Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/69

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AIR AIR is lordship ii. lOUse. 1794, and oe, by his son, . Henrietta-Blanche. ARCHIBALD, 12th earl, K.T. and F.R.S., 0. in Feb. 1770; ‘. Cleaceutina-t;ertrude-rfelen. created a Peer of the United Kingdom, as Baron Ailsa, llanrlc-Jiisepha. - iv. A dan. 4 Nov. 1906, and raised to the llarqueeeate of Ailsa in Sept. I The earl ia 28th in deocont from the lot Thane of 1091. His lordship Ia. i June, 1793, Margaret, 2nd dan, of Angue, and ie 7th earl and 12th baron. John Erekine, Eeq. of Don, ce. Angne, by whom he had, I. ARCHIBALD, Roil ef Oaseilio, 0. 4 June, 1791; in. 1 Slay, ILIIICBgC. 1814, Eleanor, only dan. and heircas of John Allardyce, GILBERT, 3rd son of Gilbert, Thane of Angus, who fought Esq. of Dnnotar, and dying 12 Aug. 1912, left issue by at the battle of the Standard, in 1120 obtained from King that lady (who d. 16 Nov. 1932 , WiLLIA5I the lan,ls of Penrie, OniLvis, and ethers, and 1 AnonisaLo, present marquess. thence assumed the surname of OoILviR. From him 2 Alexander, 8. in 1110; 0. in 1992. I lineally descended 3 John, 0, in 1819; ii. 3 Sept. 1146. SIx WALTEr. OoiLvic, of Wester Pourie and Auchter4 David, 0. in 1120; late K. I. Co.’s niilitsryservieo. jTn house, sheriff of Angne, who fell at Gaekclnno, in 1392, him and his younger hrothore and sister, a patent of precedence was granted 1947.] leaving, by Isabol, dan. and heiress of Sir Malcolm Rimsay, S Gilbert, 8. 14 July, 1912; ci. 26 Nov. 1131, Margaret, of Anchterhouse, three sans, viz., dan. of the late Sir David Baird, Dart., and has John- Alexaader (Sir), of, whose great granddau. Gilbert, 5. 1 Slay, 1694; Thomas, 0. 12 Nov. 1930; and and representative, SIaaoascT OoILvIs. is. in 1406, James Slary-Alice. I Stevt, Earl of Duehan, and couveyed to that nobleman 6 William, 0. 1923, capt. R.A.; ci. 1946, Sarah-Jane, thsbaronysfAnchtcrhouee,aiid tliehoredttaryshoriltdty eldeat dan. of the late Wm.-Sl. Be Idols, Esq,and 0.3 ofAngus. ThoneedoaceodedllnalorlAN-STEwART. CounMarch, 1809, having had issue, Wifliam, 0. in 1911; and teso of llnchan who ‘ii, Robert, 2nd ann of Douglas, of a dan., Slabol-Kems, ‘1. 0 Dcc. 1964. I Lochleven, and’,l. in 1990’ her granddau. SlAnT DonoLae, 7 Fsrgne, 0. in 1826; d. in 1892. I Countoas of Duchan, ci. John Erokinc, 2nd son of John, I Nigel, 0. in 1028; ci. lot. 19 June, 1939, Catherine- I Earl of Mar, and 0 in ISIS. One of their descendants, Anne, youngest dau. eftbe late Major James Frcre May, an Earl of Iluohan, cold the lanils and barony of Auohterand by her (who ii. 1 Feb. 1962) has had Fcrgns, 0. 30 house, which, after passing through various hands, were March, 1839; James, 0. 23 March, 1960; and Emma- I ropiirchased by John, 4tb Earl of Airlie. Andalueia: he ri. andly, 3 Nov. 1966, Klizabsth- WALTER (Sir(, of Lintratheu, of whom presently. Charlotte, widew of the Rev. Richard Prankerd Jones, John (Sir;, svlio got franc his elder hrot;ier a charter of of Charfield, Gloucestershire, and sister of Sir John the lands of Jnncrqnharity, dated 1 June, 1420, was Neeld, Dart, ancestor of the Ogilviee of tnuerqnlsarity. S Adolphua-Arcbibald, 0. in 1932; rl, in 1842. 3 Eleanor, cv. in 1839, to Sir John-A. Cathcart, Dart. I The lcd son, ai. John, 0. 4 June, 1902; ‘a. 0 July, 1927, Lady Angnsta I Sin WALTER OoILvIs, Hut., of the pri council el Fits-Clarence. This gentleman, on inherting Don, as- JAaiEc 1., was constituted, in 1420, Loan icon Tneasr’nsn sumed the additional surname of Enoaiae. Ho vi. at Or Soonano, master of the royal household hi 1436, and a Pica. 6 Slarch, 1631, leaving issuo, 1 William-Henry. et commissioner for renewing the truce with Eaglaud in the Duo, capt. 17th lancers, 0. 1 July, 1929, ci. 19 Nov. 1962, following year. Sir Walter attended the Princess Margaret Cathcrhie, only snrviving child of the late John Jones, into 1°rascc on her marriage with the Dauphin, 1434; and Esq. of Hsutlya, Carmartiiaiiehire; 1 Wilholmina, ic. 17 April, 833, to the Earl of llnnstsr,’I Sllllicont-Aun- by an order from the King, erected the tower or foi-tnlicc of Mary, cv. 1003, S-hay Wemyss, Rsq. if Wcmyse, who 0. Krely, or Airlie, into a royal castle. This eminent person 39 Slareh, 1064. Tho lion. John’s widosv cii. loIS, lord ci. babel de Durward, heireos of Lintrathen, by whom he John-Prederick Gordon-Haiyhnrton, and ii. 6 Dec. 1663. acquired that barony, and was subsequently designated I. Anne, ci. in 1021, to the late Sir David Baird, Dart. ef ‘ therefrom. He d. in 1440, leaving two sons; from tho Nesvbyth. yonager of whom, Sir Walter, apiang the Earls of Findlator ii. Slai-y, solO Dec.1933, to Richard Oswald, Esq., yoniiger, and Seafiold, and the Lords of Danifie The elder, efAneheneruivo, who ii. 9 Jan 1934. iii. Slargarot. Ca. in 1917, to Thomas Liviugateno, Esq., Sin JOHN DoiLvin, Knt. of Liutrathen, was e. hy his assumed Earl of Newbnrgh, who it. in 103;. eldest eon, iv. Alicia-Jane, ci. in 122-0, to the Right Hon. Lient.-Geu. Sin JAN50 OniLvIn, Knt. of Airlio, anahaoeador frona Jonathan Peel, SIP, for Hnntingdon. Scotland ts Denmark in 1491, who was elevated to the Civelisas—Darony, 1403. Earldom, 1206. Baronetcy, 1632. Peerage of Scetland, an 29 April, 1161, by she title of Lard flareny, U.K., 4 Nov. 1606. Slarqnisate, 1031. No patent of Ocilob of Airlie. His lordship ci. lot, Elizabeth Kennedy, eTeatian exists to either the barony of Kennedy, or earldom of the Cassilis family, and had a son, JoHa, hte successor. of Caooilis ; and it is held by the law of Scotland that titles of honour, when not otherwise hunted by patent, are hers- He cepsissed, badly, Lady Slary Douglas, dau. of Archibald, ditary in the heirs of the first grantee. 0th Eai’l of Angus, and had by her, Arias—Ar., a ebev., gn., beta-con three cross-croselets, Walter, anceetorof the Ogilvys, of llslfonr, in Forfarshire. fitchOs, aa., all within a double treasors, fiory caunterdory, His lordship ci. in 1064, and was s. by his elder eon, of the second. Creel—A dolphin, natant, ppr. Sspperleia—Two swans, ppr., beaked and mcmbered, JonN, 2nd Lord Ogilvis of Airlio. This nobleman ci. .Mslls—Avise ha fin. Joan, oldest don, of William, 2nd Loi’d Graham of Kin&alo—Culzsan Castle; Cassilis House, on the river Dun; eardine, and was s. by his elder eon, and Newark Castle, all in Ayrshirs. Jaais.s, 3rd Lord Ogilvie, n-ho ci. Slargaret, dan. of David, 7th Earl of Crawfish, and was a. by his cldoet son, Janss, 4th Lord Ogilvle, n-ho was appointed one of the cxtraordinaryLorde of Seasion, 1342. Hielerdehip ci. Helen, A T R Ia I E. dan. of Henry, Lord Sinclair, and had with other issue, JAasrs, Slastor of Ogilvis, n-ho fell at the battle ef Pinkie, 10 Sept. 1347, leaving by his wife, Katbarhie, dan. of Sir Jeba Cauipbshl Knt. of Ccddor. Jona, socrcssor to his - . . . grandfather, and two d,,us., Slaroarct, ci. John Krekine, His lordship 0. abont 1054, and nas 0. by his grandson, -. of Dun, and lIchen, to John Cgiivy. flairs, 0th Lord Ogilvie. lIe oi. Joan, cldrst dau. of - - William, 7th Lord Perbea, and was a. 1606, by his eldest son, - , J.saias, 6th Lord Ogilvic; who v-v. let, Lady Jean Rutbvcn, — ‘. 4th dan. efWihhiam, let Miii of Gowns, and had an only eon, His lordship eapoused, 2ndy, Ehicahoth, dan. of Sir ArcbiJAMEs, Master of Ogilvis. bald Napisr; aud dying in 1017, waco. l-y his sea, Lines, 7th Lsr,l Ogilvtc, who wascrsatrd K.iEL or AIRLIr. AIRLIE, .ALYTII AND LINTRATHEN, EARL OF (Sir ALYTn, and LINTRATIIEN, I Aps’il, 1639, with rrnsatndcr to Dxvid-Graham-Drtavuvsioud Ogilvy, K.T.), and Earon the heirs male succeeding to his estates, and ivith prcocdcnos Ogilvy, of Aidie, in the peerage of Scotland, one of afthe Earl of Fiudlater. His lerdrh’p n-as a zoadvis adhethe Representative Lordo, 6.4 May. 1826; a. hiofathor, rent of CuAnLEa 1., aud acqntred groat renown at the hattlo 20 Aug. 1849; in. 23 Sept. 1851, Henrietta-Blanohc, 2nd dan. of Lord Stanley of Alderley, acid has * The dormant tillea of gtadlator and llanfi avers oloimed, as heir male, by ALEXANnEK OniLvIs, SIB.. Depnty lu‘. DATID-STAsiLEY-WILLIAaI, Leril Qgilev, 5, 29 Jan. 1600. I spoctor-Geaeral, Royal Artlllei’r, win, 1. 10 Slay, laos, leaving ii. Lyolph-Gilchriet-Stanley, 6. 2i June, 1811. an enly grandson, Alexaudor D4ilvtc (to DuanE, Danv.j 19