Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/745

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LIN His lordship d. 7 Dcc. 1844, and was a. by his eldest surviving grandson, WLLL1AM-HENRY-TONN;OON, 2nd earl, who was 6. 9 Oct. 1812, and so. 1st, 16 April, 1838, Snoannab, dan. of William Sheaffo, Eoq. of Cornwall, and by her (who d. 21 Aug. 1941) had a son, W1LL,Aai-HaiE-Jome-CHARLEO, present peer. He in. 2ndly, 6 April, 1842, Margaret-Jane, only dan. of Sir Centts ,i. 1517, as,d was c. (according to the limitation if Niehslao Hereby, Eoq., cc. Durham, and had, 1. Henry-Hartotonge, 6. in Oct. 1843. is. Edsnond-Aubrey-Tempbar, 6. 6 Jan. 1845. 111. t.’eeil--Staodioh-Stackpole, 5. 23 Nov. 1847. iv. John-Sexton, 5. 11 June, 1849. v. Ilonry-DeVoro, 5. 2 June, 1851. vs. Neville-Caldor, 5. 12 Doe. 1852. I. Alice-Louisa, so. 5 Aug. 18118, to Capt. Percy-H. Hewitt, C,-col;ao—27 July, 1821. Ares—Quarterly: 1,t and 4th, 6th dragoen-gds. Ills lordship d. 5 Jan. 1866, and was o. by his eldest son, rampant, gn., dcbrniecd by a riband, ea. ; the whole within WILLIAM-HAI,E-JOEB-CRARLEO, 3rd and presoot EARL OP a hsrdure, acmOe of mullets, arg. feces—A tent, ppr. Lnesssco. Creoliesoe—I3aron, 21 May, 1790; Viscount and Earl, 11 Feb. 1863—lriohhonours. Baron, 11 Aug. 1815—United Kingdom. Arms—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, quarterly, gu. and er, on a bend, arg., three lions, paosant, sa. for I’cav; 2nd and 3rd, party per chevron, engrailed, or and sa., charged with three pellets, In chief, and in base, a stag, paosont, of the first, for SEXTON. Crests—i A hind’s head, eraoed, ppr., for PERY; 2 a denusaracen, supporting on the dexter shoulder a sword, the point resting on the palm of the hand; the sinister arm extended, holding a battle-axe, for SEXTON. gssppe,’lcro—Dexter, a lion, erm.; sinister, a fawn, ppr., dncally collared and chained, or. .Ofol;o—Virtnte, non astutiS. Seats—Limerick Honsc, Ireland; Ditehana Park, Rants. Dromore Castle, Limerick. LINCOLN, EARL, 566 NEWCASTLE, DUKE. LINDSAY, LORD, FCC CRAWFORD AND BALCARRE8, 10th earl, upon the decease of ho father, 17 Sept. EAI;L OF. L IN D SAY. LINDSAY, Sest COUTTS, of Wootyule, degree of rauk in the Dritteb peerage, springo niaternally in Lincoinshire; b. 2 Feb. from the Wins.ounisevs, original liar.n, Willoughby dc 1824, lient. - col. late grenadierguards; Ereeby, and patornallyfro;u the Berties of Brrotcd in Kent. late major commanding from a family of free l3arone of Dcrtieland in S’rnooia. the lot rcgt. of the Italian Legion Their name, in olden dceda, to spelt Dertcghr, Eerlryc, and s. as 2nd burL, upon the decease Bertowe, in later, Iiertye, and Rerlie. They first lauded in of his grandfather, Sir Coutte England, in company with the Saxens, and their descendant, Trotter, i’s 1837; em 80 Jdne, reign of King ETiaELnnn, and was also the proprietor ef a 1864, Caroline-Blanche-Elizabeth, caeue and town named Bertieoted, now Berated, near only surviving child of the Right Maidetfine, in Kent. Leopold having fallen into a violent Hon. Henry Fitzroy (ore peot, SOUTHAMPTON, E.), dispute with the Anguetinc Minks of Canterbury about and has Catherine; and another dan., 8. 18 Oct. tithes, and the monks endeavenring to enforce their 1868. Per the paternal descent of this family, refer to that of he solicited Sweyn, King of the Panes, and ind’aeed him the EARL OF BALcARNE5. &RcRIBALr TROTTER, Esq., second eon of Alexander in Kent, laid siege to Canterbury, and took the archbishop Trotter, of Caetlesbtclo, co. Berwick (0cc Busme’o Laoded every tenth. On the death of Sweyn, haivevcr, Etheired Gentry), so. Jean, dan. and heiress of Robert btonbray, Req. of The Bush and Castlelaw (grandson of Robert Idoubray, Esq. of Cockairny), and bad issue, i. ROBERT, who succeeded son of Jeepetd, eenscieno of his father’s sell’ ‘no, fled ta at Castlelaw ; II. Alexander, of Droghorn Castle, co. Rohert, tl,e Ft-end, king, who received bliss bonauratily, said Edinburgh; sat. John, of Dyrbam Park, Herts; iv. Courxa, taking to wife a Frenebiveman, he settleil in France, where of whom preeently; and s. Katharine. The yonngeot eon, his posterity enutiuned tGl 1154, when his descendant, COUTTO Taovxea, Esq. of Westville, Lincotnehire, Os. Philip Dertie ‘dc eadem fdmiliS,” aceesnpaniad blENna- II. 15 Sept. 1767, woe created a Baronet 27 July, 1821; an. to England, and “prapter bellandi peritiant,” recovered 12 Aug. 1802, Margaret Gordon, dan. of the Ron. Alexander from that monarch his patrimany of Derol.ed. (See Gordon, Lord Rockville (a lord of Session), 3rd eon hasTen’s History o,f Kent, vid. ifls. p. 408.) Tb:, Philip’s of William, 2nd Earl of Aberdeen, by Anne, Countess of lineal descendant, Hierenimus Berlie (teuiip. lTn.vav V.) was Dumfriee and Stair, and had issue, ,. Acme, who so. 2 April, 1823, Licnt.-Gen. James Lindsay, utter assertions injurious to his ancestor Loipolil, he melted of the grenadicr-guards, son of the Hon. Robert Lindoay (2nd son of Jameo, 5th Earl ef Balcarres), by Elizabeth, violently upon the preacher, and, but far the interference of 3rd dan. of Sir Alexander Dick, Part., and has iaone, 3 Conna, successor to his grandfather, 2 Robert-James, SIP. for Berkshire, who has taken the penance, and by the payment of two tliouaaad crowns of name of L;.ovn before that of Lindoay, It-eel. Hon. Artillery Company, London, late Scots fneilier-guards, Victoria cross and linigbt of the Legion of Honour, 695 L I N into eqnorry to the Prince of IVales, distinguiohc’t at the battle, of Alma and lukernians. 1’. 16 April, 1012; ci. 17 Nov. 1850, harriet-Sarah, only enrol ring elnhd of Lord Overetene. 1 Margaret, in. 23 July, 1846, to Lord Lindsay, en of the Sari of Cratvf,,rd au,l lldcarrca. 2 Mary-Antic, a. SAng. 1011, to lt,,bort-Slavnrrlloifard, Req., 31.5’. 8,r Rant Oh,necoterohire, of Weat,’n Sun, ce. Gloucester. the patent) hyhiegrandarn, the prescntSinCo;vve L;.vnsav. is. Jane, so. 25 J,;no, 1817, ti Gibbo-Crawfur,h A otr,,h,as, Esq. of Eaten Itall, co. Chester, Ml’.; an.1 ,l. in 1810. iii. Sitean, ci. in 1831, to George-Thomas, Karl “f Albenaarle. Iv. Margaret. gn., a feoae, chequy, arg. and as.; 2nd and 3rd, or, alien, Mo;1o—Aetra castra, nnmen Inmun, .Seol—Dalcarreo house, Fife. Town Moose—I, Cromwell Place, heath Kcnsangion. LINDSEY. LINDSEY, EARL OF (Gonrgc-Auguotuo-PrcdorickAlbemarle Drrtie), ce. Lincoln; 8. 4 Nov. 1814; s,ao 1818. 3LIitriir. This noble family, which eventually ebtC;;cd the highent The Bertie, were a very ancient house, deriving descent Leopold Dertie, was canetable of Dover CasCe in the demands by force of arms, a fray ensued, in which Leopold’s son was elain. The king giving Leopold no eatiefaction, to is;vade England. The Dance joining Leepeld’o forces prisoner, aud slen’ the monks by aiuea, epariag returned to England, aud Jlurhach flcrlie. only snrviving excommunicated, and had to make a pilgnsniagc to Route for the following offence. llesring a monk in a petition the bystanders, would have slabs hiaa. Hieronintus appeaeed the auger of the Church by a severe perseica 1 gold to the monastery of the monk whom be bad aasaulte,i. He further, in prnoi of his repentance, rebuilt, at his sn-n expense, the north pan of the temple belonging to the santo