Page:A History of Hindu Chemistry Vol 1.djvu/219

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Koshtī Apparatus

"For extracting the essence of metals a koshtī apparatus [Vide Illustrations] is preferred, which is 16 digits in width and 2 cubits in length."

Colophon to Chapter IV.

"Here ends Chapter fourth of Rasārnava, which treats of apparatus, crucibles and the colour of flames."

The Alkalies

"The three alkalies are the borax, trona (natron) and Yavakshāra (carbonate of potash). The ashes of sesamum, achyranthes aspera, musa sapientum., butea frondosa, moringa pterygosperma, mochika, (schrebera swietenioides), raphanus sativus, zingiber officinale, tamarindus indicus and ficus relig., respectively are regarded as the standard plant ashes (वृक्षक्षाराः)। VII. 12-13

The Maharasas

"Bhairava said:—"mākshika, vimala, silā, chapala, rasaka, sasyaka, darada (p. 78) and sroton-