Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/623

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HEN shield, gold, charged with an eagle, displayed, with two Glomorgan ; but dying s. p. 3 Bce, 1821, the hcnanrs devolved cads. 55.; sinister, a stag, arg., attired and hoofed, or, enaOe of torteaux, and collared as the lion Motto—Si sit prudentla. S,ai—Watsrfsrd Court, near Daventry, Northamptoushirs. 1789, Mary, eldest dan. of the 10ev. William Chafy, canon of HENNIItER, BARON (Sir John Honsaikor-Major), of Crceltea’—Baronet, S July, 1765. Baron Itcnntkcr, 30 Stratford-upnn-Slanoy, co. W’icklow, in the peerage July, 13011. llaran llartiomsro, 33 Jssly, ltOf. of Ireland ; Baron Hartiscnero, of Hartionaoro, in A cats—Quarterly; 1st and 4th, or, oss a chevron, go., the oo. of Snifolk, in that of tics United Kingdom am., tbrco cstcdlcs, arg, fer Hajasrc,ar,a; 2nd and 3rd, az., and a Baronet of England ; formerly M.P. for East three colursmna or pillars of the Corinthian order, tao assd Snifolk; 6. 3 Fob. 1801; o. as 4th Baron Henniker, one. on the top s’f cach a ball, or, for Mxjoa. at the decease of his father, 22 July, 1832 ; created catoils, gn. Of hlcsjna; a dexter arm, cmbowcd, habited, az. Bisron Hartismere, 13 July, 1866; on. 5 Jan. 1837, cuff, avg., and charged an the elbow with a plato, holding in Anna, eldest dan. of Lient.-Gonoral Sir Edward Norrison, the hand, ppr., a baton, or, Bart. of Oakloy and Bronto, and has issue, I. JOHN-MAJOR, OLP. for East Suffolk, 1. 7 Nov. 1842; Hcscasara; sinister, an otter, srg., ducally gorged, or, at. 14 Jan. 1804, Alice-Mary, only dan. of John-OtwayO’Connor, pondcsst therefrom a shield of the arms of Macon. 3rd Earl of Dosart, and has had, ALBeRTEnwAan.J0HN Melts—Dens major colnsana. (to whom the Pdncc of Wales stood Seets—Thornham Hall assd Worlissgavorth Hall, Sssffolk. sponsor), 9. 30 May, 3001, and Otway-Major, 8. 31 Oct. Tsscn Hssssc—0, Grafton Street, Bond Street. 186f, ci. an infant. Is. Edward-lltnet, 8. 3 Feb. 1540. us. Arthnr.llonry, 1. 3 April, 3805. r. Mary. 11. Anne-helen. Iiiiicagc. JoaN Olasoa, Esq. of Warlingworth Hall, co. Suffolk, capt. West Essex Yeomanry Cavalry ; 6. 3 Sept. was created a Baronet, 5 July, 1701. with remainder, in 1835 ; s. his father, as 4th baronet, 28 Jan. 1849 ; at. default of male issue, to John hienniker, Esq. (son of John 1860, Louisa, dan. of Thomas Hughan, Esq. of Airds, Hennilcer, Esq., an eminent Russian merchant), the husband NB., assd isas, of his eldest dan., Anne (his second and only ether 5. ynrnrusca-llnvnoea-hiejnc, 8. 12 Aug. 1882. dan., Elizabeth, so. Hcncy Brydgcs, 2nd Buke of Chandos); is. Arthnr-Jshn, 8. 24 Jan. 1860. and upon his dcnsise, in 1783, was c. in his title and a I. Slabcl-Sophia. It. Edith-Janetta. moiety of his estates by his said san-in-law, Ssn JOHN MrNxcsdEa, hIP., who, by his marriage with Miss Major, had issue, I. Jonas, his secccssor. si. Major, so. 21 June, 1770, Mary dan. of John Phmnix, MENasiscru, youngest son of John, let Lord Hennikcr, was Esq. ofEochcster and dying in 1780, loft issue, 1 Jona-MINET, 3rdbars,n. 2 Major-Jacob, rear-admiml RN., of Ashdown Park, 29 March, 1840) had isanc, Sussex, wlso was advanced, in 1831, to the precedency FaEncnlcsc, his ss,ccsassr. of a baron’s son, 5. 19 Aug. 1780; so. 29 April, 3820, AunnsTus-BaYuoEa, late baronet. Anns-Elisa, 2nd dan. of the late Sir Bry.lgcs-Trccothic Aldborongh-llrydges-.John, 8. 4 Jan. 3787. Iionuikcr, Bart., snd ci. in 1843, having had issue; John, 8. 7 June, 1850; at. in 1839, Mary, only child of John-Major, heist. RE., 0. 11 0cc. 1535, sl. 1808; Edward, 0. 1033; Prederirk, late capt. 90th rzgt., 0. 80 March, 1642 ; Annc-Elizabsth-Adclaidc, d. 1845 Mary-Eertha; Emma; and Anus-Cassandra, no.22 Aug 1805, to lbs Rev. Frederick-John llamsden, rector of Anne, sa. in 1017, to John W3-tbc, Esq. Uffiogton, Lincalnolnre. I Slary-Anne, ca to Sir F.-W. Sykso, Dart.; and ci. 1804. Anne-Eliza-Elizabeth, m. 29 April, 2820, to Ecar-Adns. 2 Elizabeth - Dale, to. 7 Dcc. 1800. to John - Simon Harconrt, Faq. of Ankerwyrkc, Bucks; and ci. his widow 10 May, loll. I. Brydges-Trccothic, 0. 10 Nov. 1707; alientenant-gencral II. SIR Fatneasesm, 0. 1 Nov. 1792; at whose dsceaso, in the army; created a baronet 2 Nov. 1813. (Fcc lOot withent issue, 0 Ang. 1829, the title decolved upon his title.) ml. Anne-Elizabeth, m 1st. Edo’ard-Angssotna, 2nd Earl brother, of Aldhorsngh; a,sd 2ndly, George Pewcll, Faq.; and 111. Sia Aunnevos Bnvnnra, in holy onlsrs, 0. 24 Jam’. dsp. 14 Jnly, 1802. Sir John Hen.nikcr was elevated to the peorags of Ireland, Esq., and by her (who ci, 17 Juno, 2823) be bad a dan, as Bxaoas lleaaiscca, s.f dtralfsrd-opea-Slasesi, 30 July, 1800; Frauces-Fllicabeth, m. 10 Dcc. 1841, to Clsarlcs-Robcrt Drea, and dying 18 April, 1003, was s. by his eldest san, JOHN, 2nd baron. His lordship was called to the bar in youngest dan, of John-Minet, 3rd Lord lienniker, and ci. 1777, and had a seat in the Manse of Commons for different 28 Jan. 1845, basing by her had, Itentish hsmnghs, from that psriod nntil 1002. Ole was a s. Marooce-PoweLs., present harsnet. learned antiqnary, and member of several literary societies. is. Augustus-Henry, 8. 23 Feb. 3537. RN. Me m. Emily, dan. of Robcrt Jones, Esq. of Duifryn, cc. is,, Donglas-Halfnrd-Chafie, in holy trders, MA., curate 573 H E N npan his nephew, JOHN-MINeT lirasassarn, Esq., 0. 20 Nov. 1777; so. 1 Jan. CanLrbnry, by whom (who ci. 10 Jan. 1037) be had issue, Jonas, present peer. Major, 0. 21 Jnly, 1810; late capt. 2nd life-guards ; ci. 8 May, 1842. Wilham-Chafie, 8. 12 March, iSIS; in holy orders, MA., rector of Great Dealings. Sisifolk ; as. 25 Sept. 1841, MaryElica, dan. sf the late Edward Faruham, Eoq. of Qnsrndon 110,,oe, co., Lcicnster, and d. 35 A’g. 1845. Anne-Ribs, to. in 1021, to Jslsn Beaten, Eoq., of PusIlcaton, en. Denisigh, who ‘1. 14 May, 1819. Mary, oc. 24 June, 1829, to Jshn-Losoguerills Dcdingfcld, Esq. of Bitchinghans, NorIcik. Enuly, so. 15 Feb. 1835, to Thonsas Lovett, Es’1. of FernIsill, Salop, who 1. in 1503. Elizabeth, so. its 1828, to the late Sir Angnstns-Brydgcs llonnikcr, Bart. Frances, as. 23 J’sly, 1829, to the 11ev. James Bcdingfeld, rector of Bcdingticld, Sisifalk. His lordship, who had assumed the additional snrssamc of Maonr. in 1822, d. 22 July, 1032. HENNIKER. HRNNIRNR, Ssic BImyonas-PowalL, of Newton Hall, en. Essex, late capt. in the royal horse guards, itIticagc. I, LIEUTENANT-GcNE5AL ‘Inc HON. BavnoBs-TascoTnsc created a Baronet 2 Nov. 1813. Sir Brydgcs at. Mary, eldest dan. of William Press, Eeq., and by her (who d. Capl. Edward Wilson, and niece assd heiress cf Sir Henry Wright-Wilson, lInt. ‘S Chelsea Park, co. Middlesex, and asonmod in csnscqncnrc the additional surnames and arms of Wemonv and Wsosoa. Sirs. WrightIlcnnikcr-Wils,,s ci. 8 July, 2066. the Mon. Major-Jacoh Msmdkcr, E.N., and ci. his widow 18 Nov. 1500. Sir Brydgcs ci. 3 July. 2916, and was,. by his eldest eon, i7oi, who so. 1st, Frances-Amelia, dan. of J.-IlcnryStewart. Esq, Sir Angnstue as. Sndly, 14 Fab. 1526, Elizabeth, of Shawbssry, Shropshirc, 8, in 1939. lIEN NI K ER. between two crescents in chtcl’, and in base ass escallop, Crests—Of Oieasasscca: an escallop, or, charged with an Sssppsrlcrc—Dcxtcr, a stag, arg., attired and ungnsd, or, gorged with a cbaplct af oak, Fir., frssrtrd, or, assd therefrom pcndcnt a shield, az., charged with the crest of