Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/734

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LEM 3& üicagr. The family of Le clarchant hao, from a very remote dau. of the late Sir John St. Anhyn, Dart., by whom (who period, held large possessions in the island of Guernsey. 5. 20 Oct. 1830) he had issue, Sa far hack as the year 1304, PETER Lo MARC51ANT was i. Tnaa:xa-B.owaserr, NP. for Maldon, 1.4 Oct. 1788; to, bailiff of the estates of Gnernsey, and lient.-governor of the lot, 3 Aug. 1815, Margaret, 2nd dan. of John Wharton, island. His descendant JORN-GAOPARO Lo MAROOANT, Esq. (eldest son of John Shedden, Esq. sf Aldham IToH, en-Suffolk; and dying 9 Re Ilarchant, of Le Olarehant Manor, Gnernssy), was a Jnoc, 1256, lsftissne by the lattsr (who 5.1844), major-general in the army, and tho Srstlient.-gsvernor of the Royal Military College. lie fell at the battle of Salamanca, leaving, by Mary his svife, eldest dan. of John Carey, Dog., with dans., (of svhom Maria, wsfe of Daniel Tupper, Esq., of Guernsey, d. 21 Jan. 1818) four sons, Carey, capt. in the 1st foot-guards, mortally wounded at ths battle of the Nice; S. at St. Jean de Lnc, 12 March, 1814, in his 27rd year. Dowis, created aharenstin 1841. John-Gaspard (Oir). Knt. ,late lient.-gov. of Newfoundland, now eonsmander-iass-elsief at Madras, lieut.-gen. in the army, K.G.B., GONG., knight of the let and 3rd rlasses of St. Ferdinand, sod knight-commander of St. Caries of Spain, 0. inlOOl ; es. in 1338, Margaret, 3rd dan. of the 31ev. Ilabert Taylor, and has had issne. Thomas, re1 in the army, is. in 1810, Frances-Isabella, ii. John, 6. 80 Dec. 1709; vi. 23 July, 1814, Dorothy-Anne, only dan. of ths late James Smith, Esq. of Ashlyns Hall, ce. Stafford. Creslioo—1041. Arsss—Az., a ehs’rron, or,between tlaree owls, arg. ,legged, of tlse second. Used—Out of a dnoal coronet, an owl’s leg, erect, or. Seol—Chobhsm Place, Surrey. LEMON (EXTINCT). Cc-eoliss-—24 May, 1774. ii ross—Arg., on a chevron, bstween threr naullets, gas., an c. Dorothy-Anne, ass. 1 Oct. 1022, to Wililam-John, 3rd son 51gb, displayed, or. trios—A lion, passant, gn., charged with thrss mullets, H. JnliwElizabeth, vs. lot in 1322, to the late CharlesDaiston in fes:e, or. Siai—Carolew, Penryn, Cenawall. LEN N A RD. 3L1l1ragc, I, SIR Tuoa:xs BARRETT-LCNNARD, of Belhus, F.S.A., is, 6 Jan. 170], the illegitimate son and testamentary heir of Thomas Rarrett-Lrnnard, 1.a’rd Dacre (son and heir of Richard Darrslt-Lennard, Log., by Anne, Baroness riacre, youngest dan. and ca-heir cf Thomas, Earl of Sussex,— eec BURKr’s Erti,srf Peerage), assumed, by sign-manual, the surname and arms of BAnRrTT-LENNARD, and was created 684 LEN a Baronet, 38 June, 1801. fleas. 1st, 13 Feb. 1787, Dorothy, Esq. of Skelton Castle, eo. York; and Iudly, 30 June, 1325, llary, only dan. andheir of the late Bartlst-Brtdgsr I Tnoasxs, present hart. 2 Daere, 8. 1323. 3 St. Aubyn, 31.A., barrister-at-law, ef the Inner Temple, and of the colony of Victoria, formerly an oneign in the 17th regl., 6. 8 Jan. 1031 ; so. 1062, Jo55, dan. of F. Sparks, Eaq., and widow of 3.ient.-Col. Aubrey; S. at Armadale, N.S.W., 1 April, 1860. 4 Chsarles-Edward,lient. 5th dmgeon guards ; as. Fanny, dan. of Rev. I]. Darnell, rector of Woltss, co. North. asnpton, and ci. isa 1327, leaving adan. Emma-FraaacsaMary, who ci. yonng, 2;’ Feb. 1860. 3 John, late liont. HF.., now in holy orders, vicar of Paulo. Salop; as. 0 April, 1001, Isabeila-Jane, 2nd dau. of Ihe bite Sir John-L. Loraine, Dart., and has ens son and two daus. 2nd dan. of Sir Walter Stirling, Dart., and had, 1 Thomas, d. in April, 1843. 2 George, os. in 1040, Jessie, dan. and co-heir of J.-M, Drnmmond-Nairne, Esg. of llnnsinane Castle, Perth. 3 hoary, vhs ‘c., and whsee son, Francis, had inherited sisroogis Sb,’ will of his grondlailser, Edward Pridcaex, Esq., Ilso ancient properly of Hoawortlsy, near Launceelon, Cornwall. iii. George, 6. 6 Juice, 1791; as. 7 Nov. 1023, Elizabeth, eldest dan. and ce-heir of Edmund Prideanx, Esq. of Msxworthy, eo. Cornwall, and hae, I Edmund. 1 Hobo-Dorothy. 2 Eilzabeth. 3 Jnhia-Geergina, as. 12 Dec. 1007, to Francis-henry, 2nd son of the ]a:e Coplain Rivers Fi-oebng. iv. henry, in holy orders, 6. 10 Jan. 1793; so. 26 April, F.R.S., Er. ; (a. 3 Sept. 1784 ; s. his father, as 2nd 1621, Helaa-Dorothy, youngestdau. aadce-hoirofEdmesnd Prideanx, Eoq. of Hexworthy, co. Cornwall. V. Edward-Pecmeroy, of St. Leonard’s, Middle Ssvan, West by whom (who ,i. 27 May, 1826) he ha no Assolrahia, 6. 10 Juno, 1700; vi. 28 Sept. 1837, ElizabethFraness, dan. of Rabert Graham, Eoq., and has issue: of whom, ihe yonngesl son, Williana’J’Iacrc, al.° Nov. 1807; the eldest scsi, Ednsund-Grahans, sac. 0 Jams. 1862, at Gssilslfoid, Saws, Rivet, W. Anotrahia, Mary-Ann, eldest doss. of the Macis, J.-W. Mardey, N.h C. of Grove Douse, Pitt, W. Australia am:sI Ilso youngest dan., Resins’ Georgina, s. 23 Juno, 1560, the Rev. ilenjamin-Nswmsn Cherry. an. Daere, in holy orders, is. 2 Jan. 1831 ; vs. 4 Oct. 1025, dates 24 May, 1774), by his wife Jane, eldest dan. Rachel, eldoetdan. of Jeremiah Ices, Esq. of St. Lathe. rine’s, oo. Norfolk. vim. Charles, 6. 24 hay, 1002; so. 12 Juno, 1830, ElizabethAmelia, oldest dau. of Robert Nicholson, Esq. of .Ilradley, co. Durham. of Sir John St. Anbyn, Ilort. Nevisssoss, lID.; and 2ndly, 21 Jnly, 1805, ts Cccpt. -7.-V. Macdonald. HI. C l,arhotte-Maria. my. Francea,s,c - to tics lion, and Rev. P-B Kcppsl, who s. 90 April, 1863. (6cc AeaosmsaLv, EARL er.l Sir Thossaao is. 2ndly, 20 June, 1033, Georgina-Matilda, dais, of Sir Walter Stirling, Dart. of Faskine, and rehct of B.tRRRTT-T.ENNARD, SIR THOMAS, fl.-D. Milhgan. Esq., and by her had a son, Bait. of ldelhasa, eo. Essex, High Wallcr-Jai,ses, 1. April, 1075; sc . April, 1857; Miss Carsline-Dorsscer, Sheriff’ of Essex in 1865, 5, 29 Dee. and has, William 8. 1856; Hardinge, 8. 1060; amid llary-Jonc-Marilda. Sir Thanaas Barrott-Lrnnard d. 23 Jnno, 1037. 1857; Hi. 18 Jan. 1853, Emma, dan. Ca n,0—io June, 1801. of the Rev. Sir John.Page Wood, Hart., nod has had ioeua, A sacs—Quarterly; 1st and 4th, or, on a feoss, gn., three floors-dc-lie if the first, for LrNNAnn ; 2nd assd 3rd, per role. arg. and gas., barry cf fo,sr, eonntsrcbanged, for Boa’ ii, Clvas-lcs-tIacrc, at. ass infant, 31 sEer, oil svithin a bordo:re, wavy, os. (‘rsem—Ont of a dncah comsauet, or, an Irioh wolf-dog’s head. per feooe, arg. and erisa., charged with an escallscp, barways, ncbnlE, gn. and sa. JJemto—La led Ic vent, et moi mci met; .4 h,’ ,.scflaPonr bien dJsircr. &ol—Bebhna, Arehey, Essex. yew-a Jfeooc—7, Lewis Crescent, Brighton. LEMON, SIR CHARLES, of Carolew, oo. Cornwall, baronet, 11 Dee. 1824; rn. 5 Dee. 1810, Charlotte, 4th dan. of llenry-Tbonaao, 2nd Eas’l of Ilehester, surviving issue, his last remaining child, Charles- William, having been unfortnuatsly drosvassd while bathing, at Harrow, 18 Apr 1, 1826, in his thirtoenth -car. Sir (‘isarks was tlse only eon, to onrvive youth (there wore eight dana.), of Sir W’illiana Lemon, of Casrrlsn’, time let bart. (whose creation of James ].inllor, Es’1. cf Meirval, eo. Cos’nn’rsll. Sir Charles ci. 12 Feb. 1868, when the baronetcy became extinct. I 1826; s. his grandfather, 25 June, I. Tooaixs, 8. 25 Oct. 1853. J,es. 1160. us. llielsard-F’ienncs, 6. ha 106]. i. Erelyn-Lanm-Mary. is. Emnaa-lselda. iii. Dorothy-Ada, ,l. 28 Jail5-, 1864, LENNOX, DOLL, see RICHMOND, DUKE. LESLIE5 LOUD, Sf6 ROTHES, E.XP.L.