Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/679

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JOH Mrs. Stewart, widow of Andrew Stewart, of Caatlemilk, and clan. of Sir William Stirling, Bart. nf Ardoch, by whom he had no issue. Sir William ci. in 1805, one of the richest subjects in the British empire, and was o. in the baronetcy, the Westerhahl estate, the borongh ef Weysnouth, and the great territory svhtels I he had acquired in America, by his nephew (the son of his next brother, Captain George Johnstone, RN., M.D., and governor of Florida, by his wife, Charlotte Dee), Vt. SIR Jonsc- L0wTnER JonsssTowE, who so. 18 Jan. 1504 Charlotte, yosmgest dan. of Charles Gordon, Esq. of Clussy, by 1791, and obtained royal pernsiseion, by sign-manual, in 1795, tn whom (who so. 2ndiy, Richard Weytand, Req. of Woodeaten, lotte the surname of JonNsToNR, in addition to and after Vandenllesnpde; Oxen, and of. 1 Dee. 1845) he had, Groaor-Fasocosro, 7th baronet. Charlotte-Margaret, ccc. in Sept. 1531, to the 11ev. henry seith remainder, in defaait of his osvn male issue, to his broilser, Enelciey, 2nd son of Mr. and Lady Georgiana Buckley. Anne-Elizabeth, us. 15 April, 1830, to the Rev. Ednannd-B. James Agnew, Req. of Bishop Auckland, co. Durlsam, by whom Estrourt, 3rd eon of ‘rhomae-Bnrknaht Reteenrt, Rsq., 11.?. (seho ii. in 1790) he had no issne. lie scc. 2odly, 1795, Stargarel, for the university of Oxford. Sir John was M.P. for Weymouth in 1810, and ci. in Ihe following her (svlso ccc. 2udly, William Gloadosro, Faq., and ci. 7 Dec. 1053) year. He was a claimant of tise marqnessate of Annandale. had issue, his son, Vtl. SIR Groaor-FRrrERcrR, b. in Dee. 1810; us. 24 Oct. is. Charles, 5l.A., canon of York and vicar of Feltskirk, Yorkshire, 1840, Lady Staria-Loaeisa-Ehizabeth-Frederira Craven, only dan. the Rev. R. ltasvksworth, and has issue, of the tat Earl of Craven, and of. 7 Stay, 1841, leaving by her (who ut 2ndly, 15 Aug. 1814, Alexander Oswald, Esq., SIP., son of the late R.-A. Osssatd, Eeq., and cf 2t Oct. tOSS) tsro pootlsumoos sons (twins), s. FRRDRR5CK-Jocssc-WILL5ASI, present barb; and in GcoRoE-CnARLES-KRrran, rapt. gren.-gnards, 1. 5 Aug. 1811. Cc’eottess—25 April, 1700. Arscs—Arg., a saltier, as.; on a s. Margaret, rs. to her cousin, George Juhnstone, Esq.; and of. chief, gn., three enslsions, or; in base, a man’s heart, ensigned svith an imperial crown, ppr. Crest—A spur, ssith wings, or, n. Charlotte, c,c. to Willians-Lieter-Fealan Scott, Req. of Wood leather, go. Msf3o—Nnaqnani non paratus. Seal—Westerhall, Damfrieeshire. Town House—S Arlington Street. JOHNSTONE. 4 kd VANOEN - 13iiatro - JOIINSTONE, JonasTowz, org., a saltier, sa.; in base, a human Iseart, cnsigned lf4 Sttt JoHN, of Hacktaess Hall, co. 2ad and 3rd, VANOEN-BEMFOE, per fesse, the chief, or, the ____________ York, hIP., 6. 28 Aug. 1709; 5. hose, per pale, gsa. ansi vert, a deast-eagle, with two heads, his father, so 2nd baronet, 14 displayed, issuing in chief, so., the dexter base charged with a July, 1807; ott. 14 June, 1825, tower, the sinister with fire teurers, in saltier, gold, the gate Louisa-AugustaVenableo-Vernon, upwards, with wings elevated, or, leatiser, go., buckle, ppr.; As 2nd dan. of his Grace, Edward 2nd, issning from the battlements of a tosser, ppr., a demteagle (Hareourt), Archbishop of York, a pearl collar; therefmm a diamond pendant on the breast, a • a3 by Lady Anne his wife, sister of swomt fcss;rays, ppr., pumusol and hilt, gold. .Mohhe—Nscnqnam the late Duke of Sutberlaud, and non paratus. Fruf—Hackness Roll, near Searhorongh, Yorkshire. has bad, a. Stoaeouov, tate of ttse 2nd life-guards, 5. 3 Jan. 1829; us. 27 May, 1330, Charlotte, 2nd dan. of Sir Charles Stills, Bart., and has issue, FRaNcis, b. toOl Edsrard-Henry, ft. 1854; Cecil, b. 1858; Alan, I. tS5S; Louis, t. 1882; Edith; and Mary. It. Henry-Richard, of Wood Hall, Yorkshire who assumed in 5860 the surname of Seen: he sras 5. 7 March, 1830. and us. 4 Oct. lS68, Cressids-Eliaabeth, 3rd dan. of Wilitam-Selby Lowndes, Esq. of Whaddon Hall, Rneka (set DURKE’S Lauded Gessls’y). s. Caroline, so. 2 May, 1848, to Viscosmt Nevill. xx. Eltaabeth-Stargaret, us. 6 Jane, 1853, to Sir Erskine-T. Ferry, late Chief Justice of Rombay, and nosy a nscmber of the Council of tndta. us. Blanche-Maria, us. 23 Aug. 1839 Robert S,rann, Esq., etdeot son of John Swoon, Esq. of Askham Stall, York. tv. Georgians-Emily, of. 24 Stay, 1863. Sir John was member for Yorkshire in two successive ml. llerhert-Edsrard, 6. 5 April, 1051. parliaments, and now represents Scarborough. 3LUtcagc. LeouT.-CoL. Jona JonwsToter, yunnger son of Sir William Johnstone, 2nd baronet of Vostorlsall, North Britain, so. Charlotte Van Lore, Marchioness-Dowager of Annandrde, and dan. This family is of Welels extraction, having hero settled for and heir of John Vanden-Benspde, Esq. of Mackness; and dying cssassy- generations at Sssnny hill, in Carsnartlsenrhhrc. raven in 1743 (being killed at Carthagoon), left two sons. a. Rsrnaso, his heir. as. Charles, of Ludlow, 5. in 1746; us. Mary, dan. of John liarrig Vechan, co. Carmarthen) founded the Norfolk branch. Eeddoo, Esq., by wlscm he loft at his decease, in 1805, six Ito war horn 1078, and marrying 1702, Mary, duo. and heiress of sons and six dana.. 1 William, at. Sues Bromo, and do. is. 2 Charles - Phillips, cc. Sties F. Morrison, and ol. leaving till isis death in 1759. He left two sans, of svhons tise younger, seven children. 3 John, of Statnslono Conrt, co. hereford. (Bce liraotr’s JuuN Joass, Ecq., ft. 1705, etc. 1732, Ehizatrils, only child of Losuicet Gentry.) 4 George, us. 1st, his rossain, Slargarot, dan. of Sir Richard tlce ltev. Francis Waco, rector of lllukcuey, by his wife, Vanden-Bempde, Bort.; and 2ndly, Sllss Edwards. By Elicalseth, dou. and co-heir of the Rev. Clrnscnt Ifeigham, of the former ho hod a dan, Georgians-Anne; and by the Ilarrnso, Suffolk, for sonsetin:r reeler of Scuithorpe. Mr. Jones latter, four childron. 629 JON 5 Ihielsard, us. Sties Gilder. 0 lleinpde. I Cliarlotto, ssc. 10 Sept. 1000, to Admiral Sir Charles Enosvles, Hart., G.C.ll., and ,i. Isis ssidosr, 1 June, 1307. 2 Slarsa-sionrietta, us. to the ltev. Dnrlsans Cuokos, ssho is deceased. 3 Cotharine, its, to Captain liangls, RN. 4 Loaisa-Ehtzabctls, so. to Sir Wihltans Parke. S Jane, to. to thc 11ev. Dr. Jenniags. 6 Laura. I. Rsenosm Jonasvoae, Rsq., tlse older son, assumed the curnanse and arose of Vaanose-ltrssrnr, by art of parliament, in in sehich latter year (6 July) he seas created a Baronet, Charles Johnstone, Faq. Sir Richard us. 1st, Catherine, dan. of dan. of John Scott, Req. of Charterhouse-squnre, London, and by m. Jccuse, present baronet. I. 24 Aug. 1800; cci. 13 Sept. 1827, Anselia, 2nd dan. of I Charles, ft. 16 June, 1828. 2 Frederick-Bichas’d, ft. 2 Sept. 1029. 3 William-John, 0. 31 Oct. 1033; and ‘1. Slay, 1834. 4 Arthur-George, 5.24 June, 1037. I Lanra-Georgiana. 2 Charlotte-Frances. 3 louisa, of. 1805. 4 tthicia-Slargaret. S Charlotte. in 1819, leaving a dan., lleorgtacsa-Anmse. Ilahl, York. its. Laura, ci. 1517. Sh’ Richard ci. in 1807. JOLLIFFE, BART., lee HYLTON, BAliON. J 0 N E a JONES, Sin WILLOUOBBT, of Cranmer Hall, co. Norfolk, 6. 24 Nov. 1820; o, his brother, as 3rd baronet, 7 Nov. 1845; and corvod as high sheriff of Norfolk in 1851 ; at. 15 April, 1856, his cousin, Esstily, class, of HenryF. Jones, Eeq., by bis wife, Lady Hardinge, and has, a. Lawrera’er-Jonn, Is. It Aug. 1857. sic. Willoughby, 0.18 Slay, 1864. tv. A san, ft. GAng. 1568. 5. Slary Florence. its. Gertrude-Isabel. ILuitcagc. Jouts, Rsq, san of Daniel Jones, Req. of Sunny Ilill (by his wife, Janr, daughter and lccim’ess ccf William Wihlianss, Req. of It’shccrt Sheldrakc, Esq., of Fakonhasu, Norfolk, rc’sidcd shore 1l.cnicl, purchased the Cranmer hall estate 1751, and the elder, ci. 1769, leaving, suith other isene, a son, Crraiiscc—6 Jssly, 1795. Arssss—Qssarterly : lot and 4th, sshth a regal crown, ppr. ; on a chief, go., tisree caslctoos, or; and portenhlis of each plcr. C,v,sfa—lst, A spur, erect, rowel with two heads, displayed, sa., wiago, or, about the neck Tueaso Hocsoe—34, Behgraee Square. imrr S.- mm. Catherine. cv. Adau,