Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/630

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H E W Feb. 1798, Sophia, only diii. of the 07ev. Nathaniel ltin’lo, Isy II. Sin (‘,esrnn-lteativ, a colonel in the army, sehe was 0. whom (who 0. iii to 17) he tiast issue, Tuoatas-ldesnv, his successor, llarriett, t. Nov. 1 eSI; so. to tiso Rev. Joshist-Titotnas Rev. Ilonry-W’iltianm .llajendie, Oat)., late Bishop of Banger, and horton, of Itowroysle, co. York; and it. 10 May, isle. Sophia-Elizabeth, st. 0 Ang. 1810, to cite ltov. J.-S. Itodgion, t. Grsnne-Jenn-100uTLEDeE, present haronot. rector of Itcinklow, Co. W’arsriek. F.,nma-Snsotto, si. N. llsoszeeker, ttsq. Sir Thomas is. 205117, in I nIt, Miss tan sa Atlctnaod, by wIsest t. Louisa-Jolts-Anne, as. in 1045, to the Rev. Charles Carey, (sotso if. 0 Sept. 1037) he host also issne. I Ic 5. 27 July, iS 12, a. Stacy-Anne, ste. I Slay, 1957, to Deorge-Ctsarles tame, ansi was a. by his elstest sot], IV. Sin Tttot,t.s.s—IIevtsT, 0. 11 Feb. 1708 ; who is. 3 April, Sir George, silts was a dtstinginslsed t’eninsntar and Indian 1024, Annetle.Maria, stass. of the late tiet,eit Boinlord, Esq. of Jheshinstoson Itonse, es Meatti ; and 5. 10 Pets. mdl, leaving an only soe, the present t,aet. 5 and one diii. Maria-ltaeriett, isi. 19 Nov. toll, to Sir Lawrence I’atls, Ilart. (‘rrati’i.i—S Stay, ttfl. A case—Am., on a tent, so., three garbs, or. Sir Thonsas noto As’oso—Gu., en a chevrnn, enmtsattled, betsrsen tisree ewts, q oarters for Fmssiea, org., a fess, sa., between three lions’ heads, org., on lhe head of each an Eastern Crown, or, as many cased, go. Crest—A garls, or, handed, an. ,S’ecissst Cease fe Tenaton— Crest—Oat of a mitral erosen, or, the stumts of an oak-tree, Dot of a dsicat coroeet, gild, a cock’s head, gst., combed ansi ivith bratsehes ; itsereets a hawk, vise., gom’ged seith an Eastern wattled, or. .s’sat—tlsittord ttatl, Orinshirts. Nile—The IiEseETits’,’f ltsoset and of Csrs eS Castle are shoulder of itse tiger, a treSiil. branches of the Itsstford fansity ; the former represented by Mslfo—Ne te qamsireris extra; the late Sin PETER lleseeTa-FLrevw050, Bart., fonnerty 151.1’. Scot—Old Itati, Notherseale. for Preston; else tatter, ly Looxo-It. IlAacroan-IlmeeTo, Esq., H E W E T T. HEWETT, SOD GEontsE.JsstlN.RouTe.EnoE, of Netherscale, eo.Leieester, 6. 21 Sept. 1818; a. Lie father as Sir Fi-ederjgk a. his father, an 2nd baronet, its 1844. 3rd hart., 20 May, 1862, vs. 30 Oct. 1856, Clara, yonn”eet clan, of Hie Excellency the late Lieut.Gen. Wilhelm Von Poehammor, a gent-al its the This is a hi-auth ef the ancient fansihy of HETeATE, seated in Pruosian Service, and by hor(wlsssd. 24 Nov. lSiii)has, else emusties ef Essex anst ,Sssffohtc. I. TtonoLrs-Gr000r, N 1555. ii. Ecthert, ts. 1800. ni. A sin, 0. 20 2sev. 1565. s. Aims is. tiolga. III. Mary. iv. and v. Twin daris., 5. 24 Nov. 1067. ttii ciir. WILLaant IteweTT, Esst., of Dnnston Bassett (eon of Willians the to. of Middlesex, and provost-nsarshal-gemserah tmdor the Hewett, Esq. of tisnmstonj, was Ingli-siterilT of Leieesterslnre in Earl of Essex, at the caplurt of Cadie, in 1590, who mis. SIamgemy, 1047. lIe sm. Frances, dan. of Edsrard Neale, Esq., and seas s. at his decease, in tOol, tsy Ins son, NEALE IlCirETT, Big., of Danstoms Bassett, wtto ass. Slmmry sister of Sir Ilenry Italford, Borland was e. by Ins led, bnt Tneaisi, of Itayes, hamrtslor-at-lasr. This gentleman, who etstest snrviving son, WILLIeSt Itesren, Esq., of Dnnstsn Basselt, whose 7th son, Snuexarisco tlnwevx, Esst. of Stetton Mosetinsy, S. ttlO, a major in the army 5 ms Miss Ann Want, of llartsorsngls, eo. tacit, of sehem presently. Leieester; and ii. to Dee. t759, leaving an only son, I. Tue litsox lIon. SIR Greene IIEWOTT. G.C.B., t. in 1750, Katherine, ‘sm. to llobsmt Tynetsitt. Limp, master of the Uncle— ss’ho so. in .Ioty, 1785, Julia, dasi. of Jota,s Johnson, Essi. of Btaektseath, no. Kent, and granddan. of Sir Ctsrislopher Letitia, ims. to tsr. Itmetem Itsyhyit, pretsendamy of Westuminster, Mnsgrave, Ilart., aisd liast issue, s. Geeaee-ttetmsx, 2ss,t tiarenet. si. John. major in the anoy, 0. t 791; it. 1925. in. William, lteot.-eel. in ttse aensv, t. in 1795; to. in June, BAton IIexe,a’rE, settled in London, and am. twice; but had 1320, Sarah, 2nst dan. of (ten. Sir James Doff. iv. Charles, 8. in 1796, in holy erters; is. If Sept. Io$7, isssse hy his 2nd wife (Anne, damm. of Nicholas Spictr, Esq. et Frances-St-dna, 4th dan. of the tate C.-W. Cater, Rsq. of Gnttslford-sireet, Lenden. the city of Exeter) only. I tis elder son, v. l’hitip, 0. in 1790. in holy erders ; s. itt 1028, Anne, of Merchant Taylsrs’ Cosnpsny, and a collector of camdous yonngest dan. of Den. Sir Janses lInE. r. Jesth, ms. to I.ietsr..slen. t’eter Csseey. tm. Ehiea, ms. to Major .tehn Jettnsssn, an’t is deeeasut. nt. Aisne, so. to Dr. Stiller, of Exeler; ansi it. us tall. lv. Charlotte. v. Catherine-Frances. vu. .ltarianne. elnlst, tlssrsx Ilexoon, Big. of husband’s Roiworlb. Leleesterstmsro, This gentleman having a’topted the profession of anns, attained the rants of gemsernt in the army, seitti tIme eetonetey of the 01st hit decease, in 17Sf, an only surviving son, reginseist of foot, tseeaese eomnmander—in.ehief of the forces in Sttcoetes Hexeane, Big. ef West Haddnn, es. Northampton, India, and seas created a Baronet 6 Nor. loll, lie it. 21 0. 7 Sept. 1705. This gentlsnsan ims. Shary, dais, of John Cooke, Starch, lSle, and was o. hsy Ins eldest son, 580 HEY 18 Slay, t79t, and me. 70 July, 1816, Louisa, stan. cit list Right. tsamt issue, it. Frank-Vittiatn, t. 10 Slay, 1020, em. 28 Sstd. 1049, Jnlia, dan. of Catst. Von D’Ooether, east has a son, henry-Oscar, and a dan. son of the late Lient.-titn. Carey. Esq., 2nd sets of the Rev. Ilessny Bstrne, of Bath. officer, and became a colonel in 1839, it. 30 May, 1802, and was e. lsy his elder son, Sin Jonts-000tuoe-Iioe’TLeDne I1EwETT, the lrst and present baronet. Csvalisss— 0 Nov. 1011. bensbs, fired, ppr. coronet, and betted of the first. Sssppes’tero—Dexttr, a bstffatn; sinister, a tiger, ptsr.; en the H E Y GA I E. T-IETGATF,, S:tt EBEDEBICE-WILLtAaI, of Sonthend, go. Eosox, SIP. for co. I.ondotsdoery; (s.d Sept. 1822 tsr. 26 Aug. 1851, Marianne, only dan. and heiress of the late Conolly Gage, Enq. of Bellamons, London. derry, and Lao, 5. FREDeEteK-GSes, t.23 Aug. 1054. is. lhnt,ert-Ihonry-Gage, t. 20 July, 1959. itt. Aethor-Conohty-Gago, t. bAng. 1002. t. ihemmrietta—Cnnslance. tt. lsatsella-Stary-Annt. ttt. llesamsnd-Aana. iv. SlantS-Alice. Ii ittcar. 5teveave, of Otnyos, in Middlesex, was pmovnstmarshal-general ef the arnsy before SI. Qsminton, and tabse— qnently pmorost-manshal in Scotland. Its me. Ettaabolh, dan. of Themos Stoner, of Stoner; and dying in 1070, was a. by his eldest son, Taetees ttexesavr, Esg. of Ilayes, a jostles of the peace fer damt. of Ralph Skipwitlm, Big., of Parkhssmy, co. Ilerts (of time ancient family of Skipwittt of St. Atbaus), and had surviving issue, was sbshigsd, ths-essgh vaniesse leases assd mstisfsrtsmnes, to alienate his pnbsnmal estates, died ss-ittsoot mate isaac in 1058. tIe tefl an ealy dan. Sotsimia, em. Is — Lnmseester, Esq. barrister-at-law. Elizabeth-atone, ‘a. tn Edsmamd lleylyn, Esq., of lImiter T,evel, to. Oxford. ttoonds to CitonLea I. os’eti known as an historian and a controversial writer. The 2nd son, Nttnos.xs lhexneve, who eas one of the romsrt of Assistants bssks and smnihinga, ci. Ehtealseth, dast. of Thsmas Cotton, Beg. of t.nctghlots, and granddan. of Edward Shuekbmmrgh, Big. ef Nasohy, to. Northanspton, by whom lie had an only surviving who so. Anne, dan. ci Jolsu Froonsan, Big., and left at Big. of lull Sterton, Warwitlmehirt, and had,