Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/651

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- HOW I. FREDERICK-GEORGE, present peer. II. IViLs.iAaf-CRaRLEO, in holy orders, rector of Dothal, 1830, Catharine, Princess Bagratiou, el;;o. of his Nnrtbuinbsrland, 8. 22 July, 1235. sit. Charles-Arthur, barrister-at-law, Ii. Dec. 1835. iv John-Charles, late R,N., 8. 29 Sep. 1841. v. Henry-Evelyn tIN., a. 9 Aug. 1813. vs. Augustue-Williarn-Charlea, Ii. 5 Feb. 1246. s. Ilarriet-Georgiaua. Ii. Charlotte-Isabella. His Lordship lied been early in life a captain in the army, and Geio. Sis Jells-FRANcis Cs000eK. 8. 12 Aug. 1762, only son was afterwards a dislinguished diplomatist. tie was appointed of Ills Grace, John (Cradoek), arrliloshop of Doblin, lordprinsate British Minister at Stoelihslin in 1832, ot Lisbon in 1833, and at Brussels in 1646; he eontinoed there till liii demise. lIed, Richard St. George, goq., of Ehirosh, and den, of Willians 29 Aug. 1868, and woes, by his eldest inn, Feneeairic-Geoooe, Blaydwin, Ksq. of Boston, ro. Lincoln, was created BACON present Loso HewAen-oE-WALDeN and BACON SeArosin. CreoUooo—HOsvard de Walden, 24 Oct. 1597; Seaford, 1826. lerdship was a general officer in the army, rol. of the 43rd Arms—Quarterly lot, ELLR, erminois, oii a cress, sic., fire regiment of fool, a Knight Greed Cross of the liath, end crescents, erg.; 2nd, IletivEr, gis., on a bend, arg., three Ire- Knight Grand Cross of the losperial Ottoman order of the fells, tort; 3rd, FELTON, gte, ewe lions, peasant, erg., dueelly Crescent; which orders were bestowed npon his lordehip for crowned, or; 4th, Ilewarn, gn., a bend, between six trooserosslets, his dietiogohshed services to Egypt. lIe so. 17 Nov. 1798, fitrhée, erg., on the bend an estooheen, or, eloarged orith a demi-hon, erased, and pierced Ibrough the moutls with Theodosie-Sareh-Francrs, 3r’l dan. of John, let Earl of Clanwhllians, an arrow, within a double treasure, fiery ceiuilerfiory, oil gii. ti-oct-—A gnat’s head, erg., issuing from a ninont, yore. fiopporteco—On either side, a lion, erg.; on the neck, within had sn only son, JonN-IlosoaoT, present peer. a cellar, ge;nel, ge. three trefaila, slipped, vert. Motto—Non quo sod qonmoolo. So:;t—Seaferd, Sansex. HOWARD, LORD, 0CC EFFINOHA2O, EARL. HOWARD. HOWARD, SIR RALPH, of Bnohy .ilIolto—Treditos, non vietus. Park, co. Wickloov’ late SIP. for that ootinty, and now colonel of its militia; b. 1801, ns. July, 1837, Charlotte-Anne, LadyFraoer, only child of Dauiol Cruoford, Req., granddau. of Sir Alexander Craoford, Bert.., and widow of Lieot.Col. Sir James John Fraser, hart., which lady rl. 7 May, 1867. Sir Ralph Howard, who is eoss aisd heir of tlse lion. Hugh Hon’arrl, and nephew of Robert, 2nd Earl of Wicklow (see that title), was created a Baronet ill 1838, Arson—Go., on a bent, between six erosslels, filchsite, org., an esrolchee,u, or, charged with a densi-lion, ronspent, pierced through the meuth by on arrow, within a dooble treosore, finry-ennnterfiery, of lhe first. Prool—On e ehapeoo, gn., breed np, erm., a lion, pasoant guerdant, or, holding in rho month on arrow, in fesse, ppr. Molso—Inoerve Dee et lmtare. Boats—Bushy Perk, Wicklew; Craven College, Fulboin. Tome Hsssot—17, Reigravo Sqoare. Hownnc, BARON (Sir John-Hobart Caradoo), of Crimoton, in the peerage of Ireland; and Baron iii. Fredenirk, rapt. U.N., is. 16 Jnly, 1823. Howden, of Howdon and Grimeton, Co. of York, in sv. htrnry-Dugdele, of East Dean, llosnsey, is. 21 Sept. 1824 that of the United Kingdom; 6. 16 Oct. 1799 ; a lieot.-gen. in the army, eqoerry to H.R.IL the late Duchess of Kent, steward of the Halmot Court of Howdenohire, deputy-hoot, of the eo. York; G.C.B. v. William, major 17th highl-dmg000e, 8. 1 June, 1827. of the Civil order end knight of the Goslphic order vs. Ernest-George, major 92nd foer, 8. 12 Aug. 1828; is. of Hanover, Legion of Honour of France, St Anne of Prussia, Leopold of Belgium, Redeemer of Greece, and Chorles ill, of Spain. His lordahip so. 11 Jan. 601 H 0 W Excellency Pool, Count Skavronoky, and great-niece of Ps’inee Potemkin, wlsieh lady ef. 2 Juno, 1857. fIn o. his father, as 2nd baron, in July, 1839. Ho was envoy-extraordinary to the Queen of Spain. ittltdBge. of Ireland (svho d. 11 Dee. 1788), by Olary, relict of Itow’nerc, in the peerage of Ireland, 19 Ott. 1819 and BACoN Hownea, lo that of the United Kingdom, 7 Sept. 1531. Ills greoddea. of the Earl of Daroley, end lineally descended h-oso Eslo’erd Ilyde, Earl of Clarendon; by whom ho iT 0 W E. HowE, EARL (Sir Richard-William-Penn CureonHowe, P.C., G.C.H. and D.C.L.), of Langar, no. of Nottingham ; Viocount Corooss, Baron Coreon, of Peon Hoooe, co. of Buekioghem ; and Baron Howe, of Langar, no. of Nottinghaos; 6. 11 13cc. 1796; o. to the Viscoonty end Barony of Cureon, on the decease of his grandfather, 19 March, 1820; to the Barony of Howe, on the decease of his mother, in 1836 anousned the name of How, and obtained the Rundom of Howe, by creation, 14 July, 1821. His lordship so. lot5 io 1820, Harrictt-Georgiana, 2nd dart, of Robert, 6th Earl of Cardigan, ansi by her ladyship (who rl. 25 Oct. 1836) hae iesne, s. Geosee - AnonsTos - FeenosseR - Louis, Vi.,ras,,sI t’o.reoo, SIP, for Sooth Leieeaeershire, b. 16 Jan. 1821 ; so. I Fels. 1545, Harriet-Mary, deu, of Henry-C. Stun, Esq., by rho Lady Charlotte-Penelope Brodeooll, his wife, end has s dso., harriet-Alice. n. Richard-William-Penn, CU., ml. in the grcn.-goerda aide-dc-camp to the Doke of Cansbridge, is. 14 Feb. 1822 so. 5 Feb. 1835, Isebehla-ttetherine, eldest den. ef lIon. George Anoon, and has Itiehard-Hewe, 8.28 April, 1561; anon, I-I Slerrh, 1865; Evelyn-Alice, and Edith-Ceriho. oc. 22 Get. 1897, Eleanor-Young, youngest dan. of MajorGen. John Swtnbnrne, and has had ilenry, is. 31 March, 1669, Nina, Ilthlhicent, Eleanor, and Ethel, S. as; infant, 36 Jono, 1864. 14 Jan. 1836, Aognsba, 3rd doss, of Brig-Gun. Meilifex, end his issnv, Ernoot-Charles-Penn, 8. 24 Nov. 1896; RobertLothien, 8. 2t Nov. 1S53; FhlePoy-Edsiond-Pros, 8.23 Cree;ioo—II Oct. 1819. As-oo-—Arg., on a rhers-on, cc., charged ovith three gerbs, or, betwern a griffin, passant, go., wings erminols, in chief, and a bsoor’o hired, erased, ppr., iiss base. t’,-ral—thn a mount, vei-t, a juan representing a enrieist Briton, habited, pw., kneeling on his left knee, crowned soith en eessern crown, end in Ins right heed a sword, erect, pensnsol upwards, end held by the blade, all ppr. 9’sspportss-e—Two ibioea, orings elevated end endorsed, each holding in its beak a serpent, all ppr. ITO W D F N,