Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/610

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H A V 3Liitcar. Wtnuxsi IIAV0000K, Esq. of Sunderland, was the scion of Lueknaw, ho and Ins band, with Spartan courage and more an old family of the co. of Durham, which has exiotod there than Spartan success, held out for two nnsths against all since the tine of the Danes ho o,, and, with other issue the etfarts of the snenay until, by the arlvanee of Sir Cohn (his dni., II mush, a. Itoi,ert Allan, Loll. of the faintly of Campbell, on the 17th Nov. 1839, a victorious rescue was Allan, f llla”kwetl Grange, co. Ilorhain. and 5.9 Jan. 183t achieved. Per these groat eorvtces, as the news of them aged ). had a son, Wintian ll.eveLocK, Enq. of Ingreso Pub, Kent, who 2;r:h Sept. 3627; and a K.C.B., tbe 17th Nov. 1957; and so. Jane. i-ui. sf J An t’arter, Es1. of Yai’ia, I orkslllre totters patent wore direete’l, the 26th Nay. 1897, to create (by his nile, Elizabeth, a d in. ‘f tile old and distingn:shod him a Baronet, The govomnnarnt also wae about to grant house of i-k’ rick of lli’’h llarnrs, co. I (urbata ), and fr:d an annuity of £1,900 far the lives of himself and his son; issue (with three dana., vis., I 1dm, 5. 1843; Jane, ot. to netey or pension. He nsa atlacked with dyscn;ory, bronght the late Capt. William Pee k It. N. and lsabefla, os to on by the intense anxiety and fatigue hr. had nnderg’nae, John Moore Cave, Esq., md 5. 1625) fatir sons, William, a hoot-cot, in the tiritioh service and KIT., who and was interred the next (lay in the Alom-bagh. Sir henry was wonad ‘I at the battle of Waterloo, where he aotod Ilaveloek woe the author of a history of tbe Burmese War, as ai’ to ic camp to liar, ‘n Alteo, and where ho ‘‘was one of the mast chivalrous (‘llieers of the service.” He fell glorionsly al the head of his regiment. the 11th Light Itannalr Shepherd, lan. if time Rev, Joshua llaesbman, i(rgoai,s, iii llsetr desperate hot sueenssfnl charge nn the D.B., of Senimporo, and has had issue, Sikli army, at ltmnin’rggsr, tise 22nd Nov. 1649. lb is. llsrotine—klirdwth, dan. If Aetsts Chaplin, Tisq. , and by her who ,l. ti May, id’iG, lit Neilglirrrv Ilills, lnlti,() had issue to snrsi vs. 1191 .t sm-Il only. llnmbsy Civil Ssrrtee Aetsn-l t(a0sin, lient. in the East Indian Service: Arthnr. RN., and 1. 24 Sop), 1Sf-I, having Dc-I lfneenv, 5. 15 Jan. lisP. 32nd foot Charles; Caroline, ,l. 15 Get. 1668 ; and i’anlinc, so to t’apt. CurtIs. Nanny, of whom presently. Thomas, who sorved in Spain tinder Sir Be Lsey Evans, s. Hannah, 5. 10 Oct. 1526. and 5. there of fever, at ‘ittsria, oas(. in 1836, Charles.Prcderiek. a hieiil.-col. in the Ilritish army, and Iv. .tttro, ct 16 Dee. loll. Jlajor -General or Leera Itieha ia the Imperial Otteinas army,nith the toder ofMe’ljidie. This gallant adtrer, wIno has achieved much snilitary fame, especially as a loader Sir Henry’s widew, hannah Shepberd, Lady llavoloek, was, of cavalry, was 8 at ingress Park, 16 Oct. 1s03, entered by Royal Order, dated 16 tan. 185s, given lbs same style, a cornet in the 16th Lancers in 1821, and went with his titlo, plaro, and proee’tc-nre to which she o’ould have been regiment the next year t India. If is rareer there was entitled had 11cr hoel’and survived and been created a long and glsriens. being. daring a period c,f no re than B ironed. An Act of Parliament. the 21 Vie, cap. 2. fin’ther twenty years. lit rally eneag’d in over;’ Indian t,attlc front the capture ‘f I4hnrtlsre to the victory of Gn’erat. lie Shepherd, Lady Havelock, end a like annuity for life of has nisd,ils or castle for e’s’h engagement: he has theni £1,000 to Stn Ijmeny-Hxinsinoaea lIAv000tK, the present fsr Plmrtparo, Ghnionee, ‘frown, Cahul, ltnodhse, I’erseoshah, bnronot. Sshm in, and I is’ ‘jer.d. He was severely wounded at Ferszsshah, ito le,sanle a lions-cot, in 1834, when ho Ccccthion—22 Jan. 1816, ioined the Irregular l(oinauli Cavalry. and served as its Aeiea—Vcrt, a castle, avg., betsvenn two Senre-de-lis in brigadier—;an. till ths peace wit,h ltnivoia in i616. co. ehiof, and a cross-crosslot, fitehée, in base, or. Charms Baoeisek s’. 1-1 lIar, I 8:3, ill ary, lini dan - sf,Tarnes Creot—,t lion, rampant, go., powdered with ermine spots Wean-so. ‘sq. of the honest Civil Seroire, awl has had and charged on the sheulder with a castle, arg , snstaining issus twith fonr dann,, viz., Mary, mm. 1626, to I. Bonst’-y a Banish hnttle axe, ppr. Thornhill, E.l.Ca.’s Civil Service, which gentleman was mortally woos dod, 26 Sept. 1 537. at 1,-i leknow, while reaming frsm the enemy Sir IL-SI. llaveteek—, the peevent hart., who was strnek hy a shot Isabella EmmaEtt:’iek and lane, 1. ysnag. 1612) an only son, CharlesWesnyss, t. 16 Feb. hall, lie’it. 12th Itengal Irrigator t’avslry, killed 11 A1nil, 1826,in a skirnOsh w,thths rebels at Aeimglavr, while gallantly eansisanding the only ,(_ taehsmnt ‘f his rrgiissnt which (through his infinenre) remained faitlifal to its calaurs. The 2nd son, SIR Henav hlavnoecie, 3. at Bishopwearmrnth, co. Durham, 5 April, 1792, one of the Inset eminent soldiers of his time, was edncatc-d at the Clnarterhouse, and was originally a student of the Middle Temple. tIe became an officer in the British rifle-brigade in loll, and went first to India in 1923. lIe there task an active part in the first llnrnnese war, tie was a captain in 1938 and was at the meaning of tihnease, aint the occupation of Cabnl : lie was also at the foreirg of lbs Cabnl Pass and the battle of Tezecn l aurl ho comm a:ided the right column in HAwA1WtiN, Irte000nT (Sir Cui’nn’allis Maudo), pf the sortie front Jellataba,i and fund einntorinus attack ole Ilanvardoss, 00. Tippoinry, anti Baron do Tlnntalt, in Akhar the 7(h April, 1849, far which he seas made a naajor the poomnege f Trek lId ; a roprosontativo peer,, and and a C.B. After varisils othersarvices, he became a lient,cli. a baronet e,f tlto same lciugdon-s ; a lord in-svaiting in lvl4, and went through the Sikh war, being present on the Queen: 6. 4 April, 1817 ; late capt. 2nd lifegvsards, at the victories of llas’lkro, F’ceozeshah, and Sobnnon. In the late Persian svar ho was appointed to l(Oad the sorond Ins fnsthior as 4th viscount, 12 Oct. 185); ; oo. 24 Mar. division, and oomman’led at hIts battle of Mahammorab. On his return to Calentta, ho was sent as brigadier-general 1818, Clotsie’ntina-El1rltiitetono, eldest dan. and 00- to relieve Can-npors and succonr 1,ncknow, then son’ely heiress of tlto late Admiral the Hon. Charles Floeming, pressed by the savage and nmtinonis Sepsys. He consequently osmmosesd, en the 7th July, 1q57, that memorable i., 0. 22 Oct. 4052. march, unparalleled in history, wherewith oaly 1,409 British aa. Euetaeo-Monntstuart, 5. an infalat, 7 Dee. 1829. baysnots and eight gins, nnitod ts a small native force, and opposed to a coantless ((less of the enrnsy, when the slightest reverse would bave beeis fatal, Its proceeded vie. v. Elpbinetrass-Agnss. a-i. Leneba-Biana. Isrionaly thrsngh a eonnlry dolnge’l with rain, frsm the 7th an. Ailtr ,nia—T,ilhinnn. July to the l6Ih Sept., hurting back the fne in twelve severe engagements. Joined, on the 16th Sept., by Sir Jinnes Outram and a few more troops, ho stormed Luck- The fannily of Haudo deduces its descent from now, and effected his jnnetion with and relief of its gae500 Eusranc ne HONTOOLTO, styled the Norman buntcr, H A ‘liv’ rtson. Then pent up in the Residency and tta precincts at reached hems, Havolook was naade a major-genoral, the hot the illustrious soldier dill not live to obtain the bare. and he died at the Dilksoska, near hock-now, 14 Nov. 1057, and of the War in Ahlglianistan. Sir Henry 10. ‘3 Feb. 1829, i., croated a BARONET. ii. Joshua, 3. 11 Bee. 1631, capt. Bombay Staff Carps, assistant-c’ ‘mmiooioncrni,dcr SirJohn Lawrence, G.C.B., in tIns Pnujenh, en 1(1 Doe. 1839, his cousin, fsabstla— Louisa, 2nd dan, of the tate Captain William Creak, 1660, ala (iron, 0. 12 Sept. 1682. its. Ft-trick, 3. 9 Ang. 182% d. 11 Juno, 1624. Iv. Ge’nrge.Broedfa,t, odDer l 8th regt., 0. 5 Jnne, 1647 II. Ilnutatih-J ano. iii, ileneria, rt 13 .taae. 1861. grants an enunity for her life, of £1,600 to Hannah Jletts—Phlelitsr, H A W A It 1) F N. naaml hoot-colonel N. ‘l’ipporary Militia; 8. and by her (n-ho il. 19 .lan, 1865) hae had issno5 i, Isabella-Grace. II, Ciementina, iii. F’irra’ettee-Elvzaheth. iv. Kathleen. ILil1cBgc.