Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/748

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Creation—Earl, 22 Nor. 1626. Arms—tat oral 4th, or., three ballerieg-rants, barsrsys, in atid the kistg took netice of his great worth and experience, pale, lpr., tended and garisiohrd, sc; 2ist and 3rd, an., a and knighted him in 1666, and a few days after he was oltattere’l castle, trtple Ins, errd, ar Crest—A Saracea’s head, couped at site breast, ppr., dttraliy crowned, or, bring the crest of the liaroes Wihlottgtsby. Tise crest of Beetle to a pinett’ee, ppr. 3,ippsrler,s—Dexter, a pilgrios, erfriar, vested itt russet, srihit co-heir of John Stedman, Esq. of Cilceunha; and was a. Ins cratclt an,l rosary, or; sinister, a savage stall, wreathed by his eldest son, otta,tt stir tettttdrs sad waist with ivy. MoSo—L’yatttet m’sblige. Scal—L’flitsgtee Iteese, Stamford, cc. Lincaiss. LINTON, LORD, ace Tstaguasn, EARL. Li SB U ii NE. Ltspuna’r, EARL Dl’ (Ernest Aosgostus ‘V’auglaan). by whom he had, Viecossttt Lisbttrste, and Lord Vssttglsan, Baron of 1. lena, a cal. its abe arRay, who 5. Isis brother as 3rd earl. Fetbero, in the peerage of Ireland; 5. 30 Oct. 1800 was 4th earl, 18 May, 1831; ste. 27 Aug. 1835, his it, Staid, ,f Jan. 1919. coessits Mary, 2nd dau. of the late Sir Lants’enee His lordship si 0 Jaa. 1600, and was a. by his elder eon, Palk, Bart and by her (who sl. 23 July, 1851) has had iaene, 1. EaNcsr-Aror’sTus-Mat,ET. Iet’,l Veoghur, C. 20 Jour. Ions, huh earl, 0. 1 Starch, 1709; ci. 2 Aug. lIsa, Lucy, 1616; ci. 24 Jasso, 1656, Gortrade-5,anra, 3rd dau. of dais, of William, 2nd Viscount Courteuay, by whom (svlso Ed,rya htaroaby, goq, of Daggravo lIstS, 1.eieestershire, if. 17 Dec 1621) tic had isastc, and by her (a-be ef. 29 HarrIs, 1963) lint Itad, Aurnunllnssav-flr,,nor, ,. Esar,sT-Arausrus, present carl. 0. 31 Joly, 1562; ida-Constance ; Anoetlr, is Gessrge-Lae’resce, late cahtt. is the anaay, 0. 9 Feb. 1902 and Lacy. it. Wiltstet-Sltafta, 0. 1630 5 ci. teaS. tie. Edtoard—Coartcaay, liestt. rifle brigade, 0. 23 Oct. 1941. L. Eli,shrth-lialrt, as. 6 Ang. 1669, to Jelsn-tsghit Scorn, Esq, tale royal horse gaar,ls, of tserry-Ortstsnd, Cardigan- shire, and has iesoe. His lorsialup ass. 2ndly, 5 April, 1853, the Hou, Elizabeth-Augusta-Harriet (formerly maid of honour iv. Williset-Slshel, feraaerhy heat. 4th drag.-gds., 0. 19 May, to Quersa AucLasoc), data. ssf the late Col. Hstgh— Henry Mitchell, liy Ins wife, the LadyHarriet-Isabella. F1lizahctlo Susurrset, dass. of Henry, 5th Duke of Beastfsrt, and Isas by that lady, I. Gertrude’Dnrothy-Harriet-Adelaide. US LIS tOll t m. 30 May, 1954, leolicia Elis,stseth, only sarvivitsg of poetry and the matlaensatico to the tautnicipal laws of dan. of the Rev. Jams Earle Wellay, sf Ilarestan, en. Etigltitsd, till at length, falling issts the acqusintanee of the Ltecalo, sod lion isooe, Me,itagoo- Peregrine, 0. 3 Sept. leas-ned Selden and others, he was in’trocted by them in 1901, and ta-s daas., Ehiz4ibctlt, ‘and llaty. Charlsstte-Eliesbetlt, a. 1st, 26 .1 sly-, I 632, to Sir Josiah Jslitt the value af civil learning, and spplied closely to the Otiesr, liars., 11.1’., ants 1. is I 61.2: staT lstdlv, 10 April, 1633, c,,stroe of that study, pat’ticttlttrly of the law, which he to Charles Setireilser, Es,1., ILl’. f,,r Citri tr,tl,asss, eldest stirvis’itig ntadc his profession. In the parliament which began satt of stir late Liros.—Col. Jastirs—Alfred Selireiber, of 3 Nay. t;us, he was NP. for the town of Cardigan, and Slellen, Sallilk. The eeuoteo.s in. 2sdly, 14 April, 3921, the Rev. William ciril svar breaking out gave a atop to his studies, and Pegas, and ,l. Is N’v. 35’D ; her dat,., by her erend mactinge, ot’ligcsl hiiss t,, retire to his own eoeatstry, where lao chiefly Maria- Aisteittelta, is llarchioitrea Il wager ,,f Hnntly. live,l till the Restoration, After that event he was elected seas noted and admired for his leartsed speeches ; hut tlaa t,’ represent the ce. of Cardigan, its tine parhasnent of 1061, awtsrn aci’geaut-at-law, and the tsext day chief-justice of the ce,srt of Cemsuon Pleas. He wrote and collected the repet-ts mid argumcttts of that court, during the pct’iod he presided these, being alt Spcciui Cases, which he pnhlished in a ft,hio mmmc ; he ni. in 1674, and was buried hi the Tetisple chsirch, near the grave of his friend Soldcn, under a snarhle monument. Sir J,,hn Vaughan ‘a. Jane, dan. and Euwasn VAOOuAN, Esq. of Trawoceed, ltl.P. for the roof Cardigan, antI for a abort timo one of the Lords of the Admisalty, who on. Letitia, dau, of Sir William Hooker, Etit., assd was’- at his deceaes, iu 1655, by his eldest eon, dotes VAROnAN, Esq., elevated to the peerage of Ireland, 20 Jstae, 1691, os Ist’tl Vassglssts, Barest ef Pci/set’s, un,6 Viscst’el 11cC ‘car. He ta- Mallet, 3rd dat,. of Johta, Earl of Roelteoter; aud dying 1710, wan 5. by his elttest° son, Juna, 2nd viscount. His lordship ,6. iu 1741, and bavitag no isnue, the honours devolved etposa Isis brether, Wteso’c, 3rd viocetant, who at. isa 1757, Nhiuahcth, eldest dau. of Thomas Watson, Eoq., by whom ha had lassie, _________ WeLstor, Itt, successor. John, ltD., a saajor-geo. in the army, eel, of the 4th regt-, and governor ofllersiokt ‘6.10 .tsttsc, 1795. Iilieabelh, so. ta ‘fltomao Lloyd, Rail, of Abertriaasst. His lordship ii. in 1766, and was e. by his elder son, Wicatox, 4th viacr’ttnt, who was ct-eated RAnt 05’ Lessuaaen, It Lady, 1770. Ills hardship ci. 1st, i,t 1714, Elizabeth, only dau. of Joseph-Caeceyne Nightingale, Esq. of l’lamhcad, co Devota (atsd crentnally heir to her brother, Washington Nightingale, Esq.(, by whom he had an only son, WiLsior, Isis steeceosor. his lerdohip stt. StoRy, in 1703, Dorothy, eldest tans, of John Shaft,’, Esq. ef Whitworth, us. Durhasn, e. Dsrethy-Elieabeth, es is hey, 1792, to Sir Laurence Polk, Dart. )hie 2nd wife), who d. 20 diner, loll 11cr ladyship if. is 1643. Wsi.ssor, 2nd carl, who ri scsttst. 6 May, 1920, when ths houo,tra dcvelvcrt ssposs lais half-hi-other, taut (let. tab, Ilary Josephine-Roche, dan. ofllenry O’Shcn, Esq- of lhadri,l, and nicer anti re-heir of the late Den. Sir Philip-It. Itache, Knt., and has issee, I Eraeab-(’oorrenny, capt. It-A, 2 (lcsrgc-Aagssstes. so. 12 Log, 1062, Laura, 3rd dan. of Charles Shooed, Rag., SIP. ef ltssorcsfoot, co ‘fipperary. Chsrisrine-llarriet, ns. 22 Sept- 1659, to Den Dsmings Arena. 2 Mary-Colettetee - ,lolsts—Slsafte, is. 12 (let. 1003, is ci., and has esosee - 1907; ci. 21 Jesse, 1036, Loaiaa, 0013’ daa. of Edmund Wigan, Rag. of Laploy, co. Stafford, nod by her (srhs ,f. II Jan. 1642) has a son, Ednsnnd-hIalet, 0. 52 Feb. 1640:he cC 13 Dee. 1967, t. Lnry-llarriet, ci.29 Starch, 1667. The earl sf. IS May, 1031. Ccealiens—Viscsant, Pc., 26 June, 1695. Earl, 18 Joly, 1770. Ifiaca c Ar’ise—Ss., a chevron, between three flenro-de-lis, arg, the tasigsao of Collsr7-sa a1, Tstsgno. Lord of ESsoydd. The nanae of ‘AusaetAa is of great taste assd atstiqnity itt Crest—An armed ama, ensbowesl, ppr., holding a fieer-de-]is, lhc prtsseipslity of Walca ; sod this branch of the family arg. lass been I e g nested at Ts’nse ci cd set thee ro of Car St f/a-iers—De-eteradragosssegas’dartsstssgsendoised dsgtsn ; svhercs,f ketwtsrd au;ltass, l’.sq., its. Entice, dais, 01’ three hours—dc-ha, of the last, thereto a chain, or; sinister, an .lohsn Otcadman, Eoq., and svas tither of Sea JoeN VauGHAN, esticorn, rcgsrsl:snt, srg., armed, maced, tufted, and susgolsd Knt., a moat leonard tass-yer, art,,, was edascated at the or, collared and cheaisrd as hiss dealer. ICing’s school sf Worcester, whence, after five years’ okay Jfshte—Nan reveetar inuihea. ho was resss,,yed to Christ Church, Oxf,ard, i’s the 13th Scrsl—Creasasod, Abcrystscylh, Cardiganshire. year of his age, - and thence at IS to tlsc tuner Tem1slc, 55is lordship’s eldeat doe., Lose, as Sir John Pridcau,c, where for seine time lie preferred Isis acadsnascal studies DarL of Nethertass. 693