Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/747

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UN UN (by Elizabeth, his wife, only child of Edward, 1st Lord I became the second wife of TliomoeSavago, third Earlflivers. Montague of Boughton), Hoot, 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. of Philip, Lord Vt,arton by MoscTAou, 2nd eas’l, KG. This nobleman being with his whom he had five eons, the eldest if whom, Eosis:T, is- gallant father at Edgehill, when his lordship received his herited the henoars. The earl so. Irdly, Elizol,etb, dan. dooth-wonad, volantorily surrendered himself a prisoner,iu and heir of Tbonias Pope, Earl of Ilawne, in Ireland, ood order to ho near and to attend him. He woo subsequently widow of Sir Franois-llenry Leo, Bort. of Ditrbloy, by wbom on active rommander dnring the civil wars, on the same Ise bad a eon and dau., who beth d. uooc. ilis lordship d. side. “ITo was,” says Archdeacon Rohord, “ ano of the in 1701, and woe z. by his san, Quodrumvirato that hod been so eminently distingsuabod Rneear, 4th earl; wba bad born summoned to porltifor thoir unparallolod loyalty to the loto kind, by offering mont in the lifotiine of his father, as Lord ll’illeeolsty oh their livos 0° his eonneillors ; a bravo experienced oaldies’ ; Ersoby, and who was advanced to the ilIssrqoeoosie of Lindsey, o groat patron of useful learning and ingonnity; and a It Dee. 1790; and ereotod, Li July, 1715, Dear op true patriot, and imitator of ancient nobility. Aftor Asrosree. AND KeoTeves, His grooe so. 1st, 10 July, 1078, boeing rooeivod wounds at Nosoby, and wtided tbrongb on Mary, clan, of Sir Riohard Wynne, Port. nf Gwydir, by whom ocean of diffienlties, be died in quiet, peace, and honour, be had one eurviving son, at Compden house, Kensington, the 20th of July, 1060, ,, Peseaesrce, isis slseroseor, aged OS, and was buried at Edenham, iss the vault with its so. 2ndly, Aihinia, doa. of Hojor-Gen. William Farringhis noble fotber.” ( of Enplood, p. 527.) His lordship don, of Cbieolburst, in Kont, and hod, so. let, Martha, dau. of Sir Williasu Coekoin, of Rsssbton, 5. Vore, OLP. far Besioss,who left two doss., his co-heirs, viz,, co. Northampton, and widow of John Rasnsay, Earl of Albsois, cc. to Goargo ltobart, 3rd Ran of Botkinghonsitolderuess, and by her (who d. 1641) bad icons, shire s Eosnxr, his succoosor. 2 Louisa, so. to Coo. Sir Climbs Stuart, ICR., sen of John, ii. Peregrine, so. Susan, dais. and co-heir’ of Sir Edward Eu’l of Bate, Macins, Don, of Walderolsare, in Kent, and had two dana., is. Moutogno, rapt. tIN., loft two slsos., 1 Bridget, so. is John, Eonl Poalott. 1 Augasia, so. to Joins, Lord tlorgherels. 2 Francos. I Story, so. let, to Anthony llosloy, Esq. of ‘fho Grange, us. ttoberl, a general io tiso anoy. Is 1700, Ibis herd Robert ro. Sessthompton ; and Indly, to the lIon, Hcssry Bsrtio, Ilerlie, a diolie guished military oflirer, happy iced to ho as 3rd son of James, Earl of Abiagdon. board tIM S. Itanaillies. proroedisg to join las rogiesent in in. Ilietsard, capt. in the arsny ; if. aiim. hi lOSS. Minorea, and was with Admiral hiyng in use ongcmgessost Iv. Voro, apoinlod a judge of tiso court of Cosnsson Pleas, svith tbo Fronds fleet nip that island, sad gavo sony clear 15 Jane, 1075, and if. now. 13 Pets. 1060, and candid evidence in behalf of lOot sinfertonate admiral at v. Charles, of Ulhingtoo, cs. Lincoln, m. Mary, widow of Sir Isis trial in the Deoosseor ossd Jassaary followisg. Lord Saosael Jooos, lOst., and doa. of Peter Tryas, Es,, of Har- Robert sat in O’arhiamonI saceesoively for Whisooh,a,vh, Ilanbs, riisgworth, is Norttsasntstaaslsiro ; and dying iso 1710, left and Baston, ia Lisscohssolsire. lie is. Clsetscyssd, don, and (with a dan., Rhizabeth, so. to Clsanleo ltildsnay, Lord Fib- Iseir of Montages, Viscount Illssndehl, in Inoland, and if. s.p. walter) an only son, iv. Thomas, capt. ILK.; if. acm. 01 Jay, 1749. Charles, who so. lisry, dais, and heir of Jalsa Narboooe, I. Loelas, so. 1730, to Thossas Bladwos B,, Esq., gontlensan ol Esq. of Groat Stewkeley and dying to 1700, loft (with the Isorse to 01cc Prince of Wales, and a groom of tlso bedChanlos, his successor, at Ufflngtoo, and anotiser ceo and cliomber, daa.( a s000ad 000, The duke if, 26 July, 1721, and was .‘. by his son, Peregrine, of Lincoln’s Inn, who so. to 1730, Elizabeth, Pxoooaswo, 2nd duke, 0. 29 April, 1690, who os, Jane, dan. of Rdwaod Payne, Esq. of Tottsnhaso Wick’, aod dan. and co-heir of Sir Jaba Brownlaw, Part, of Behton, dying in 1777, loft ao only sarviving sea and boo daas., on, Lincoln, and bad issue, AL505sAELr, who inherited tlse earidons of Lindsey i. Posmoasso, his saroessor. is. Aibosnarlo, who if. anso, at tlse decease of Brownlow, 0th and last Duke ef Bxowocoov, who o. as Otis doke, Aneastos’. Louisa, ns, to Pistcher Riclsas’daon, Eoq. of Carlmol, a. Itory, so, to Saasael tiretelss’ad, Esq of Coy’s Cliff, in Henrietta, m, to Coos-go Ednsonda, Bog. of Poterhonoagis. Worwickslsiro and ‘t. in 1774, leaeiog a coo, Bertio Gretelsoad, s. Rlizsboth, so. to Baptist Noel, 3rd Viscount Caospdea. ss. Albinia, so. to Francis Beclsford, Req. eon ef Peter Bock,,, Bridget, sate Thssmos Oshorno, 1st Dolco of Leeds. ford, Faq., Speaker of tlso hitsase of Ameasldy of Jamaica; set. Cotherioo, so. to ttohort Dormer, Eoq. of llootoe, Berke. and d. in 1704, The earl so. lndly, Bridgot, dan, and heir of Edward Wroy, sss. Jane, os, to Con. Rdwsnl Olothew, of Ihe gaardo, eqaenry Esq., by Lady Elioabeth Norris, his wifo, only dan. and to Iho King, ood if. in 1709, leaving ason and fear daas. heir of Francis, Earl of Borkshiro, and Baron Norris of cv Canslior, so. to Ceoroe Dewae. Faq.; aod if. in 1774. Itycote, by whom he had, His graced. in 1742, and woe o. by his oldest son, s. Jauno, o’ho borame Lord Norris in right of his ntethcr, Poasnosar, 3rd duke. This nobloman so. lot, Klizahetb, and wee crested Earl of Atisgdos. dau, ssast sale heir of William Blundoll, Esq.of Baoingoiske, se. Edward, if. young. and relict of Sir Cbarlos-Gnntor Nicholl, KB., wbirh lady sss. Henry, capL in the army, so. Philadelphia, dan. of Sir ml. issueloss; and Ondly, in 1700, Mary, dan. of Tbonsas Edward Non-is, of Weslon, Oxfordshire, and d.c. . 1734. Ponton, Esq., and by her bad, s. Story, ne. to Charles Dos’soer, 2nd Earl of Carnarron, ResenT, .4forqsseso gIL sseieep. Lord Lindsey if. 20 July, 1500, assd wan o. by bis oldest son, Priseibla-llarharo-Elizahetls, selso eventoatly inlses’ited lice Rannnx, 3rd earl. His lordship so. Oat, Mary, dais, and B’aroisy of Rresby. (doe lhohdipoitp.) co-heir of Jobn Iutassingberd, Req. an omboent merchant Goorgiano-CtssrIstte, so. to George-Josssea, Otarqooes of Cbolof London, by whom he bad an only don,, Arobelta, who mondeloy. ____________________________________________________ His graced. 12 Aug. 1776, and svss s. by his son, Ronnor, 4th duke; at whose deceoso ssnss. S July, 1779, Robert, Earl of Lindsoy, signed a potitioo to the king in farour of the Earl of Norfolk’s restoratios, with fifteen ethers. the Dorm of Willoughby do Eroaby fell issto aboyonco Robert, Earl sf Lindmy, engagod himself, with Isis son between bia lordship’s sisters (see Wsrs.ooaaer no Ruesnv), Stestogu, Lend W. of Rroshy, sod others, not to obey any while iho othor honoure devolved uposs his nnole, orders or coussnaode not warrantod by the laws of the hassd. Datswos.ose, Sob duke. His graco sit, let, harriet, dan. Juno, 1042. oust sole heir of Goorge Marion Pitt, Enq. of Twickenham, Otontago, Earl of Lindsey, was ordored to be imprisoned, hut Isod no issue. lie so, 2n’hly (the let duchoss dybag 1703) and cent to Windsor Castle, Slay the tth, 1846, at 12 a’clork at night. Mary-Anne, don. of Otojor Loyard, and hod an ossly don., Mootagu, Earl of Lindsey cat lhc king’s initials sspoo his llasv-RLszAsoTn, so- Is Viscount llihstogtos, eldcet sea of csfila with bic penknife, thno—”Casne,os THE haT, 1645,” old Wiliiom-Clsanles, Rorl of Pos’ls,sos’o. style. Dying thue without mob issue, 5 Feb. 1009, the Dnkodam A true copy of a paper delivered to his excellency span Ihe of Auooeter and Use Morqneesaie of Lindsey ceased ; but heath noar Newbury, by a Is’ssmpetor sent by Ps’isce Ioaperl, on the 21st of Sept., 1641, being the next ssonntsg after the the Rorldom of Lindnoy revcntod to his knsemon, fighst s—’ We desire ho know’ ft-nm the Earl of Essex whether iso C on. ALaoolAoLo Boesree, as Sib oorl(rofonto deooesodontc have the Viscount Falklond, Captain Henisse, and .Sos;(eaot- of Ohs 2nd earl’s young050 son). tIm losalship 0. 17 Sept. llojor Wilshire, prisonere, orwhether he hssve tlseindesd bodies, 1744, m, IsO, 7 May, 1794. Ellen-Mario, d,sn, of Willia,,s and P ho have, that Bberey nsay be granted to their sons’aots Clay, Roq., a,sd wists’w of Thomas Scope, Esq. of Bobby, to fetch them away. Given under my hand at Newbury, this by whom (woo d. in ISOO) Iso hod no lassie, lie m. Lndty, Slot day of Sn.ptesnber, 1642,—itoroax.” 19 Nov. hOt, Chanlotto-Susssnnals-RlioabOth, doss, of Ohs CsasLoa B. “These are to remember moo of the pi’oocsse 100w make re lots Very Rev. Cho,’lee-Peien Lsy.srd, B B,, dean of Bristol; the Earl of Lindsey, in ohange hats life is that pension hoe hash and dying 97 Sept. 1919, loft of moo for Otto life of the Ladle Bridget Non’is, whirl, I shall Gn0000.As,’oercTcs-FsrsEsTeIO Aoaonose.n, press’nt earl. posse ovoe to her in form of law, wisen it asay boo done,” Slenxar.n-Pnssciaseso, of tiftinglon lionse, Stonsfard, DL. Newparb1 Sopor. h6th, 164S. for Berkshire, late captain gronashier-gnarde; 5. 25 Dee. 697