Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/619

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HEA s. FRANK-SOMEaViLLE, late B.I.O.S., 8. 26 Idsy, 1617; so. 12 Dee. 1843, Mary-Jane, elder dan. of Robert Garnett, Esq. of Wyreside, eo. Lancaster, and has had, RoBERT-GanNETT; James; Frasecis-Semerville; Frederick-William ; Richardlyon; and Jlary-Valenca, who d. 22 Dee, 1864. ii. Henry-Bond, late capt. 2nd drag.-gds., 8. 27 April, 1819. Ire. George, in holy orders, rector of Aston Somerville, cc. Robert-Cenolly, in the army, ii. 7 Nov. 1826 ; if. 1881. cc. Gloucester; I. 24 July, 1822. i. Juila-Illsria-Burges, an. 1 Aug. 1843, to Robert-Williamson Ramsay, Req., late capl. 42nd bighlanders. Sir Francie eras made a P.C. 20 Doe. 1867. ItIncafic. Moses Mcrenrrz, Esq. of London (son of Fernando Mendec, ci:. Virginia-Franees-Zerlina, so. 16 July, 1050, to Joseph who came from Portngal, and evas physician to CHARLES II.), rn. Anna-Gabriella, 2nd dan. and ce-heir of the Rev. Sir His loreleleip see. 2nelly, 5 Feb. 1853, Frances, widow Francis head, Dart. of Hermitage, in Kent, and by her of Sir William Hay-illaonaghton, ]lart., and 2esd date, (who en. Indly, Capt. the Hon. John Roper, and S. in 1771) of the lateJnhn-Lh-ingetone Slartyn, Eeq. LordHeadfort, had two sons, who both oseomed the snrnsme of Ilsan, vie., s. FRANCis, of St. Andrew’s Mall, Norfolk, who m. Joetina-I[aria, 2nd dan. and eventnal cc heir of Sir Thomas aced obtained the barony of the United Kingdom, by Stcpney, Raft., by Anne his wife, only don. and heir of creation, Sept. 1831. Thomas Lloyd, Req. of Danyralt, and had by her (who en. 2ndly, Colonel Cowell), s dan., FssoNccs, widow of the Hon. and 71ev. George Herbert. Is. JAS5EB-RnPE0, of whom presently. The younger son, James-ReFER I2EAD, Esq., se. 29 March, 1781, Frances- 1620, and was s. by his eon, Anne, don. of George Borges, Req., by Anne his wife, only JOHN TAvLOUR, Req., who S. in 1628, leaving an only son, dma of James, 18th Lord Somerville, and had issne, s. Gr.onoe (Sir(, Ent., deputy knight-marshal to the year 1623, with his f,’iend and college companion the famous Queen, S. ones. 2 May, 1828. sr. James, capt. H.R.I.C.S.. m. 23 Jnly, 1821, Cecilia- although the joint productioo of Petty and Taylour, were Maria, 3rd dan. of the lion. Robert Lindsay, of llalcosres, published in Sir William’s name alone. Mr. Taylour having and left an only dan., Elicabeth-Lindsay, ci. Sir N-A. Staples, Dart. lIT. Hugh-Somerville, comm. RN., rn-Esther—: she ci. Ireland, of which Rolls formed a portion. In 1669-70, he his widow, 23 Jan. 1863. iv. FRANcIs-BoNn, created a Baronet. v. Henry-Rrokine, late rector of Feniton, Devon, rn. 11 Taylour so. in 1680, Anne, dau. of William Axtell, Esq. of Dec. 1823. Elicaheth-Margoret, dan. of Christopher Flood, Berkbampstcad, ro. Itertferd, and had THoscas, his heir; Req., and has one dan., Morgarct-Rlicoboth, rn. 12 Nov. and Anne, so. to Sir Nicholas Aehescu, Dart. Mr. Taylour 1861. to the 14ev. B. Geoghigan, MA., incumbent of ci. in 1682, and was e. by his son, Bardsra, Lancashire. I. Mary-Amelia, is. Ii May, 1831, to General Samne 1. Tooasas TAYLOTJR, Req., who was created a BARONET Dairymple. ci. Frances-Anne, if. senrn. in 1247. A rrns—Arg., a chevron, ermines, between three unicorns’ Dart, of Cembermere, and had issue, heads, conped, an. these—Ass nuicorn’s head, couped, ermineo. .0fsllo—Stndy qniet. HEAD F 0 B EU. fl;N 4.4 4 44 HSADFORT, MARquess no (Sir Thomas Taylonr, iv. Henry-Edward, in holy orders, 6. 13 Nov. 1768; es. in K.P., P.C.), Earl of Beetive, of Bective Castle; Vieeoont 1807, liarianne, eldest dau. of the H”n. Richarel St. l.eger; Heaelfnrt, and Bas’on of Headfnrt, in the and 5. 7 June, 1852, having by her (who 5. 22 Mar. 1859) peerage of Ireland; Baron Kenlis, of Kenlis, or Kolle, cc. Meath, in that of the United Kingdom; a Baronet of Ireland; ii. 4 May, 1787; see. 1st, 29 Jan. 1822, Olivia, dan. of the late Sir John Stevenson, and widow of Edvvard-T’eite Dalton, Esq., and by leer (who cl. 21 Jnly, 1834) he has issue, I. Tnoscas, Earls! .Becliec, H.P. for Westmoreland, lient.col. Cavan militia, 8. 1 Nov. 1822; rn. 20 Jnly, 1042, Amelia. only child of William Thompson, Rsq. of Underley Ball, co., Westmoreland, H.P., and by her (who d. 4 Dee, 1861) has had, 569 flEA I Tnoaias, Lord Kcnli.s, high sheriff of the cc. of Weotmoreland in 1068, 8. 11 Feb. 1644; a. 9 Oct. 1667, Alice-Maria, only dais, of the preoent llarqesese of Liowushiro. I Roelyn-Amelia, (1. 10 July, 1866. 2 lladeline-Olivia-Sesoan. 3 Adclaide-LonisaJane. 4 Isabel-Frances. 8 Florence-Jane. icc. John-Ilenry, major 94th foot, 6. 12 Dec. 1831 ; rn. lii July, 1612, Mary-hammond, dan. of Ilohert Mae6n’lone, Esq., and has issue a son, 6. 21 Jesne, 5060. e. Olivia, ss. 10 Aug. 1053, to the Rev. Frederick Fitzpatrick, rector of Cloone, cc. Leitrim. II. Jlary-Juhana. Sandars, Req., formerly lIP., of Taploav. who is colonel of the Meatle nsilitia, and lordheist, of co. Covan; s. so 2nd Marquess, 24 Oct. 1829; Iiiitragr’. Tnoaras Tavs.onse, Esq. of Riugmere, cc. Sussex, it. in Tnomas TAYL000, Esq., vvho proceeded to Ireland, in the Sir Wiiliam Petty, and undertook and perfeceed, in conjuueion with Sir William, the Dowse Sunvey. The maps, disposed of his English estates, purchased, isv 1260, land in was deputy-receiver-general, and immediately hefore his death officiated as vice-treasurer and treasurer-at-war. Mr. OF IRELAND, 12 July, 1704, and sworn of the privy council in 1716. Sir Thomas ea. Anne, dais, of Sir Robert Cotton, THOmAS, his heir. Robert, dean of Clonfert, S. seam, in 1744. henry, ii. sines. James, who see. Catlearine, dan. of Thomas MeredIth, Esq. and ii, in 1747. Henrietta, see, to Col. John Presten, of Delliuter, en. Heath. Salisbury, ci. let, to William Fitzgerald, bishop of Cloufsrt; and Iudly, to Con Crofls. Anne, ci. to Geerge Pepper, Rsq. of Ballygorth, en. Meath, Sir Thomos S. in 1716, and was s. by his eldest son, II. Sin Tuoaeas, H.P., and a privy councilor; who ci. Mary, dan. of John Graham, Req. of Platlen, co. Meath, and left, with a dan., Henrietta, eec. to Richard Moore, Ee’. of D:erne, on oesly son, Ill. Sen TuossAs, H.P., 6. 20 Oct. 1724; who ie. 4 JnIy, 1714, Jane, eldest dau. of the Right lion. hlereules.I.angford Rowley, by Rlizsbcth, Viseountess Laugfnrd, by whom he had issue, e., lots marquess. u. Robert, 6. 26 Nov. 1760; e general officer in the aruey, and eel, of tIes 6th drogoon-gieards; eI. 23 April, 1819. iii. Cleetworthy, created BARON LANeescoeen. (See that dignily. had issue, 1 Thomas-Edward, of Ardgillan Castle, cc. Dublin, H.P. for that co. and secretary of the Treasury; late capt. in the 6th dragoon- guardv, an’l now heist-cd. royal Meath militia; 6. in heel; so. 11 Ni,v. 1062, Le,sdeaHarringtcis, lied dan. of the Hen. aied Rev. II sigle F. Tellenaaclee (cc,’ ceo/c, DT5.ORT. B.), assit live RdwardRichard, Ii. 21 Sept. 1961, and Heginahd-Boueilten, 6, 9 April, 1948. 2 Riebard-Chomhre-hhoyes, CD., col. in the army, late 79th rsgt.; 6. in 1819; eec. 10 June, 1261, dane. Stie dose, of George, 8th aied present lJarqseees of Tiveeddeele and h,ed three dane. of whom the 2nd, Gesarisdc-Suean-hlelone, it, 2 Jan. 1967.