Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/692

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K I M Nirho]aa, limit -gm., vol. of the 3rd foot; I. in 1790; ci. is. Edwaa’d, B-Ad. B-N.; 1.1 Jnne, 1802; sn.in1818, Diana, Ii flee. 1097. ‘I NghRl, in holy orders, S jar of Iselverlon awl Feele, 1’. 2 N or. 1s92 :5 . in I 035, l1ess’iasa, 3rd 6cm. oft 1cm’ lIon end Item. ‘,Vallsa,n Ca; el and has had sssnr, Francis— W’illians, Ic. 15,29 ,7. 1049; (‘a;cel, lien). lIE., 8. 25 Jan. 1011 heergina-Sarals, ,,:. Sit Aug. I sf3, to tin’ Rev. all. Bcekelry, snajor i,c the arnsy, and colonel of the East Clsartrs—’sV Iltani Fox, at 1ls’ range, t’r.cmnplsn I cdt rroil, (a .scsosnterslsire Alice—tan:’, 12 I rt. 1 01,9, to lk’rit, etch 51 son of Iternard hems it,. F’. of W eltest,00rne tall ye, IcVan, set (u’ firmer’s l’s,. “.1 ‘I astesj ; Ellen; 1. eisa—Clara. o,, Sit Slav, 19154 to 1Nt,aoud—llenr5’ 11 ode- iv. L’et’tram, a military oflioee; 8. 30 AprE, l833 d. it house F.s:1. nFl I’sLillcr. S Fm ‘cats, Ii, gi. 11. N.;’. in I 19. 1 Stary; 7. u:c.:.. 1799. v. Alfred, Ic. 10 June, 2214; in holy orders; sa. 21 April, 2 Sisal,, ‘7, ,..,.,.. I5IC, 3 MacnoIse, 5. cc:. 4 L john 1 ocsss, 179’. 9 ‘stags, . iti lsfl, Is lions,, ,—J attn ISa ‘lassoed, Esdi.,attd Esq., cHef of ClanranaId, by Lady Caroltne-Anne Edgcnaobe 5. Mc). o Isal:, I, J. ‘ . loSt 7 1 clii a, .7. young, 101:3 5 .0 Elle,s. .c. . scm. le32. 0 llestcr, ci.e,,o. 1 2Q Si, Arnaine, who reprsacnted the eonscty of Norfolk in five 38511 ; Charte. ; ltenry ; Itamilla; Ernoetine -Emma, parliasnetata, ant was ec:tonsl of the East Norfolk a,cilitia, Slorohall, Es’1. ef We-tweed Itall, leeds; atid LnnraSot ,l. icc 31mg 1777 : lain eldest outs atad sctcceosor, Vt Ste Joan), 8. ii, t7ti, was ets.a’ated to Ca peerage as 5. Sophia-Lasara. so, in 3023, to Raikee Csarrie, Esq., It_i’ll. B a,:s.a Wont nrcvsr, of Kiscsherles, in tic’ en. nj fesy’efir, 255 CL’,. 1 7,7. He a, in 3769, S”phia, only child nf lIce Uccss. Ha. Harriet.Lnura, to. 7 Aug. 1834, to John-Bavtd Chambers, Charles Berkeley, of Bruton Abbey, co. Sonserset, ansi niece ccl lotus, last l.orcl lbei’keley, of Strattc,n (a barcsny whseh ax. Carehiase-Lanr,c,s. 16 April, 1806, to J. Tbwaites, Faq-, cvpis’od in 177.:), and by lee (who cf in 1825) hal, I ..l,,’j’e, 1,i heir. a,. Pi.ihc, sce’adscairal of tlc° White; 1.19 July, 1772; ci. Ills lordship, wlso was lord-lieutenant of the county, and 7 Slay, 1814, Mary-Ham, dan. of Charles Cameron, Eoq., vice-admit-al of the coast of Norfolk. colonel of the East 1: So governor of the llahaina Isles, by I .ady Margaret Norfolk militia, high-steward of Norwich Cathedral, d. 12 cy. his who, dais, of Willian,, 13th Earl of Erroll; and 19 Ilay, 1046, and was a. by Ists grandson, Jg,ts-, 3rd Banoy a. at Ja,s. 1828, having had issue, 1 Ii Iwin, 8. 17 April, 1817; eel, in the army, CII,, hient.el. Cceefiscse—Barenet, 25 June, 3611. Baron, 16 Oct. 1707. fIX.; Knt. of the Legion of Honour; cc. 18 Oct. llcrl, I Juc.s, 1966. 1449, Catherine, only dan. of the late Capt. John Street, ansI ha°, Edwia-Fre brick; Cathersne-SIaryPhili; pa; an I Aliee-Ratlsort,cc. 2 Can,tanlioe.GritEIls, 1.11 March1917; in holy crless, of 1)s’Jodby; Haco of Garbsldisham 5 Bnasacnnv of Stratton; ‘etor ‘f Larting, Ns:rfolk; os 7 April, 1858, FannyIa Ic. Ic. Crest—A dexter arm, conped atcd erect, vested, ai’g. and ‘celia, eldest dan. of Item. Edward — H. Sawbeidge, graspin7 a club, in ben:l sinishec, or, over lbs crest the motto ‘a tee of Thelnethnsg, sssfl’olk. 3 1’.sslip Cameron, in holy os’ds rs, Ia, 12 Jan. 387, ci. 12 Feappc fort,” .t;cr.l lodd’c.Slaev, 2nd dan. eftlse Rev. 32. 11. S,.vs’briclge, Ssppsc’tces—Two wild men, ppe., wmcatlsnd about the loins, rceor vi Thelicotlsanc, i-ic,lfolk. I .d.srgaret. 2 Agnes, 9. In 1938, ‘3 J.sne, d. in 1849. 4 Eleanor-Mar3-, III. Armins, in holy orders; I. in 377e ; as. 23 15cc. 1915, 0.” e time ce at—Feappc foil. Esnily, 3rd dan. of the late Sir T.-Beauehanap Proctor, cit’cal—ttirnbet’ley Ileuse. Norfolk. itart., a,nI d. ag. 9 April, 1813. am. Willianc, ha holy orders, MA.; 8. 4 Aug. 1785; as. (11 ‘oh 1,007, Mary, eldest dan.of the late Thoanas llnssey, Eu1. of Geltrins, es. heath, by Lady Nary Walpsle bin wile. dan. of Horatio, 1st Earl of Orford, and by her (whe ‘9 N::v. 1065) ban issue, 1 1, .lliam-lhoenas. 1.4 Slay, 1809; an oRcer inthesemy, sI. at L’on]scgne, 27 Nov. 1e39. 2 15 orge, capt. RN.: 1. 9 Jnly, 1820: so. 20 June, 1948, 1,1 cnsr.C’harlotte, dan, of Andrcw’-Jloetimer Drumno nd. E.g., t’y the Lady Emily Percy his wife, dass. of Al.;srnen. Earl of Revesley, and has Jesceline-Hencage, is. 17 July, 1852; Moetimer-Keppel; and Es elys- (Moe’ giana.Snoan. 3 Frederick, call. R.A.; is. 14 Aug. 1911; ,i. in 1851. 4 Artlsnr, 1. 17 Jan. 1811. S Algornon, is. 13 51ay, 1814; in holy orders, SIX.; cc,. in lola, Lady Eleanor Ashburnhana, 6th dau. si t.eorgo, Srd East of Ashhnrnh,am, 11G., by Lady Charlotte I’e;ey, his 2nd asife,dau. of Alganaen, Earl of Bevorley, I. Rarnasn KING, son of Custs King, Esq. of tics royal navy, acid isa.’, WillianuWesetwortls. 1.13 Starch, 3948: Hugh, basing on,ba’eeed lIce profe°stets of his father, atfahaed, by a 8. 15 ISo’. 1517; Algernon-l’erey, 8. 27 March, hue; l’ra’,eis.,Tohas md Thomas-Frederick twtns), I. 1815; series of gallant achicveanenfs, paeficulaoly las she Indian seas, as 1 7l.s’-y-Elioabcth. 3 1 .b..lla-ltary.ltatherine, 2 L.seahaeth.T.ogisa. 5 Rachel-Usratia. r. 5’ ‘ibia, eT. ss cc cs, 21 June, 2812. II. I ASia, sc- 1st, to .0ieThmonaas.Slaynard Hesileige, Hart.; las 1791, 5 as- Eteltard was macis ceac-sdosieal of the Bed, created ass’l luslly, 11 Aug. 1845, to F. Fielding, Bag., ha-raster- as basrsnel 16 Jniy, 1792, and laavisg passed theongha Itse sliffea’ent a law, asH 7. 3 hlareta, 18t4. lIla to lshsp ci. 29 Stay, 3431, and was a, Icy his eldest son, s:f the Wt,ite. Sir Eicharsl icc. Snsanaaah-Slargarctta, dan. of Jossy, Laid baron; is. 11 Jan. 1771; wIso os. 17 Nov 1796, Viittianc Coker, Esq. of Maypewder, cc- Roesci, Icy whona ice bad, ‘,arlsste.Lassra, sasly dan. and Iseirese of Johas Norris, Esq. Rscnaan, Ins iaeir. ‘ Ilenrictls, ‘a. to Lh-Gen. Bnenet. I IViltc.n Park, es. N:srfmdk,hy t’harlstte, his wife, 4th dan. Loots,, c’s-to Lieut.-licn. Sir Thomas Hamnaond, C.C.H. O f t’se lion, and Very Rev. Ed,s’ard Townshend, dean of 77ors°icis. and niece ef the led Vcaconsat Toavnolaensl, and by I’ r (woo ci. an Jsssse, 1811) had arsue, - 13 “nv, is. in 1799; ass, iss 1825, .tnn’, snly lan. sf Tlseo. nicalue Thorntcccngh Gusalon, Esq. of Lstton, in IS’sefslkaad 1. 25 April, 1834, having had issue, 1 Jo,,t, present baa-eu. created cm ESLeI. 2 henry (posthumous), Is. 27 May, 1834; raised t:c the is. Geoaon-ST, VincenT, miee-adm. RN., CE., officer of I’reccdea,cy of a baron’s son, 1947: appcsintcd, July, lbs Legion of lloneur, and led clans Odedjidie; 8. 32 Jaly, 1866, see,,nd ocr. to 11. SI. ensba’sy at Vie,sna. 1 Laura, ‘7. 5 Feb. 1099. 2 A,snetfr, 5. lODen. 1873. (742 K I N octy dan. of tlse ]ate Col. Thornton, of Faleonee’s Hall, ‘orkshieo, and assnoeed, in consequence, the additional nnrnance and arms of Tnonyrnw. lie has, All,ert, heat. 11.1,8. in 1840; Cecilia: Anne-Elizabeth-Laura; and MaryIliasca. Neefolk militia, (1.51. Coosol at Znn;e, 8. 14 Slay, 1806; as. 1 June, 1037, Fanuy, only dan. of Alex. Holmes, Esq. of Cnrragtc, co. Kildare, and Icas issue, Amine, RN. 8. isa 1940; Killegrew, , is 1813; and Laura, who d. July, 1835, Oct. 1616, biG, Ens,na IIamGla, ‘2nd dan. Cl Reginald Macdonald, his wife, dan. of Richard, 2nd Earl of SlonntEstgossmtce, and if. Sept. 1518, havitig by her (avlso ci. .5 April, 1532) bad issue, Hobart; Reginald, d. 22 Aug. c, 17 Sias; Mdi, to Js’h,s Slarsls,cll, Req., laid son of 14.-C. ‘lcia. Clcaelotte-Launs, ss. 8 ban. 1827, to the Rev. Richardl’lcayre, rector of ltayssham aamd lkcikh,cm, near Norwich. Esq., barrtster-at -law. and d. 1 July, 0856. Wosns,::t’os:, icon’ E one s:s Etccc’nnies-. A:’c,sn—Sa., a oheveen, er, gsattds do sang, bet,veeci three einquefofls, erm., qscartesang FaevoLr of Kimbsrley: Ans,atwn ppr., each hslding is, his exterior Isand a club raised in the attitctdc of strikcscg, so. ,ifotlsrn—Agincocaet. Tssr,i Hntasc—48, Bryanston Square. K I N 0. Km-u, SIR T?ICEARD - DucKwonTst, of Be)lcvuc, en. Kent copt. in the ornsy ; 8. 12 Sept. 1S04; a. bin father, as 3rd bncount, 4 Astg. 1831; es. iaa 1836, Marianne, data. of Jamea Barnstt, Ecu1., by which lady (who ti. 20 March, 1837) he had a dan., who ci. 26 March, 1837. Ltllragc. sander Sir Edward Itnghct, du,’ing tise anemorabic eenSicts Isettocen that officer and lite Fvcnch adncirsh, Be Soifrein, the tank ‘of a’ear-astanieal, and received the Isooeue of kntghthoed. gcadations of promotion, allaitsed, is 1799, the rank of admiral Elizabeth, ,s, ho Vice-Adna, Sir Cicacics tlewley, lt.C.B, Sb’ Ri chard ci, in 1506, and was o. by his son, It. san B’essano, CCII., vice-admiral of the Red; 9 28 Nov. 17341 -in I old, Sarats-.tasnc, only dan. of Admiral Sir JohnTetanus Ducksoetis, lICE., by whom (who ml. in 1a19) he had, I. I3,enxao-Orcawoan, present baronet, 1500; cc,. Ii Doe. 1.047, Lady Caroliite-htsry Dawson-Bamer, sister of the Fsel of t’ectarlisgtns, and by bee (sells d. ttDcc. 1831) han Isud, atehlsur, 8. II Jane, 1849, ci. 2 Aug.