Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/57

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A 13 E Elizabeth, so. In 1343. to Captain William Mouro. Jane, Ia. in 1843, to Sir James Coiquhoun, Dart, of Ce!quhoun SoorlA, by CnARLE5 I., in 1642, for his distingulehed conduct and Luos; and 4. 3 May, 1444. Mary-Grace, vs. 9 June, 1848, to Coemo-W. Gordon. Eoq. of John defended the honae of Kollle against the Cevenantero, Fyvie Castle, co.Aberdeeu. Charlotte-Georgina. 4.1839. but, being obliged to capitulale, he wae sent to Edinburgh, Roberta-Henrietta, vi. 25 Oct. 1858, to Sir Edwin-Hare and imprisoned in -a church there, which afterwards bore Daehwood, Bart. Conatanoe-Helena, vs. 18 April, 1853, to the Hon. James the name of Hadde’s Rate. He was snhoeqnently tried, condemned, Grant, 2nd son of the late Earl of Seal’.sld. Sophia-Anno-Adelaide, vs. 1st, 19 Sept. 1854, to Henry-Alexander-Aberoromby His estates were fos’feited, and they remained under sequestration tlamilten, Eeq., andwaodivorccdfn,m were inherited by hie eldest eon, him, en hio petition, in 1863 she vi. 2ndly, 20 Jnly, 1564, John-Wilson Rimington, Esq. son of rise late James Ssn Jonvm Gonnors, of Haddo, who so. Mary, only dan. of Rimington, Esq. of lln’omheod Hall, co. York. Franece.Emily, rn 18 Nov. 3 862,to Sir William Forbes, Dart. Alexander, let Lord Forbes, of Piteligo, by who,n he had Sir Robert 4.8 Jnly, 1815. Crealien—20 Feb. 5634. Arms—Quarterly: firetand fonrth, arg., a chevron, gu., between SIR Gvoaor Goaoome, of Haddo, an eminent lawyer, one threeboara heads, erased, az., langned, of the second; of the aenato,’e ef the collegc of justice, in 1660, president of eeoond and third quarters, 1st and 4th, arg.,a lion, pasoantgnardant. the aessien in 1681, and Lonn lEon CuANcnLLosmno’ Sco’otAstn gn., crowned with an imperial crown; 2nd and in the following year, when lie was elevated to the peerage 3rd, arg., three papingeee, vert, beaked and membered, go. of that kingdom (50 Nov. 1685) by the titles of Lord Rodde, Crest—A falcon, rising, belled, ppr. Sepperters—Two greyhenods, arg., collared, go. llfollees—Above the crest, “Petit alta.” Under the shield, 1684. Hem. Anne, dau. and heir of George Lockhart, Esq. Vive nt vivas:” another motto, “Slercie is my desire.” Scols—Ferglen House, near Tnrrilf, Banifehire; and Fermoy. heir; Anne, sa to Alexander, 9th Earl of F.glinten; Martha, Ireland. Town Haooc—5, Portman Square. ABE RD BEN. is SE90 ABERDEEN, Ftsitn OF (Sir George HamiltonGordon), ‘Vieoonnt Foi’martine ; Lord Haddo, Mothho, Tarvio, and Kellie, in the peerage of Scotland ; Vieeonnt Gordon, of Aberdeen, Co. Aberdeen, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, and a Baronet of Nova Scotia; 6. 10 Dee. 1841; c. bie father as 6th earl, 22 March, 1861. ILAlocEgc. The Gerdons, Earle of Aberdeen, and the Gordene, Pokes of Gordon and Macquesece of Hunily, derive from a common progenitor—the carlo preserving thronghent male descent, the dukes springing from the heir-female of the senior line, ELOZABETU Goanoze. PATRIOK Gorsnoos, ef Hethlic and itaddo, grandeon of Patrick Gordon, of Methlio, slain at the battle of Arbroath, obtained charters nndee the great seal, from JAMes III., in 1481, from Jxnee IV. in 1505, and from JAMEs V. in 1214. i. Henrietta, vs. 2 March, 1760, to Robert Gordon of Halhead, SIr. Gordon lived te a great age, and dying in 1531, was,. by his grandson, Jawee Goonoa, of Methlic and Haddo, whose property Hie lordahip 4. in 1742, and was s. by his eldeet son, grants frein Jaaics V. coneiderably enlarged. In the beginning Gronon, 3rd earl, 8. in 3720; who vs. Catbarine, dau. of of MART’s tronbles, this gentleman was one ef those Oswald Hanson, Req. of Wakefield, eo. York, and by her who signed the aeseciation, in 1567, for the defence of the (who if. 11 March, h827)had bane, young Prince Janice; hot open ascertaining that the queen had been imposed upon, he joined the Earl of Huntly her a. Goowon, Lord Hotfde, 8. 28 Jan. 1764, who 4. 2 Oct. majeaty’e lieutenant in the north, adhered faithfully and wife (whona he ra. 18 June, 17851, Charl,jtte, youngest firmly to her intes’eote ever after, and obtained royal charters dan. of William Baird, Req. of Newbyth (her ladyship of several other lands and baronies. He vs. Marjory, dan. of Sir Thomas Menzies, of Pitfodils, comptroller of Scotland; and dying in 1582, woe e. by his grandson, Jaasea Gosenoro, of Methlic and Haddo (only son of Patrick Gerdeo, by Agnes, dan. of Alexander Fraser, of Mnchil). This gentleman vs. Jean, den, of William, Lord Keith, and waa 2624,hy (theenly son efJehn Gordon, by Margaret, dan. of Sir Alexander Banuerman, of Eleick) hisgrandson, SIR Jowsi Gontow, ef Haddo, who was second in command to the Marquess of Hnnely, over the forees raised against the Covenantere in 1630, and crested a BAaova’r OP NOVA ABE at the battle of T,srreff, In the following year Sir and executed at the crees of Edinburgh, in 1644. until the restoration of CnAoLzs Ii., when they an only child, Jean, Ia. to Sir James Gordon, of Leamoir, Baronet. Me a, in 1665, and was o. by his brother, Meltite, Forces, oad Kcllie, Viocosmt Pet-macline, and EARL OF Aeeonsarot. The Chancellorship hie lordship resigned in of Torbreeko, and had iaeue, George, 4. unm.; WILLiAM, his vs. to John Udney, of that ilk; Mary, vs. to Alexander, 12th Lord Saltenu. The earl d. at the age of 82, in 1720, and was s. by his only surviving eon, WILLIAM, 2nd earl, one of the representative peera of Scotland in 1721. his lordship vs. lot, Lady Mary Leslie, only dan. of David, Earl of Leven, by whom he had an only dan., Ann, who vs. William, Earl of Dnmfries. He vs. Sudly, Susan, den. of John, Duke of Athell, by whom he had one dau., Catherine, vs. let, to Cosmo, Duke of Gordon, and 2ndly, to Slants-Long Morris, Esq., and an only 5ev, Gconoe, his successor. The earl to, 3rdly, Anne, dau. of Alexander, Duke of Gordon, and by her had, s. William, a general officer, d. room. 25 May, 5616. II. Cusmo, colonel in the army. iii. Alexander, 8. in 1789, lord of session in 1788, nnderthe title of Lord Rockviile; vs. 56 July. 1760, Anne, dan. of William Duff, of Crembie, advocate, and widow of William, Earl of Dumfrieo and Stair. He 4.15 March, 1792, leaving, 1 Charles, of Fy’eie Castle, oe. Aberdeen, 8. 27 April, 1770; vs. 9 June, 1806, Elizabeth, widaw of Wm. Clotton, Eeq., and d. 18 Feb. 1851, loavingisane, WILLIA5C-Coswo, of Fyvie Castle, 8. 17 May, 1810, vs. 9 June, 2848, Mary-Grace, 3rd dan, of Sir Robert Aborcromhy, Bart. of Birkenbeg. Alexander-henry, 8. 14 Jon. 1615; vs. 25 Sept. 1642, Catharine, 3rd dan. of Admiral Douglas, Charles-William, SIP., 8.19 Mar. 1817; 4.15 June, 1863. 2 William, 8. 2 April, 1772, who ioherited a baronetcy on the deoeaoe of hia uncle, Sir James Duff, anti asonmed in consequence, the additional name of Duff. (See Dno’r-G’muoos, Dart.) 3 Alexander, lient.-col. 83rd foot, killed at Talavera in 1800, 4. coy. 4 Coomo, a gen. in the army, so., and 7. 7 March, 1867, aged 69, having had issue. 1 Anne, ra, 17 June, 1795, to John Cathcart, Esq. of Gonech, who 7. 1052: she 4. 1037. 2 Jane, vs. 14 Jan. 1799, to the Hon. Hugh Lindsay, who d. 13 April, 1644 she 4. 26 2lay, 1462, aged 66 3 Catherine, vs. 1 Oct. 1800, to Rebert Hepburn, Req. of Clerkingtos, who ,t, 1646; she to ales deceased, 4 Margaret, to. 12 July, 1802, Sir Cootta Trotter, Part. and d. his widow 18 Fob. t823, aged 72. iv. Chance. 4. woo. em Aberdeen, Req., who 4. 17 April, 1814. 1791, in the hfetime of his father, leaving ioeno by his 4. 8 Oct. 1795), 1 Groaun, 4th earl. 2 William, vice-admiral RN., H.P. for Plymouth, 0. 1795; a. 3 Feb. 1858. 3 Alexander (Sir), K.C.B., lieat.-oelonel in time army, aide-do-camp to his nncle Sir David Ilaird, aod afterwards to the Duke of Wellington, killed at Waterloo, 18 June, 1625. — 4 Charles (Sir), lieomt.-cel., 8.5 July, 1:00; ,l. 0 Sept. 3855. S Robert )Sir),P.C., G.C.D,, a dietingsdoheddiplomatiat, 8. i7til; 4. 6 Oot, 1547. 6 John, vice-admiral RN., 8. 3792.