Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/555

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C RA hosse. She rn lndly, Edmond Butler, 8th Lord Bonboyne, ansi was mother of the 9th, 10th, and 10th lords. Tho eldeot son, MICRAOL GRACE, Esq. of Graoollold, who inhorited, ao co-heir-at-law, tho nndoviood eotatoo of tho Shoffiold family in the ens. Snifolk, 3liddlooex, and York. ITo 4. 19 Feh. 1700, having as. Mary, dan. of John Galwey, Req. of Lota Houoe, co. Cork, and had (with othor children, ono of whom, Itolona, so. Simon Kavanagh, Eoq. of Inch, whose grassdenn, Henry, was created, in 1926, a baron of Hungary, nnd appointed chamberlain to the Emperor of Anstria, and eloiof of the anilitary department of tho eonaseil of war) two sons, I. Osvea, of Grareflold, whoA 21 Ang. 1791, leaving, l,y Mary, dan. ansi heir of J. Bosve’l, Esq. of Siantna llossse, 1 Siehoel, of (ieaceflol’l, 5. 25 Aeg. 1795, and left, by Mary, dan. and en-heir of Nicholas Plnnket, Esq. of Dnnsoghly Casile, an only elsil,l, Alicia Grare, of Gracefleld, who a;. Morgan, 3rd sass of ORAFvON, PURR OF (Williana-Henry Fitzroy), in Tiansosas Kavanagls, Esq. of lion is house, asssl isis wife, the eo. of Northampt;;n; Earl of Euston and Earl of Lady Sasan Butler, dan. of Walter, Idils of Onnende Arlington; Vieronut Thetford, and Vieeosant Ipewinh; assd Ossery, and 4. a. p. 2 Jehn.Iloss’ell, of l’,lantna Hence, en. itesrawiosson ; si of Sndbnry; hereditaryrangor of Whittlobnry Fos’eet, 25 April, 1911, and left, by Mary, dan. and co-Iseir of no. Northampton; ranger of Saleey Foreot; b. 4 Aug. Patrick Ilnssey, Esq. of Ardossnee, Oliver Unwell-John Grace, Esq. of liaatsm liossse assd 1819; fornaorly M.P. for Tlaetford; a. his father no Gracedeld, Mr., who as. Feassees, clan, of Sir Ilielsard 0th duke, 20 Maceli, 1803; as. 10 Fob, 1878, MaryLonisa-Anno, Nagle, an’l has load tlsree sans, I Jslsss, so. Grace, clan, of 1’. Ttisllefsrayte, Ess;. 2 Ilielsard, resident magislmle at Druff, en. Limerick, so. 1st, 1949, Mary.Tane, dan. of William Sweetinan, Esq. ef Ralsenny, cc. Dnblin, winds lady 9. 1 Sept. 1959; Ise a. dnsuy, Ilar Runny Fsrzr.oa’, 2nd illegitimate sass of his Slajeaty bara, dan. of It. G. Taaffe, Esq., and sl. Slay, 1864, CssauLns IT., by Barbara Viuiers, Dssohcoo of Cleveland (1. leaving by the latter lady two dana.; 3 Iiaysnosssl. sO. 13 2$ Sept. 1603) was created ld Aug. 1672, Barso e,f .Soslt;n’y, Oct. 1931; and I Slary, new a non, widosr of llabt. As’clsibald, Faq., who ci. Feb. 1952. H. Wss.LsAss. The 2nd son, W5LLIAIs GRACE, Esq., who resided chiefly at St. Ocr- Isabella Bensoet, osaly dan. asad sole heir of Hoasry, Earl of mains in France, as. Slary, dan. and heh- of Richard hfas’ford, Arlington, ViaeonastTlsetford, assd Baron Arlington, by whom Esq., of Mas-shfleld, eo. Dnhlin, by whom he had, a. EscnAnn, his successor. as. Jelsn, esplaiss of carahinees’s in the imperial service ; ci. at Englaasd ; and on the landing of the Duke of Sionmonth, in the siege of Be]grade, 31 Oct. 1709. a. Clam-Loaisa, as. to Willians Siiddleisn, of Stokeld Park, eo. Cork, and Isas issue, 1 Peter, so. Juliana, doss, of Charles, If th Lord Stourion. life. He was, however, cue of the first wise deserted his 2 Francis, so. a don. of Jssnes Taylor, Faq. of Lasscastes’, 1 Barbara-Clara, os. to the ‘iscannt de Cnssy, iss France. royal master for the Prince of Orange, isa whose cause ho Sir. Graced. 22 Nov. 1777, and was a. by his eldest son, RICRARD GRACe, Esq., SIP, of Baby, Quens’o Connty, CHARLEs, 2nd doke, KG., who inherited, in sight of his npon whom the baronetcy conferred in 1793, an Itirhard noothee, oso lore decease, 7 Feb. 1722-2, the Earbdona of As’hington Grace Gamon, Faq. of Misschrnden, waa entailed (refer to tise great-grandchildren of William Grace, of Ballylineh assd 1072, and Barony of Arlington of Arlington, creation of Bas’s-owmonnt, who ,f. in 1669). Tlsto gentleman s,;. Jane, 14 April, 3063-4. His grace as. Hcsn-ietta, dan. of Chance, dan. of the Han. John Evans, grandfather af John-Evans Marqnoaa of Worcester, and granddass. of Hen’, Duke of Frekc, 6th Lord Carbcry; and had issue, s. WILLOAM, who a. sspon Ilse demise of Sir Richard-Grace 5, Gnaea, EssrlafRraisa, t. 24 Aug. 1711; si. in Jsoly, 3747, Gamon, Dart., S Aps’tl, 1010, to that dignity, and n-as the a. p. having cc. in 1741, Dorothy, eldest dan. of the Earl 2nd and. late baronet. as. Stedield, bosvisler-at-law, LL.D. and F.S.A., of Knob Ilonse, cc. Sossex, the able and ssoll-knosvn Isialorian of the family of Grace; so. in 1929, lfarriet-Georgiana, dan. ef son of Alex. Cosby, Eoq. of Stradhally Hall, Qneen’s Ce. Lient.-Gcn. Sic John hamilton, Dart., and Isad issne, 1 Sheflield, rapt. fOils reg., 6. in 1024. I Harriet-Alicia-Sheffield, so. 20 13cc. 1060, Capt. Charles Vcsey, son of the late lien and lies’. Artlssss’ Vesey. 2 Emily-Anoe-Slseflield, so 12 Sept. IdOl, to George- iii. Charles, 6, 22 April, 3710; 4.29 July, 1709. William Adair, Esq. of Danenasre, Kent, and baa a son, 5. Cars,linc, so. to William, 2nd Earl of Has-eington. Henry-William-Sheffield, 6. Sept. 1090. Mr. Sheffield Grace 4. 9 Jaly, 1090. ass. Perry, rear-admiral RN. a. Jane, so. to George-Frederick Broeke, Faq., brother of Sir flio geaco 4. 0 May, 2727, assd was a. by isis grandsoso, Henry Brooke, Barr. as. Lsnisa-Caroline, 4. 14 April, 1035. Isle. Gmee ,l. Jan. 1001, and was a. by his eldest son, 31. Son Wia.s,sAss Gs.sen, who as. Mary, dan. of the late Richard 17d0, and that of lord privy seal in 1771. His grace as. bat, Pomne, Esq. of Carlow, and had. issue, Wss,LsAas, present baronet, Richacd, late an officer 00th regt., Ti. II Jnne, 1029 ; as. Fanny, parliament, in 1709, having by her (wIse us. lssdly, John Fitzpatrick, elan, of Patrick Curtis, Esq. of Ftizwilliam-sqnaee, Dahlia; and ci. 1055, leaving a posthnsnons dan., lro.ancesSlary, Pnnc’r-Ra’rsaoan, a capt. in the Qneen’n Co. royal rifles, 0, s. GEORGE-HeNRY, 4th dosko. 11 Aug. 1031. Sir William of. 27 Jan. 1041. Cceaf ion—li April, 1795. Arose—Go., a lion, rampant, per fease, arg. and or. tb-eat—A demi-lion, rampssnt, arg. Malls —“ Concordant nomine faeta.” Baron Arlington of Arlington, asad Sndbnry only dau . of Francis, 3rd LordAsbburton. 3iiiitagr Vt’cssod Ip.neich, and Reel a;’ Eoelass; and II Sept. 1673, POKE OF GRAFTeR. las 1600 his grace was issetalled a knight of the most noble order of the Garter. The duke as. Lady he had an only son, CnAaLoa. Ills grace perfornaed, at the coronation of Jassun U., the office of lord high constable of 1005, he comnoanded a part of King JAssas’s forces, aiod behaved with great gallantry in the actis,n of rhtlip’o Norton Lane, in the co. of Sanaeraet, soarrowly eseaping with his was wounded in aternsing the city of Cook, and d. within a fortnight, 9 Oct. 1600. His grace wane, by his son, and ‘s’iscenaaty of Tisotford, creations of 12 April, Beanfort, by whom he had isassc, of Bnrhiugreso. so. Anguotne, who was t. 26 Oct. 1736 ; is. Elioaboth, dan. of Ccl. William Cosby, governor of New York, younger (ace BuRKE’s Leoslrd Gsns,’se), and by her (who as. Lndly, James Jeifreys, Iisq.( he left at his deeoaoc, 24 Slay, 3741, two sons, vie., 1 AU005TOO-HENOX-, who e. his grandfather. 2 CssAnLao, created Benoss .Sossllssaptcas. so. isabella, as. to Francis, let Mas’qneas of Hes’tford. iii. harriet, ci. nssos. Auouo’sns-HENRv, led duke; i. 10 Sept. 1723; who wan installed a knight of the Garter, and filled the offices of secretary of ot.ste and first lord of the Ts’eaanry in 1765 asod iso 1750, the Hon. Anne Liddell, don, and solo heir of Henry, Lord Ravcnsworth, frona whom he was sDv’orced, by act of 2nd Earl of Upper Oesos’y, and d in 1004) had inane, as, Charles, general officer in the annoy, t. 24 Js; y,l 704; 0s. 1st, 1795, Prances, dan. of Edward-HiDer Mssasdy, Esq. of Shipley, on. Dsrby, bywhona (whe d, 2797)hc had else son, Chaeles-Angnatns (Sir), K.C. B., K. C. II., liont.-col. and gnvsnnor of Nesv South Wales, 8 in 1700 ,‘ s,s. 12 Siarek, 2020, Mary, dan. of Charles, 4s1i Bsskeof lhiahmend, and 5. 10 Fob. 1019, having by her (who s. 7 Dec. 1547) bad issose, I Angnneua-Cbarlea-Lennnos, capt. royal artillery, S. CRA Cl R A F T 0 N. 505