Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/727

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LET WILLIAM LETOW, Esq. of Adlestrop and Longborough, Co. Gloucester; who ci. 17 June, 1690, leaving by Joanna his Leoca, SIR SAMUEO.-EGERrON, of Sontis Carolina; wife, dau. of Thomas Pury, Eaq., a son, TneorusLuo LEIOII, Eeq. of Adleetrop and Longborough, 8. 16 Nov. 1796 ; s. no 3rd baronet, on the decease who ci. let, Elizabeth, dau. and cole heir of Sir William of his undo, 27 April, 1818. It io dussbtfcsl whether Craven, Rut, of Lenchwick, in Wereestershire, by whom he had, with several children who si. in infancy, a dan., barnuetcy ho not extinct. Typbeoa, living coos. in 1722. Joe cc. 2odly, in 1689, the Ron, diary Brydgee, dan. of Jasnes, 8th Lord Chandoe of Sndeley, and by her (who ci. 13 June, 1703) had, with six PETEa LEsoas, Req., is. in 1710, youngest brother of the dane. (of whom the eldest, Emma, m. Peter Waldo, 0kB.; 11ev. Egerten Leigh, of the West Mall, in Iligis Leigh, Cassandra, the 2nd, Thomas Wright, Req.; Maria, the 4th, Cheshire, and eon of the Rev. i’eter Leigh, by Rlizabeth, Sir Hungerford Hoskyne, Bart. ; and Anue, the youngest, his wife, only dau. of the Hon. Thomas Rgerton, of Tatton the Rev. John Roskyns), six eons, of whom the eldest, WILLIAM LEIOH, Rsq. of Adlestrop and Loughorough, (see Buans’s La,ssi,sO gentry), a barrietcr, became higls-bailiff b. 1 Nov. 1691,0. his father, 10 Feb. 1724-5. He rn diary, of Westminster, and was subsequently appointed chief- dan. of Robert Lord, Req. of York-buildings, and by her justice of South Carolissa, where Ise died in 175;;, leaving (who ci. 10 July, 1756) had issoe, JaMes, his heir. William, reeler of Lielle liford, Essex; ‘I. seem. in 1764. Thomas, LL.B., reeler of Broadsrell and Asllestrop, ci. e. p. majesty’s attsmey-geueral, e,srveyor-general, and member Cassandra, m. ill 1739, to Sir Edward Tnrner, Dart, of Ambrosden. of council in South Carolina, was created a Baronet 19 Sept. Mary, and Elizabeth, both ci. cmos. Mr. Leigh ci. 9 Dee. 1757, aged 66, and was o. by his son, JAMEs Leson, Esq. of Adleetrep and Lengborongh, haptieed s. Eora’ros, 1is heir. at Lenglsorough, 7 Jnly, 1724 ; who m. 10 March, 55. ca;oael-Rgenion (Sir, REt.), 0. 1 MarE;, 1770; c-Isa sa. in 1755, Lady Caroune Erydges, oldest dass. of Henry, Duke 1791, Miss Greig, cod ci. 21 Dec. 1736, lcsving a son, of Chandos, by Mary, his first wife, eldest dan. and co-heir sss. Tlsemas-Egerton, 0. 177.5. of Charles, Earl of Aileshury, and OtIs in a direct descent s. Martha, cc. lat, to Nathan Garriek, Esq.; and 2ndly, 10 from the Princess Mary, sister and co-heir of Ring RENa” VIII. (see llnoae’o History ef lhe Royal Families), is. Rlizahe;h-ltany, rn. 1781, to the Baron Os Malsbnrgh, of and left at his decease, 31 March, 1774, an only child, JAMZa-Hecucv Lesoso, Eeq. of Adleetrop and Longborough, sss. Mas-y, m, 1783, ts John Snsitl,, Rsq. ef Ma;leira. and afterwarde of Stensleigh, 9. 8 Feb. 1765; who ass. 8 Dee. Iv. liarriett-Anne, sss. to a yosmger brother of Sir Thosnaa 1786, Julia-Judith, eldest dan. of Thomas, lothLerd Saye and v. Clsarhstte-Leey, ci. unrn., 1801. Sele, and by her (who ci. 8 Feb. 1843) had ieene, CnAaoes, his heir. Julia, m. in 1836, to Colonel Celville, of ilso guards. (See II. Ssn RoEnTon, who rn. Thscdnsia (relict of the smfort,snate BuRKE’s Landed Genfry.) Careline-Eliza, so. to Sir James-Boiler Eaat, Bart, 7I.P. Mary, so. ts Ftedeeiek-Charles-Aeeon Colvile, Esq. - Angnsta, sss. C.-Lsnnex-Grenvills Berkeley, Esq. son of the hnshassd, Captain Doneilan was tried, as,d, n’s ass eussatiefactory Hon. Sir 0. Berkeley, by the Lady Enstly Lennox. Mr Leigh ci. at Stooeleigh Abbey, 27 Oct. 1822, and was s. by whom he had issue, a eon, who ci. before himself, by his only son, CasAx005 Lason, Req. of Adlestro1s, Longborough, and Tnronoesx ne lIas.ssuaen, Es. in 1811, Jehn Ward, Rsq., Stoneleigh, 0. 27 Juno, 1791, whs was created Bacon (son of Wilhiam-Zsuch Lucas-Ward, Esq., of Gailsbsrsogh); LEInss, sfdlooeieiyls, in 1839. He is. 8 June, 1819, Margarette, dan. of the Rev. William-Shippea Wtileo,* of Astrop snrnames of Bneourew and Lesess, and lseezme John WardBsnghtno-Leigh, Rouse, co. Northampton, and by her (who ci. 5 Feb. 1860) Warss-ick. By this nsarriage c-ith Miss Leigh, he has had bad issue, WsLLsAas-Hr,esr, p;’esene peer. as. Edward-Clsandos, barrister-ablaw, recorder of Stamford, 0.2211cc. cOld. 555. Jassses-Wentworils, in holy orders, vicar of Stenelrigls, cc. Warwick, 0. 21 Jan. 1818. 5. Jsslia-Anoa-Rhlza, cc. 28 July, 1842, the Rt. lien. Charles Sir Egerten ci. 27Apr11, 1818, and leaving no male issue, the Bewyer Adderley, ef Hams Hall, cc. Warwick, ME., and has title reverted to his nephew, Ssn SAMUEL-EOEnTON Lesnn, bad issue, Charles-Leigh ; Henry-As’den ; George-ArthurBowyer; 3rd hart. Lady Leigh, the widow of Sir Rgertan, cm. lrdhy, Reginald; Anna-Maria.Margaretta; Caroline-Jane; 10 Feb. 1823, Barry O’Meara, Rsq., who, with herself, is now Julia-Scary, ci. 1818; Frances-Ceorgina-Slary; Evelyn- deceased. Sir. Barry R. O’Mcara, a surgeon. RN., was Augusta; and Isabel. as. Emma-llargaretto. ass. Caroline, m. 18 Aug. 1817, to Lord Saye and ScIe. av. Augusta, tsrin with Caroline. v. llary, ass. 4 hay, 1648, is the lion. and 11ev. Ileary-Pilt Creation—I9 Sepl. 1772. _irr,s—ilr, a lien, rasnpanl, gn. Chslnsoodeley, brollser ef Lerd Delamere. vs. Loesisa-Pseorgina. VII. Soplsia, s,. 21 Mac, 1881, to Granvsile-W.-G. Leveson in fesse, all ppr. Gower, Esq. of Titsey Park, Surrey (-ice SuroreLawn). Lord Leigh, who gained eonoiderable reputatiess as a poct, 4. deeply lamented, at Bonn, on the Rhine, 27 Sept. 1850. Creation—May, 1838 Are;a—Gss., a cross, engra’sled, org., in the first qssarter a lozenge, of the second. (‘real—An unicorn’s head, erased, arg., armed and crioed, or. Ssepysriers—On either side, an unicern, arcsed, n;anod, tufted, an;; unguled, or, gorged wills a dueal ooranot, gn. ; pen- dent therefrom au eseulclseon clsargcd with lice anIse of Bevnacs, viz., arg., a cross, sa., thereon a leopard’s face, er. Hello—Tent vtent do Then. Seafe—Stonaleigls Abbey, ltenihrortl;, cc. Warsviclc; and Ailestrop House, Cs. Cloacoster. Town Has;se—27, Porinsan Sqnsre. LET L E I G H. Sir Samuel be still living, and wls;’thor this iLiilraflc. by Elizabeth, his wife, dan. of William Latns, Req. of llanchester, an only surviving son, I. EOEOTON Lesun, Req., who having been appointed his 1779. Sir Egerion sic, in 1756, Martha, dau. of Francis Breusar, Req. also of South Carolina, by whom he had, with ether issue that ci. young, issue, SassrxL, successor to isis mscle. — Grazebrsoke, Esq. Hesse Cased, a Iiesstenant-eolenel in lice hessian service. Burnett, Mart. Sir Rgerton wass. at hisdemiec by hieeldeet surviving son, Captain John Donellan), dau. of Sir Edward, and sister of Sir Thendosius-Rdward Boughten, Mart. (for the murder of which Sir Thesdosiue, by poison, her first conviction, executed at Warwick. 1 April, 0781), nssm, and an only dan. to survive him, viz, and lser l,ashard sssssnscd, in cnnsegsses;eo, use additional Rsq., J.P., IlL., ef throsvnssver Ball, cs issue; their youngest son, Use Rev. Rgerton - Bs;sghtsnLnigh, MA., cc. 13 July, 1864, Alirr, oaly child of the lale Tisonsas Andresv, Rsq., of Cocspslail, Ciseslsire, and has two daus. (See Wann or Gusa.eeoaouun, BroKE’s Landed fienfry.) with Napoleon during his captivity, aud wao the aesthor of the celebrated narrative, .Napeleess is exile, era asice from St. Ilhlsoo. Creel—A eubsi-arns, erect, halsitesl, grasping a tilt;og-spoar, LROOBTON, SostB.tLBwIN, of ‘Vatesborough, eo. Salop, late 7L1.,’ 8. 14 May, 1805; e. as 7th baronet, on the decease of Isis f;;tlsor, in Nov. 1828; no. 9 Feb. 1832, Mary, daughter of Thomas -Netherton Parker, Eeq. of S;veeney Hall, Salop, assd by Iser (n-ho ci. 5 March, 1864), has icetse, s. M,sLnwsse, DL, of co Salssp, 0. 27 Oct. 1811 ;r-:.7l Jan. 1e64, Rleass;r_Leicesler, ird das,. sf Dc re, ihnl ansi present Lord de Tal4ey, and has a sos;, Is, 1’) Ps_v. 1068. 55. Manley, 0. 12 Oct. 1837. * San of Jssdge Willes, and grandson of the Chief Justice LEIGHTON. m Willes. 677