Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/674

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JER his estates, as well as in the post of east-elsa] of the household, is!. Edward-Reginald-Cloment, 0.10 June, 5049. by his elder son, EDWARD, who had been constituted master of the horse, in Feb. 1606-0, to Queen MARY, anti kntgtsted. Sir Edwoest, His lordship, who had been lIP, for Plonitse, Woymsssth, sdvsnetng furtiser to royal favoor, woe elevated to the peerage and Ciresseester, sI, 24 Oct. 1039. of England 20 March, 1690-i, by the titles of Bat-ass PUtters, of lIes, and Fiseeuol flItters. qfBurffsnf, beth to the co. ttent; Cneetio,so—Viseount Orasdison, in Ireland, 2 Jan. 1420. and being appointed otnbassador-extetsordinory to use StatesGenerot Baron and Viseossnl, 20 llareh, 1600-h ; Earl, 13 OeL l697 tn 1697, was created EARL DC TOE iSLAND OF JERsEY in the peerage of England. 17 Oct. in shot year. lie so. Itoebaro, doss, of Wil1iam Chalhissch, ..droso—Quacterly; let and 4th, aeg., on a cross, go., five escallops, Esq., eloset-Iseeper to PstoRLEs 1]., by wisest ise had tee sons ct-sn., lseOroeu three eaglets, dueslly gorged, or, and in the and a dou., Mery. so. 1st, to Thomas Thynne, Esg., and 2stdly, chief point for distsuetisn an escallop, gold, for CsssLo. to George Geanvtlle, Lerd Lansdowne. The earl sO. 26 Aug. Ceuts—lst, VsLLsoss, a lion, rampsnt, org., stucaily crowned, 1711, end seas e. by Isis older son, WILLIAM, 2nd carl, who its. Juditit, only don. of Frederick in the beak an sdder, ppr., assd charged on the breast for distinction ITeme, Esq. sf the city ef London, ten of Sic Nathaniel ttome, Sssppss-Ocre—Tw’o lions, arg., dnrnlly cents-nod, or, each gorged Ent. aaad alderman (oos Itussec’s Lassiesi Oeolry), by sslsosn he with a plain collar, gee., eha”ged with ilsrse escallops, of the Itad two eons, and osse dau., Itorboro, sit. 1st, to Sir Walter IlIac— oecssn:l. kctt, Ilart., and 2ndty, to Bessey Mansell, 4th Lot-tI Slooselt. his lordship’s 2nd son, THOMAS, was created EARL OF CLARENneN, Seuss—Sliddle;on Fat-h, Oxford; Osterly Pack, Ereniford, and the elder, SVsLLsaas,Srd earl, e. as Viscetsnt Grandisen. of Ireland, 1766. 1515 lordship is. 23 Juno, 1733, Anne, relict of lVriothesley, IlnIce of Eodfssest, and dau. of Seesep Egeeton, lot ttalce of htridgewater, great-grandson of Jehn, Earl s,f Rristgowofer, l’y Frances lets estfe, elan. antI ce-heir ef Ferdinnndo, Eos-l et Derby, sen of Iteney. Earl of Bertsy, by Margaret Isis wife, only dau. and Iseir of henry Clittotat, Earl of Cmstierlanit, Isy Eleanor hts wife, clau. and Isete of Cisorles llraodess, Duke of Sssffotk, by hts consort, Mary, Qsseen Tten’ager of Fcnssee, stster and eventually cs-heir of Eing ltsNRv Vll1. By this marriage (through which the present Earl of Jersey is entilled to qssartcr the rsysd anus) there was issue two sent. The 3rd Earl of Jersey sO. 23 Aug. 1769; his yosssger and msly surviving son, Osoeuo-Bs’osov, 4th earl, t. 9 June, 1735. ills lordship st. in Horton, and by her (wlso ti. S March, 1861) has had, March, 1770, Frances, only dan. snd heir of the Right Rev. s. John, is. 16 Sept. 1019, in holy ordorn, BA.; Cs. 16 Philip Tsnysden, TIP., Lord Rishsp of Raphe’o, in Ireland, sen of Sir William Twysden, Dart. of itoyden hIntI, ltent, by ss’tsosss (who 5t. 25 July, 1021) ho had teens, Oossssoo, 5th eas’l. William.Augcsstsss-Iitnry, 6. 15 Nov. 1700; assumed by iii. Henry, b. llareh, 1023. ltent.-col. R.A., M.P, for Hat-— loyal pernsissista. in ]o02, tise surname of SlaanoLL, pursuant to the testamentary injssnction of Lauiea-ltarbara, Baroness Vernon ; ansi ii. stisoi. in 1813. Charlotte-Anne, so. to Lsrd Wilhsss tinssnll; sad a. in 1000. Annn-Baebara-Franree, to. let, to Willians-Ilenry Lamhton, Essp; and, after hss decease, to flee Hon. Charles-Wilhiaeo Wysdhaes. 11cr ladyship sO. 21 April, 1032. is. Olarian, so. 1056, to Olark Style, Eeq., surgeon 1st Caroline - Eliesheth, so. let, to henry - William, let Star - quess of Auglesey; wlsich naarrissgn bsing dissolved at her lad1-ship’s soil, in 1010, she so. Sadly, George-William, 6th Duke of Argyll; and it. in 1835. Sarah, its. to 1709, to Charloe-Nsthanisl Bayley, Esq., and S. Sir ilonry, who is a nonamander U.N., s. his father, 20 Slay, loTS. Elisahetlt-Catlseriae, ct. sass. in 1010. Frances, to. to John, Viscount Pansenby, n-ho sI. 1815. Shs as 2nd hurt., 1830. 3LIhingr. ,t. 14 April, 1806. Henrietta. so. in 1006, to flee lIon, and P.igltt Rev. Richard Tho paternal ancestor of this family was Wlsitc. Bogot, Bishop of Batts and Wells, who el. 15 May, 1854, The earl, n-leo Isad filled use offices of lord of tlsn Admiralty, JOHN Wurce, Esq. - settled in Ireland in the reign of lord-elsamhorlaiu of the hsusehold, and master of the buck- CuAoLcs II., assd poreh:ssirg the estate of Rally Ellie, oo. hounds, sO. 22 Aug. 1600, and n-os o. by his elder son, GEosot-CosLes. 5th earl, ti. 19 Astg. 1773, Cs. 23 Otay, 1804, have been of a kisighGy English fanslly. ssnd to have es. a Sarnls—Soldtis, oldest slats, of ,Jolsn, I 0th Earl of Wostmnrland, Lady Marg;sret Seysno:sr. lie si. iss 1685, a:ed was a. by his sty Anne, dsu. and sole heir of Robert Child, Esq. ef Osterley Park, eldeol s’n, cii. Middlesex, by whom (n’lso it. 26 Jan. 1847) Iso had issue, 5. Gcsssuo-At’ue’sTUs-FREsnsse, sixtls earl. is. Augustus-John, b. 10 Icily, 1010; eapl. rsyal hiosn-gds.. lord-mayor of Ihnblin in the years 1681 and 1682 (which Sir sit. in St-lit. 18:11, Gesss-giaaa—Augusta—Hesrietta, Sssl clao. of hlssssphrey sics-ived from Johss Jervis, Esq. of Olles-toss, en. Gessrge, V iseotsnt belt-is: assd tat Rosue in 1037. Its. Frcderiek—Willians, enpt. 7$r:t regf., Is. 20 .lsslv, ISIS; ne. 12 Sir Jslsss Jervis, was created Earl St. Vincent in ISO]), by Jab-, 1542, Eltoahoth, sister cif George. 9th Earl of ,kfhlene. salient lee lsad iossso, Se. i’rasscis-Aoltn holier. 11.11 Oct. 1819, captain I lIlt leussas’o, JOaN .Tnssvsss-Wsss’ro (the fan:ily names having been oc eonjotord 01.0’. fist- Wey:nouth, ,t. in Spain, 1842. I. Sarats-Frodcriea-Carsltne, ii. 0th. 1842, Is Prince Nicholas Esleelsa as’, of (talontisa. eldest son of the tale eminent 01r. Whito sO. iss 1722, and was s. by his only son, stipl,’ssatist inner Passl-A.utony Esterhasy, astd it. 17 Nov. JoaN JEnvIs-Wasre, Enq. of Bully Ellin. This gentleman 1553. is. Clemestissa-Auousta-WollingIOss, sO. 5Th-c. IPSO. iii. Ads’la-Corsanda-Maria, es. 17 Nov. ISiS, ta Capt. C-F. est. in 1724. Elieniseth, dass. of Tlsosnas Moredyth, Esq. of lbbstsan, 11th hussars; and ‘4.4 Sept. 1560. his lordship, who was twice lord chamberlain to ‘WsLLsAas whsom he h:ssl four oosss sod a duo. Tie a. 7 Nov. 1760, 555 and twice master of the horse to Queen VIOT00IA aud and was e. by his elsiest son, who had assumed the a,tditi,sual ouruame of CusLa isa 2012; Jona Jessvss-W ott-c. Eoq. of Rally Ellis, banister-at-law, sO. S Oct. 1010, and was o. by his eldest son, 00000E.AunuaTUsJRsDt-01r, fth earl, 1:. 4 April, 1004; he had lottie, em. 12 July, 1041, Jsslta, eldest dass. of lbs late Right Hon. Jona-Josvss. Tlsomas-Jervis, of Fcrns, en. Wit-Mow, Sir Robert Peel, Part. (whom. 2udly, 12 Sept. 1860, Cltarlos hlosnphrry-Jen’is, a major in the army; sO. in 1800. Brasidliog, Esq. ol’htiddloton), and had issue, I. VIcT5nALaERT-OEORuE, present peer. Is. flonoor-FucsRRsCX, lieet.Seotofusillcrs, is. I Mar.2047. Mr. Jervia-WIsite sI. l2Joly. 1703, as:dwas s. byhie eldest son, 024 JER s. Julia-Sarah-Alice, st. 3 Sept. 1661, to Sir George-O. Won;bwelh, Mart. 55. Caroline-Anne. or, fssr VILLIER5 2nd and Set-I, gu., 5 chevron, engrailesi, or; 2ed, COILD, on a rot-k, ppr.. an eagle rising. org., holding with sn ernsino spot. Mslfs—Fidei coticuho cnsx. Otiddls’sox. Tows House—IS, Wilton Place. J E RY IS. JERVIO - WHITE - .rERvto, SIR HENRY-MEREBTTH, of Bally Ellis, no. Wexfoud; 8. 20 Now. 1793; Iso. 16 Dec. 1878, Marian, 3rd dan. of William Campbell, Esq. of Fairfield, in Ays-shiro, by Cathorisao, his 2nd wife, dais, of William 1s 3’ Gunning, Esq., brother of Sir Ttohos’t Gunning, 1st baronet, of April. 1045, Mary, 3rd dass. of Tlsomas-M. Alsager, Esq., and sO. at Nice, 22 Rev. 1803 ; his wife S. March, 1061. 11. Huasrur.oY-CmAaLEs. 9. 1 Jan. 1S21. wich ; se. 1855, Lncy, eldest dao. of J. -C. Cobbold, Eoq., MI’. for bpowieh. iv. Jocelyn, comas. huN., ss. 13 Feb. 1066, Alice-Margaret, foot-tb dan. of William I’earelb, Esq. of Usworth House, co. Durham. (See Busas’s Lossiled Gentry.) 1. Anguat.a, sO. scans. 2S Assg. 1063. Bonabay N. I. 511. Abase, its. 1 July, 1071, to Si:- Henry do Haghton, Mart. ; ased ci, 19 Dec. 1052. W’exfos’sl, tessk up his residosscc there. lie in supposed to tuna WasTe. Enq. of Bsdly Ellis, wise es. in 1697, Catherine, dan. used evosstuolly sols lseir of Sir Humphrey Joenis. Salop, whose elescs:sslasst. thessgls is jss;sios’ branch, Adnsirah aeeorstisg fo tlse snarriagc-ecttlesncntsj. Assd Ieee doesgislces. Dollardstnwss, co. toalhs, a hics;t.-geo. isa the army, by who its. Elisahette, date. of George Withoroe, Esq., by whom Ehisahsetle. S. is’s so. Mary, sss. to the Rev. Josoph-Liddel Farrer. Chas’lutto, ns. to John Cramplon, Req., SIP., of Dublin.