Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/736

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L BY Sir John a. to the title, as 3rd baronet, at the count Kirkaldy; Baron Melville, and Baron Raith, decease of his father, 17 Oct. 1349. Hs is 19th in a Monimail, and Balwcarie. in the peerage of Scotland, direct descent from King Enw.eitn L 3tuicagr. The family of Lexneajoos is one of great antiquity, 1360; ci. Tat, 15 Sept. 131 2,Harriet, youngest dau, of claiming descent from L,,thhrck, or Lothbroske, the Dane. the late Ssnsnol Thornton, Ecq. of (‘laphsam, and Lernacisos, Esq , s n of Christ’pher Lethl’rsdgc, Alhssry Park, SLP. for Surrey, hy whom (who of. of Westawav. Devon, by Slarg ret his wife, lan. of Philip 26 Jidy, 1832) he has had isone (to survive infancy), Moocher, Req. of Towsioclc, De,osi, is. Sarah, dan. of John Periato, Req. of Milverten, cc. Somerset (which John Pertain was descended from Sir William Pcriam, Knt., lord-chief- Is. .‘ilfred-Jchn, H.E. 1.0.5., 5. 5 June, 1821 it. at Penang, baron of the Excho 1ner, tessp. Queen EL1ZASOTH), by wham s. Etnily-Slaria, to. 15 Nov. 1555, to Bahes-t Wllhiams, he ltazl an only son, Jon’s Leruesit’oe, F,sq. of Westaway House, who is. mm. Anna-Maria, it. 25 Sept. Is If,. Once, dan 0? A;-,n t’,,nlor, Ray. of Westdown, and had, I. Jon’s Li enoi oat, Roy., create,1 a Baronet, 15 Jnne, iii. Harriet-Reca, d. Lo April, 1850. 1804, who. i’i 177 , ijorothea, oldest dan. and co-heir (with He ci. 2ndly, 23 April, 1834, Sophia, 4th dan. of the her olstor, Mary, w ifs Sf Franeio-Dagdale Astlcv, Ray. of late Henry Thornton, Esq., and by her has had issue, Everley) of WI ham RockIer, Req. of llorcham, co. Wilts, by whom (who it. n lost) he had issue, Tnostas-llecxera, late baronet. Darothea, m. to henry - Powell Collins, Fsq. of Hatch Coort. Siroersotsinre; and their only dan. ci. in tOSS, Wm..Ooce Langi’s, Roy. if Nowton Park, Someroet. Frances-Maria, ot. to Sir 0.-H. Rich, Ft., and d. Feb. 1852. Sir John ii. in iSla, and was a. by his only son, II. Ste Tnoaaas.Ducxr.en, of Sandhill Park, 8. 21 Feb. lit. Ernest, I. 56 Jan. 1543, it. 1 Sept. 1562. 1770, who os. Tat, 14 Slay, 1750, Jeosy.Catherine, sister of Sir i. Clara-Sophia. is. Florence-Lucy. Thomas-Dalryiople Iloeketh, Fart, of Rufferd Hall, Ce. Lancaster. and by her (who d. II Aug. 1001, aged 25) had issue, This noble house is chief of ths very ancient Scottish Jonw-ttes’ssvn, presont baronet. Jsosy-Catherine. ea. 1 Any. 1015, Anibross Goddard, Esq. of Swindon, H.P. and d. 6 March, 1541, leaving issue. person of Anglo-Norman lineage, called MALE, who settled, Sir Thomas ot. Snrlly, 11 May, 1503, Anne, 2nd dan. of nndor DAvin 1.. npon some lands in the cc. Edinburgh, Ambrose Goddard, toy, of Swinden, H.P. for Wilts, by which he called MALE-VILLE, and thence his descendants wham (who it. 25 Jan. 1657) ho has, Ambrose-Caddard, of Eanthroolce House, near Tanntsn, Gacrain ne IlALevieLE, the first of the family, lived in latc fellow of .tll Souls’ College, Oxford; m. May, 1058, the reigns of DAvID I., MALCOLM IV., ant WiLLiAM Mi Fanny, dan. sf the late Hoc. H. Fohiett, sometime of Lists. He was “Vicecomea de Castella Puellarum” for Tannton, and niore of the late Sir William Fdllstt, MV. Maeceest IV., and had the honour of being the first Thomas-Prow;e, in holy orders, rector of Combs Flory, jnsticiary of Scotland on record. lie left three sons, viz., Somersetohire: or. 10 April, 1634, Isabella, yonngcst da,i. m. Gregory, whose line lernihitciod is an heir female, of the SLy. Thomas-Sweet Eseott, of Hartrsw, co. Ssmerset; and ‘l. 27 Juno, 1851, leaving issue: of witch the eldest sea, CIsariss, o. 25 Jan. 18155, Susan. ysnu ceot dan. of t5 -J. Yarbirgh, H q. ci Hoslington Hall, YorA ehtre, and has a dan.; a dan. Mary. was a. 25 April, 1005, to Vincent Stnekey, Roy. of Ilith Hence, Longport; and the y ‘nngool don. Jssoie, was ci. 27 Sept. 1853, to Vincent- Johis Iteynolt,, Eq. of Canon Grove, Scmersstshire. Anna-Maria, is. 7 limo, 1511, to Lt.-Gcu. Sir RIchardGsddcrdClargea, KOhl., who d. in 1817. Lncy-Sarah, o.0 Aug. 1051, to Lieut.-Col. Hugh Fitzroy, The 3rd son, 2nd asn of Loot Itenry Fitzroy, and d. in 1851. Ennca-D, cothi’, i. I Nov. 1026, Cs Sir F.-T. Astley, Dart. Frances 11,srnerot, a. to the ller. 0.-A. Thurlsse, rector of Sts Jon’s nr StcevILLe, one of the principal men of Ilalpas. Chscslnre, conda Is Lord Tharlew, and d. in 1561. Scotland who agreed to the mai’riagc of Queen MAROA.RET Sir Tfscnsas. who was colonel of the 2nd Samersetshirc with Prince Edward of Escglanil, in 1200; aicd who swore milltia, repr. entoil tho Cs. of Sonsersct for more than foalty to EnwAau I. in 1226. From him we pass to his twenty ycaro in Padllani,mt. lied. 17 Oct. 1040, and was s. by lineal dcsecndant, hic eldest son, f-is Joio’s-llesaesn, the present baronet. Creoliss—la lose, 1204. Aroio—Arg., over 5551Cr, lpr., a bridge of Ocr’ arsh’ i, larre:e’l. Lu.; in olnef, ass eagle, displayed, essjoyed this confidence of JAMES V., who appaintod him sa., isaar’ri ins Presavi, Iluceers, assI Gsrraan. Credo— mtistci’-gencral of the ordnance, and captain-general of the 1st, sat ,if a i,iur il crewit, or,oilcosi—oagle. displaced, ppr.; Soil, castle of Dnnbar, having previously knighted him. Sir sat of a duesi ear,.! I, tics arm’ in arnicut-, haul lag a los;iaril’e John, in the minority of Queen Maoa’, was, however, coltvieted face. Ss,q’ i’ es—iwo caress. tfs t” s—81o’s inca in Dee: and above the errs;—. ‘‘Truth.’’ S ‘i t—S,nidhill l’as’t, Scascrselshira Jhcsideaci—t, liillstcrsugh Terrace, ltfraeoasbc. TJEY and niso of the representative lords ; 8. 18 Dec. 1786; s. as 9th Earl nf Loven and 8th Earl of Melville, &c. on the demise of Ins brother, 8 Oct. 5. Aer.xasenra, Vi,icesal Kictrah’lp, t. II Jan. 1817. 25 Slay, 1851. Esq. of llridehead, ci. Tlorsrt. xv. Jnhia-Loedca. v. ,tdrlaide-Harriot. s. Rcnald-Huthvsn, t. 15 Doe. 1835. it. Norman, late capt. gren.-gds, t. S Fets. ISIS; ni.4 Doe. 1561, Gecrgina, dan. of William Shirley Ball, Req. ci Ahhieylara, cc. Longford, late capt. 5th hnssars, and has lcad Galfrid-Jchsi, ti. 11 Nov. 55 3, aisl a dan., PlacenrsEvel m, it. at Malta, 31 May, 1564. t mcagc. faintly of SleexteeR, which dci’ived, it is seated, from a assumed that desianation as a sorname. Aoens-MrLviLLa, scho iii. Sir John Ross, of lhalt-head, tesip. Ilesesv II , and conveyed to hint lhs islaasls of Melvills. ii. Pitis,tr, ancestor of Ihe StELviLLos s.f ohealoeri’ie. This hraseh ended in the male line is 1468, schec ALaxawnes IiiaLvtm.rn cf Ct,sssoeri’ie left a ilast, and sole heir, EL1ZARETn, sit. so Sir John Anchioleeh, of Auehinieck; asd her granddais., ELIZABETH Arcisisecce, carried the barony to her lsnsliaod, Ste WiLemass licuaLAs, Sad eon of Archibald, Sib Earl of Angus. tfl. WALTER. WAL’ZER DR MELVILLE, was gm-andfather of his Jona MELvILLE, of Raith, who had chartare, jointly with his wife, Helen Napicr, of the king’s lands of Mnrdonimoy, in Fifc, dated 23 May. 1516, and 23 Oct. 1542. He of treasess, and executed ttwards the end of 1319. He sic. Helen, cldect dan. of Mr Alexander Nspier, of Mecchistoun, and had issue, i. Josies, sche ices restored to his father’s farfriled estates by the Queen Itegess of Scotlasil, about 1153, and then became cf Rout. H” scas s. by hoe ion, JOHN, of ll.,ith, who ,o. Slarga”ct, dasi. of Sir W’dhiam Scott, of t;aln’rarie, and was a. by his elder son. Jon’s, of hlaiths, who a. his connu, as 3rd herd Melville. ii. lIosEss. of ochiom prcsrntly. ill. James (Sic), of Hail-hilt, in Fife, ambassador from MART to ELIZ,ssE’rs, tad of the pricy-ecaneil to Jaalrs VI.; it. in 1617, leaving issue. iv. William, ccliii seas appointed a lard of scssion in 1587, and eat as the bench till 1614. s’. Aadrrss- (Sit-), of l4arveck, master of lhc household to Qucen SlAsv and to JAMEs VI. vi. Dasdill, of Newmnihl. i. Janet, si. so Sir Janmes Ifiricaldy, of Grange, high-troastorer of Sectland, liy srhosi else was sntdher of Sir William sod Sir Jseses Eirhahily, scho c’rre executed, in 1573, for their fidelity Is Queen Maer. L-wga, B till OF. atiil l’Aal.L OF lhrt.vtLtE, (3’ htaThn;’atnn n. Margaret, on to Sir Jamce Jahastone, of Elphioalono. l’s ic-Melville), Vi oonnt L”dgi tiles VsU L F V E N. t )* s.” ‘> trt,4m. ,• t.Ji’’ N, v’, ‘/ 7. J