Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/56

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A. B E the deceased general. A pension of £2000 s-year wae also settled upon Lady Aiaeremmhy, and the three succeeding The surname Abercronahy, like others of groat antiquity, inheritors of the title. By Sir Ralph her ladyship had issue, was asesimcd from a territory in the county of Fife, aa is Geoaae, heir to the title. John (Sir), GOB., a general officer, who eJ. Horn, in 1817. Jones, 0. 7 Nov. 1776, ohs was railed to the bar in 1000, and nnttl the 17th century, when the chiefehip, by the extinction after being a commissioner ot baokroptoy, was aptiai lied of that line of Abcrcrontby, devolved upon Ancecenalor of ,ja,lge—sdroeate—grneral in 1027, eluef bacon cii Scotland in Birt-caitog, the head of which ltosssc, 1530, and master of the mint and a member ol the cabinet in 1034, and was chosen speaker of list house of Commons Sin JAsies Ancr.cnossev, of Fitsnedden, Loy, and Birkenhog in 1875. In IsIS he rosigoed the speakorship, and was raised to the peerage as Loeo tsusreaostsse, sf Dt’stt’rr,,tlist, anti of Ahcrcrsnthy of that ilk, who obtained a charter of the co. Fife, the 7th Jane of that year. lie s. 11 tune, lands of Harthilh and Ard,in front Roecnv I.), was killed 1002, Slary-Aooc, don, of the late Egertno Leigh, Esq. oh at Flod,lcn, leaving (by Margaret his wife, dan. of Sir the IVest Hall, Iligli Leigh, Cheshire; and dying 7 April, Jaates Ogilvie, of tlcskft,rd a con and succc000r, 1850, was o. by tao only child, Ii.ttro, 2nsl harao, an eminent di7dosiotist, who woo h. Goococ Ancac000sor, of Pitmedden, hey, and Bis’kcnbog, 6 April, 1003, and at. 10 Sept. 1020, Slary-Elieobcils, eldest 0. in 1512, who m. Christian, dan. of Barclay of Gartley, in dan. of Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Shinto, and Icli no oely thud, Strathbogie, and was s. by his son, Mary-Cothorinc-h0licahct.b Ohs lordslup d. 12 July, 1000, Jones Aecacnns,tntc, who sa. Ilarjory, doss, of William, srheo thn Barony of Lsanfcrostine isacame trIbal. Alexander, b. d March, 1781 eel. in the army. 0 11., knight Earl of Errol he held a charter nndcr the great scat, dated of Maria Theresa of Austria, the Tower and Sword of 1527, and was o. by his brother, Portneal, and the dth class of St. George of Russia; d. Gooanc Aoeuceoasav, to whom, and to Itie spouse, Margaret 17 Aug. 1852. Anno, at. in 1705, to Donald Cameron, Eeq. of Leehiel, who was o. by his oon, 6. in 1032. Mrs. Cameron 6. 17 Sept. 2844. Mary, 6. in 1525. Catherine, so. in Doe. 1011, to Thomas Buchanan, Esq., Leslie of Pitraple, Aherdeenobire and we find, in 1555, a and ed. 7 May, ISdi. The baroneeo d, 11 Feb. 1521, whrn the barony devolved on followed t’y his son, her eldest son, Gzosenc, tnd baron, 5. 17 Oct. 1770; iii. 12 Jan. 1708, the William Leslie, of Balqubain, by whom be bad two eons, Hon. Montago Llnndas, 3rd dan. of Itcnry, tnt Viscount 5. Jancs, of Birkenbog, lots sncccaoor; and is. Alexander, Melville, and by her, who 51. in May, 1837, bad issue, GeonoeRALru, late peer. Montagn. 01. ia 1531, to the Rigbt Hon. Fox Mosaic, now Francis, who, on his mars hage with dnn, Baroness Sensphll, Earl of Dallionsie, and 1. 11 Nov. lt’SI. Story-Anus, ti. 13 July, ts57,to Col. N. Ii. Brown. His lordship 4. 14 Feb. 10d3, and was o. by his eon, Gronoc RALPH, 3rd baron, 1’. 20 May, 1000, a colonel in of b/sc Scshlbe’/i .lv3ibios, and who also wrote the Jfcmoiro af h/so the army, who so. 3 April, 1522, T,ouisa Penuel, dan. of the Fosssibto s.f Atcrcrossby. Alexander was e. by hie eldest son, lion. John Hay Forbes, Lord Medwin, and bad issue, Gaonoa-Rotrst, present peer. Jouw, licut. rife brigade, 5. 15 Jan. 1041. Ralph, licut. 00th rubs, it. II Feb. 15d2. Montogu, ci. 29 Aprl, 1050, to the lIon. George-Frederick whom ho had three sons, 5. Arzxosencn (Sir), of Birksnbog; Boyle, son of the lots Earl of Glasgow. Ills lordship, SIP, for Cloekmannoo and Kinroes from 1054 ansi two dane., sit, to Leslie of Kisserog, and to George to lOSt, and far co. of Stirling from 1838 to 1041, woe lordliestt. Nicholson, of Kcumay, onceetor of the Nscnos,eoos of and oberiff-priticipal of Clackmansaannhire. TIc d. G/csilscrs’ic 00,1 Carocrk. The eldest son, 25th June, 1032. Aries—Ar., a fessc, embattled, gu., therefrom isonant n Boi’otut ef Idea Ststio in 1655. Sir Alexander took so chief a dexter am, emhowed ha armour, ppr., garstiahed, or, active a port ogaine King CsconLae, that an historian of oncirelcd by’ a wreath of laurel, the hand supporting the tOte period oharactorices him as “0 maui csvcuantcr.” tu Fresiab standard, in henrI einister, als” ppe. in base (the Stay, 1545, lie joined lilojor Urry, and woo ot the battle of ancient tamily arms of Abcrcromby), ocher., i,tdcntcd, gsa., between three hoaro’ heads erased, az. Crest—A bee, volaul, ppr. Sssppsriero—Two greyboundo, per fesse, ar. and or, asid seine of his treope at Birkenhog. Sir Alexander its. earh collated with a line rofiexcd over the back, gu., and thrice, and had by his loot wife, Elizabeth, don, of Sir charged oti the ohssnhderwith a thistle,ppr. Jfol;o—Vive sit James Baird, of Asiclamedden, to’s eons, namely, JAMES, virae. Scot.s — Airthrcy Castle, Stirling t Fern Tower, his heir and Alexoudor, ancestor of LORD Aaeccnoeov. Crieff, Pertbohiret and Tnihhedy Castle. Claokmanuan Sir Alexander waco. by his oldest son, obsrc. Sow’, Ha ttcc—13, Clitirleo Street, Berkeley Square. ABE1I CR0 MEY. ABEECBOIIIJY, Diii (trotists:. Ls7:tTl;p, Itart. cf Dirkonbog. Jsincl-Elisobetb, d. in 1037. Charlotte. co. lit’ rift’, (‘hit I tf thss eltist esf .5, bos’orsssnl ty, Sir George d. 18 July, 1031, and wane, by his son, ‘6. 22 Slay, 1io24 01. 12 Juno, 1849, Agsiosdjcorgino. V. Ste Roaoev, 5. 4 Feb. 1704: so. 22 Oct. lSiO, Elizabeth- elau. of Lord Khniaino, mid hteo ioono, 1. Ronnnv-Joust, 5. 14 June, 1850. ss. George-Cessna, b. 31 March, 1954, sit. Covcndioii.t;onglas, 5. 23 March, 1850. lv. Douglas. C’iatlee, 0. 1 Nov. 1061. s. Ellzabctb.Agnce. is. Amelia-Grace. 6 ABE IL Lilcilfit’. proved by a cbarlcrfrs’m ttiag MOLC0LM III., and the possessor of that property woe esteentcd the chief of the family, (the lineal descendant of Hsamphredue do Abercromby, Gordon, there is a royal charter, dated 1333. George Atsxoetoon Aomtceohcov, who m. Elizabeth, don. of chartor of w,riaus lao,ls to him and his spouse. Ho was As,exownstss Ascsienooiev, who as. Margaret, dose, of who was proprietor of Fottemeir, Abordetnabiro, and who m. Jane, doss, of John Seton, of Newark, and had a son, was, by Jaatan VII., created Lord Ghaesferd, for his own life. This Alexander, of Fcttsrneir, had also another eon, Dr. Patrick Ahscreromby, author of F/is Mo rliol Aehisvssicstbo Joasos Ananeaoosay, of Birkenhog, father of Arcxostnsa Aocacrsos’sov, of Bickenbog, who was grand folconer in Scotland to King CosAnLao I., and who so. in 1012, Elizabeth, don. of Bcthnno (or Beaten) of Balfonr, by u. John, of Glaaoangh and its. Walter, of Drrncon Hills; I. ALCXAN000 Aocacr.onev, of Birkonbog, woo created e Auldoarn but Mesttroec retaliated, b3- qnartcring himself tt. Ste JAM Os, H.P. for Jianffshire, who ii in 1545, Mary, dan. of Arthsur Gordon, Esq. of Straloch, representative of the family of Siboertou, and bad a nuntcroun fanuly. Mc was s. at his decease by his 3rd son, Itt. Ste Roooav, who m. in l7SO, lTehcn, dais, of Alex. Abcrcromhy, of Tnllibody, astd bad three Sons and thres dons. Sir Robert d. 11 May, 1757, and was o. by his son, tV. Ste Ooonuc, to. in 1750 sa. in 1778, the Hon. Jane Ogilvic, eldest dan. of Alexasider, 7th Lord HanS) who 6. in 1771, and sister of William, 5th Lord Boot’, who d. in 1000, and by her (who a. to the sahitcs of the noblo housc of Dosiff) lie hod, ItosceT, his heir. Josos, s/. nusss. in 1845, Helen, to. in 1812, to William Maulcvsrer, Eeq. of Amehifi’ Sloth, otid ,b. hsOs wi’iotv f Sey.b. 1535. (Sse Choac’a Losdeet Gcotev.) Moria-Sophia, to, in 1010, to thac Hon. David Monyposany, lots osie of the horde of scooit,sa and jsssticiary. Gnace, m. to Jaacpb Husvoy, k’sq. of Ayten, co. Perth. Stephenson, only child of the lots Saniacl Dcughae, Req. of Nethcrbow, and by her (oh’s tO. 25 Dec. 1863) bad issue, Gcoeco-SAssoEL, present barotiet. Sooiuel-Dauglao, of the 42nd thighlonders, 5. in 1020; 51, at tbarnsnda, 15 Slay, 1047. Robert, on afibcsrin the army, b. tAng. 1532, killed at the bottle of the Alma, 20 Sept. 1054. David-James, 0.1037.