-Hyde, 0. If Bee. 1820. He so. 2ndly, 26 Slay, 1015, Lucy-Elizabeth, 4th dan. of the late Frederick-H. Coore, Faq., and 5. 11 Nov. 1050, leaving issue, Franeio-t’aringdon, 0. 10 Bee. 1v16. S Cathorioo-Gstsrgiana, Ca. 10 Aug. 1845, to llajar W.-II. Richards, Bengal army. 5 Snsanna-Amella, as. Oct. 1844, to W.-P. Jones, Req. itt. WillIam-Henry, general, col. comm. 18th batt. It.A., t. 6 Oct. 1774; e. 50 Fob. 1085, Elizabeth-Lydia, lcd dan. of the late Lc.-Gen. Fyera, and illS Bee. 1910, having hod, William- Bethell, col’,ssel royal artillery, 0. 19 Aug. 1815; in. 24 Nov. 1840, Eliza-Assgnsta, eldest dan. and co-heir of the late Cal. Sir Aloxasader Anderoon, C.B., and has two soas, William-Alex-Gordon. 0. 5 Nov.1941; Alan, 0. its 1842; Elioa ; and two other dana. 2 Alan-Hoary, t. 25 Aug. 1817, capt. RN. : at. 2 Jan. 1900, _tmy-Sophia, 3rd dan. of the late John-Payne Blwos, Req., of Stoke C’dlego, Suffolk, and has a son, OARVAOB, B.ta’ny (Ciltarloa.Henry-Spencer-Georgo Alan-Edward, 0. 25 Slay, 1001. 3 Edward-Carnwall, 0. 5 May, 1020; rapt. RIGS.; ‘a Canning), of Garvagh, en. Londonderry, in tho liner. 14 April, 1843, Louisa, dan. of John hlonanay, Esq.; and age of Ireland, 4.1-’. and I). L., 6. 18 March, 1826; it. 19 Nor. 1852, leaving Edward-Bonamy, who it. 1864, a. as 2nd lord, 20 Aug. 1840; at. 10 Jnste, 1851, and Louisa. 4 Herbert-Caltharpe, it. 30 Aug. 1821; capt. H l.C.S. Cerilia-Snaanua, yonngeat dass. of the late Jobs1 in. 15 April, 1913, Emma-Elinahoth, eldest dan. of P.-J. Rstgglea-liriao, Eaq. of Spaino Hall, Esaox, and Prescott, Hog. of Oxford Square, and it. 58 June, 1857, Cavendiah, co. Suffolk, and han inane, leaving lhcrhrrt-l’rraeotL 6. 1017, and Emma-Louisa. S Henry ffaringt’’n, R.L.C.S., 0. 11 Slay, 1027; it. 1810. 1 Anne-Europa, as. 20 Feb. 1129, T.-L. Coach, Esq. youngest san sf Sir Thomas Coach, Hart. of Beuacre hall ; and it. S t3ept. 1819. 2 Fliza, no. in 1910, to the Ilsv. Joho Bucknor, 30. A., ol ‘Ohio surname of Cannisag is derircal frost the manor of Bishop’s Wyke lI,a,aae, Sussex. 3 Snaannuh-Amie-Anne, at. 14 March, 1830, to She late Canniagrs, in W’ihlalsirr, where the family was originally seated, Captain Johaa James, of Shelfc’rd. 4 Ilary-Eliexhoth, it. 251 Aug. 1814. S Angasta-Sophia, at. 27 Aug. 1844, to Ponsonby-Arthur in Brislol in the reign of Ensoaan II., and the bt-anch foonalod Moore, Req. br tauoaaaun.a 91. on). cv. llerbort, 0. 29 Aug. 1701 ; sa. 7 Nor. 1804, 3lary-Atane, greater part at lhae fostrlcetalls amid fiftoostlls centuries., William yanngest dao. of tlae late John C,n-nwall, Ecq., and it. 10 Canaingea aehiresaotaid Urietol in several successive parliantcols, Aug. 1818, having by her (a-ho it. 8 Nov. 1857) had issue, and a-as aix buses tnayor hetsveen 1160 amid 1190. lIe it. in 1 Marianne, in. March, 1834, to Rol’ert-Shore-LBlnee hIlt, leaving, aith oIlier issue, John Cannioges, his son and Bouchette, Req.; and it. in July of the same year. 2 Sophii, as. 21 June, 1042, to Ht’bert Richardson, Req. lseir, a-Ito a-as menat,er fec hiristol, and also, in 1192 and 1158, of Bellatse Iloose, Herta; and it. ia November, 1941. 3 Georgiaua. ‘a. 6 March, 1854, Charloa-Sergisoo Smith, lhoo coder age. Thaeaaas, lila second eon, a-au Lard-Mayor of Req. of Galdicate Ilonse, cc. Worcester; and it. in 1810. t.oodota in 1420; William, halo third usa, scat the colebrated 4 Eleanor, at. 15 July, 1002, to Coaum. John-W.James, Stayer of hiohatol of fIts reign of Eon-ann IV., and cIte ro-tosm’Isr B. N. v. Edward, 8. 0 March, 1784; it 5 Oct. 1861. vi. Valentine-William, d. at Canton, vet. Samnel-Olsrtsn. 1476, b’oing then in Itchy aialrrs, and Dean of the ariory of i. Soeaonah-Ilall, -sat. John Cornn’all, Req. of Hendon; it. thratlanry, whirls hac hash 1ae-oviotaahy fotastaled. 9 Slay, 1812. Be it. in 1800, and was a. by his eldest asia, ALaN-lye, 2nd baron, lICE., nod admiral in the royal nan-tags cci lit Agsac’e, tlae eldest daos. and eu-heir of ,bolan navy, 0. 8 Feb. 1770, who at. 1st, 9 March, 1798, MariaRlicahelh, Sahnsos, anal Eoatatia hats wife, dan. and heir of John Is only dan. of Thomas Addery, Faq. of Inniohannon, .llaoalaath, its salsoar f:amily Foxeate laaat teett vested from tlse cc Cork, and his wife, Margaretta (whoso 2nd hnel’and tinae of the Cossqaaeat. was Robert, 4th Earl of Mnehingbaenshi.e) ; from which Barataun C.aaataa, of Foxeate, tlse ann and heir of Tlaooaao Maria-Elizabeth, Lord Gardtacr was divorcrd in 1895, and anal Agora, a,a - Mary, alan. of II asaapht my Cont1alon, and laud Icon she re-married hdeatry Jadics, Req. His lerdahip en fodly, aana, Ttssssas, haia heir, and Jotta, aoccster ef the Canoings of 18 April, 1809, Claarlatte, 3rd dan. of Rahert, Lord Canington, ‘t’odeoduus. The elder ann and laeit-, by whom (who it. 22 March, 1811) he had, Akasa-Le000, the present peer. Charlotte-Suaanoah, to. in 1015, to Vdward Vemon, 4th Ictettaun Caaasaoc, lisal. of Fexcole, en. ‘tvurwich, who a!. Lord Suffield, and it. II Aug. 1929. his lordship it. 27 Dcc. 1815. GARLTES, VaSC0UNT, ace GALLOWAY, EABL. GA R VA G H. Rfl. I. CteanLns-Jastta-Sretscmn-Geouoa, 1. 2 June, 1865. 55. Canway-Sfratferd-George, ha. It Bee. 1854. 3Ltllfii$yc. aoal a-larre the senior line roaalinued unhil it tenniouted in co-laeircases, its the titoe of lbmamy I’ll. A younger coo aeflled by him formed tiac moat enaisaant family of hltat city during time mayor, lIe is. it, 1106, leaving three sons and three dana., all af the chords of St. Ilary Iledehiffe, in that city. Be it. in Jottu- Cauataar, the eldoat ann of Jehtt, was the father ef Toou,as CaNotsae, a-ho acqadred Ihe estate of Faxrolr, by his Tatostao Ca saor, of Fexcote, au. Jane, duo, of Richard Boaaglahaas, Esq. ef Cassaalrroo, ro. tllnaaceoter, attd soas fatlaer of Rhizubeth, daa. of hliehaod h’octy, of llantagaon, and ltud isaac, 5. Bseoauo, ancestor of the Caaaaauo of Finesse, em Warnick. Se Bauno’e Laaa,ala it (“rah’y.) st. Tttoaaas, of Bristol, saaerchaot. a On the 18th Sept. previously, tho Gazette snoonneed tho isa. Wtlhtaoa. of lhashiugshaso Blachn-ell Hall, Londoo mnordaunt; intended elevation of his lordship to a viseonuty; hot he it. laud a grant to the county of Berry lay laalettt. 4 1) ti .ti. xc Great—A domi-griltin, ar. collared and lined, and supporting in the claws an anchor, or. Motto—Valet utacharu virtass. ya,w. fjoase—46. Bayer Street. the houoaaro soere claimed by John-Fenton Gardner, Fsq., the s n a’f h,is first and divorced lady; bait after a long in. the present peer) tabs the rightful heir. before thac patent passed. 480