Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/686

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K E N Co. Lancaster, I cop. ItENRY lit., which property was canted away by ALMARECA Kmrron, an heiress, crteo co. Thurston lioltand, Fsq. of Deaton. On ties orcnrrenee of this event, ties family of Kenyon removed to Pork-head, near Blackburn; onse thence to Pool halt, on the nearrioge of ROGER KENY0N, Esq., with Aitre, don, and heir of George Rtgby, Req.; which monstee of Peel Itoh is stitt in etse possession of ttso Keeyooe. Roger Kenyon’s son, by Alice htigley, Tnoetoo iceavex, Eeq., 0. in 1668 t ccc. let, Catherine, eldest stan. of Luke Lloyd, ksq. of ttrye, Itonneor parieh, en. Flint, by rtsooe ho hod t,tovsc, hio heir; another son, who b. ia nctnority nnd tsro sbus., Kotttarine, en. Wittioos Ltiddteton, Req., anti st. s.p.; ant Dorothy, r. tTtO, to William Pereeral, Esq. of Roytor tlatt. tIe cc. knctly, Cottierise, widow of Rioteord Pee— eerot, geg. of Itoyton ttalt, and cints. of Thoneos Norris, Esq. of Speke, in Lnneoshirr, best by her least no issue. tie sl in 1731, and coos a. by Ins see, Ltovn Keavos, Req., 0. hOle, ssho e. ss heir to The Bryn, A-c. lte oc. in t73f, Jane, eldest don. of ttobert Rddewes, Esq. of Eagle halt, co. Cteester, and of Oredieegtee, Ftintsleire, where the family ef tdenyon settled. The issue of tins ssearriage srere, r. Tlsocnos. 1. 3 Sept. 1731; estee oh. ssccos. 20 May, 1750. It. LLOYD, tat Lord Kenyon, of srtsons presently. let. ttiehord, ,t. ooec. sv. Roger, h. 1735; ne Story, dan. and heir of Edwoed Lloyd, wee cc Icy his son, Req. of Penytton, eo. Icessbigh, and left issue, I Edward-Lloyd, of t’enytton. 2 George, who se. Fronees, stats, of F. Price1 Esq. of Bryn-ylet-a, Ticocceos ltanmrr, Bare. of idenccceo, cc. Flint, by Otargaret his Ftintsh ire, and left isssee. 3 Thomas, ci. ceo c. 1 Jone, 5. in 1793, to ltenry-Ettis Roates, Esq. B Arnn-3taria. Ltovn itEaxoa, Esq., else 2nd son, 0. ot Oredingtoo, in Flint- shire, S Oct. 1732, having received the eteoseotory port of isis edncntioes at Itssthin, in Desebigtssteire, was artirled, at ots eorty age, to 37e. ‘tV.-J. Tomkinson, an esninont attorney at Nntstwiets, s. lttargaret-Rmmn, cs. 19 June, 1026, to Sir James-tray in Ctseslsire. At the expiration of ins articles, SIr. Keny’cn determined to pnrasse tise tsiglser walls of lise profession, and Is. Moreonne, see. 25 Assg. 1830, 10 the lion. Vieo-Adsniral beeoese, accordingly, in Trinity Teem, 1704, a nsresl,rr of the society of Ltoeol,s’s ten, Icy erhicls se was railed to the bar in Itilory Term, 1761. itia sssboeqnent success coos stow, but net Its. Pcregrhsa, sb. 12 April, 1030. the toss certoin; and about tlse year t773, we find bins enjeyiog Cc-enli,,cso—lIseroceel, 1784. tlns’oee, 9 Jmee, 1788. Areso—Sa., very ronsiderohie practice in tIco rotsot of Ctsnocery ; Isis reputetina a cleereon, engooilrd, or, betn’ecn three crosses-fiery, org. Cc’est one, however, firsssly eeeobtielted in 1700, by Ins able defence, —A hots, sejont, ppr., oesling tese dexter tents eec a rross-flocy, in conjunction with Str. (aftererarde Lord) grslsisse, of Lord ac’g. .Sscjejeoe-iss’e—Dexter, n fencscle cgssre, repe’eeenting Tneth, George (‘lordoss. in 1702, soon after lIce aeceseioee of else Reels— rested, ae’g., her bead irrndiatcd, on Iser breost a sun, ond in ingleam asireissistrotion, Mr. lfenyon seas appointed atterneygeeseral, her dexter hand a mirror, all Flee.; sietisler, Fortitude, repro witlsoot serriag the intersoedinte office of solicitor- ansi, gu., an leer head a rasqoc, Icissened; in the dexter leand a general, and was roashinted, at the easno time, ehief-jnettre of brosecls of eats, and Iser siceister 001st reatiesg on a pillar, ppr Chester. In 3tosvh, 1754, Ise was appointed 3iaster of the Rolls, or’elto—Siognanisniter erssesees snerioe. Ocscio—Gredingten, and created a Rarenet. Upon the Rolls’ leenels Sir Lloyd continued POinlshire; and Peel ilalt, Lmernslcire. Tomes Jdescot—12, I’oeecease ssntit Otto end of May, 1780, when lee eorceeded Lord Ittanefleld no lord—eteief-jnstiee of use retert of ltissg’a Bonds, and woe elevated to lbs peerage (9 Jono, 1700) in the dignity of Lorei Ks esyo,s, Bee ron of Ore’ 5gbo5, eel. Fiieef. Ills lordship ccc. 16 Oct. 1773, Story, 3rd don. of George Kenyon, Eeq. of Peel ItatI, en. Lancaster, nod hod, a. Lloyd, 0. in 1770; ci. 13 Sept. 1801, scorn. it. Geosoe, into poor. en. ‘thomas, set Proctor, en. Saints, clods of else entlnwriee in lIce court of King’s tsench; 0,20 Sept. 1780; cc,. 21 April, 1803, Loeeho-Clcortotte, does, of tbe ttev. bIb-Robert Lloyd, of Astoee I loll, anti a. d Nov. 1001, leaving lend ieeoee, 1 Lloyd, cater. royal horso-geeords; 0. 10 Jnoe, 1004; ci. t Jan. lold. 2 Thomas, soajer SIte foot; 0.3 Aug. 1000; si. 19 Sept.1909. 0 Jnhcs-t;obort, tc.C.L., tft,i., of t’rndoo, Shrepehiro, recorder of Oeee’cstry, ye-ne-nan pre’fessor ct the University of Oxford, KneReloN, SIR EDWARD-CLARENcE, of Hnxne and 0. 13 Jon. IsO?; ,,,. 11 Aug. 1840, Olaoy-Eliza, dan. of Bromo, no. Suffolk, late M.P.for Enot Snffolk,etesvsrcl Edward lt:esrkine, Req., F.B.S., and has had, Robert-Lloyd, of H.Ibl.’e manor of Northntead, Yoi-kslsire; is. 2 Jan. 0. 18 ton. todd; ‘l’teo,nae-thlbert, 0. 23 Ang. 1003, ci. 26 Jnnr, 1804; Rdsonrd-tiannlpte, 0.1 Nov. 1834; Alan-Her— ]errt, 0. o Sept. late, 1. 28 teec. tool1 Atwyn-Chorlee— uk-ic,’, 0. 14 Joo. 1-00, 1. 20 Dcc. 18sl Lnstnce-Alhen 0. 23 July, 1844, Lady Cnroheee-Mnrg trot Fox-Strnngways, 20 Se let. 1850; Prc’derieh-ide’orge, 0. tO Jace. 1863 Gee’ntd nest s’oril, tcvisec, 0. 7 Aug. 1964, tOo latter of wisem ci. Ii Jon. 10,0 Erc-tyn-Oswntcl, b.n Oct. iOns; a son, 0. 26 July, ItO?; 9iary, 0. t7 June, 1840; ktiea-Clsneioete 0. 8 1800; Enema, 0. 18 Jan. 10021 and Aeey-iirrha 0.20 April, 181, d. 16 -beep. 1861. 4 George, Cops. ilK.; 0. 10 Moretc, 1911; cc. 24 April 1006 Nsccfolls, Isorteig stislingssich;eJ ieieceeotf in thee I’en’mmcIa aced at Oiary, ‘lots. oct else tote tlol,ert t’slere’sreoel, Req. of WIsi 11ev’ Waterloo, teas created a Barmcee 6 Aseg. tooi. lie set. Story, Terkslcirr, and ,c. to 0l,u’cle, 1660, having lend isesee, Alfrr’d eldest don. of Alexander Ellicr, Req. of l’itlcncc’ief, Co. Fife, and Emote-Lloyd, 9. 30 Jon. 1800; L’tgnr-Tleoocns, 0. 13 Oct. by leer (‘otto ci. 19 A1srit, 1860), leasi isssee, 18db; and oleurgina-Stary, 0. 22 Jon. 1807. 5 Wiltiossc, of Ilsetton Oreeccge, Sleroteslcire, capt. Indian army 0.20 t’oh. 1010; .0 Oct. 1040, Fanny-Coelserine, .Ini don. Aseccn, csc. its 1836, to J,elese, L,trcl ilocvnilsec. noel en-hoir of ltolcere-Aghenby Haney, Rsq. of W’olford Esssity-ltaeniel, 5,5. in 18:14, to Ron Staeclcope. Oteeceeer need ll;slte,cc (iroccge, Oleretscicire, M.P. for Slcrc’ere— Agaes-Onrrell, 01. 12 Slccy, 1054, to Lord ltateman. bury, ne,l has, W’ilhem-Sloney, 0. 2d Meg. 1847; harry— Conrad, 0.1 July, l80O Wolter-Ropeet, 0.2-1 Sept. 1801; 636 KEI{ Meginald.Aghionby, 0. 10 April, tOO?, ci. 2 Feb. 106d; Frnneis-Gemld, 0. 7 Nov. 1800 Percy-Robert, 0. 9 Jane, 1061; Frances-Edith, 0. 26 h’eb. 1949e Agaos-Chaelotte, 0.10 No;’. lSO2c ileien-Mnrie-Eli-zabeeh, 0. t3 Nov. 1604, cc. 24 Feb. 1690; hcatherine-Oiande, 0. 13 Jon. 1056; end Violet-Mabel, 0. 3 Olorclc, 1600; Ice assnneed by rsynl licence, 23 July, 1602, the additienal enrnauee and arms of SLANEY. 6 Clcarlee-Orlando, in leoly erders,vieor of Greot Ness, Salsp, 0. 26 Sept. 16161 5’. 10 Aug. tOdd, Olotitda-Rleisa, only dan. ef tlse Rev. 11.-C. Cotton, and eotcein of late Visesnnt Combernsere, and has, Clcarlee-Rebert, 0. 22 Sept. 16d5; f Ileory-Ttcomee, 0. 18 April, 1802; and Alire-Ohatitda, 0.19 April, 1502. 7 Arthur - Rielcard, 0. 16 June, 1918; ccc. 19 Jan. 1909, Aecgetsta-Mary-Jotcnetone, 3rd doe,, of S. Ctogstonn, Req., and eridoev of Capt. George Wilder, R. it. Are., end has lend, aeon, 5. 23 Roy. 1868; Louisa-Charlotte, 0. 2 Dee. 1909, ci. 6 thorns, 1663; Carolicco-Wateott, 0. 17 April, 1861; Feregeina-Dera, 0.14 Oct. 1862; end Leonora-Coa sennee, 0. 6 July, 1064. 9 henry, 0. 4 Jon. 1022, a. 29 Jan. 1827. 9 Itowtnnd-Whilehall, 0. 24 Stay, 1824. I Olary, 0. 21 July, 1809, si. 6 Jan. 1e20. 2 Chec-totte, 0. 4 Stay, 1612, ccc. 17 Oct. 1833, to else Rev. Jolsa hilt (ose HeLL, V.). 3 Rasnen Jane, 0. 31 Roy, 1920; d. II May, 1068. Lord Kenyon cb. 4 Apc’il, 1802 (Isis widow ci. 8 Aug. 1909), and On050E, 2nd baron, n benetser of thee Middle Temple, 5. 22 Jesly, t776 es’s. I Feb. 1801, Sios’gaeet-kcnn;a, only finn. of Sir solOn, ctdest den. and co-heir of George Kenyon, Req. of Peel hiatt, co. Lancasler, end by leer (oho ci, 24 Feb. 1910) he lmd, 1. Lt.nm, present peer. it. Edward, of Otaeefen, Shoopshire, 5. 11 done, 1010; ccc. 19 SepI. 1640, Caeotinr-Sccson-Cntlceoino, youngest dan. of Itse late Lord George Beretferd, and by her (who ci. I thtarcie, 1866) has issue, 1 John-George, 5. II Oct. 1943. 1 Enerea. Langham, Bart.; and ci. 3 Feb. 1829. Tlsonsas elect, RN., lnct soce of OVilliaese, let Lord Wynford, asset ci. Ida soieloev, 18 Setet. 1866. senled by a fensaie figure, seated in a eerslet of enail, robe or, dqaare. K E It It I S 0 N. 1821 ; t. his father, as 2esel ijnrooet, 9 March, 1853; ol. dnu. of Henry, 3rd Earl of Ilelsenter. 31 lien go. Sea EDwARD Knanesoec, G.C.hh., 10CR., 0. in 1774, only son of Olalthi;sn ideorisen, Req. of tloxee ILsil, ea. Ooffoik, and Breeches, RnwAan-CLancnNen, lereseect t’;ercsnee. Sir Edee’ard’s sister, Story, eel. Regicsntd Robelt, Req. of Dransfield lInil, SuEdils.