Page:A History of Mathematics (1893).djvu/441

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Wiener, XI.
Williams, 267.
Wilson, 264.
Wilson's theorem, 264.
Winds, 384386.
Winkler, 392.
Witch of Agnesi, 260.
Wittstein, XII.
Woepcke, 83, 103.
Wolf, C., 241; ref. to, 167.
Wolf, R., XI.
Wolstenholme, 341.
Woodhouse, 334.
Wren, 177; ref. to, 188, 198, 213, 287.
Wronski, 324.

Xenocrates, 29.
Xylander, 153.
Young, 392; ref. to, 386, 387.
Zag, 127.
Zahn, XII.
Zehfuss, 325.
Zeller, 365.
Zeno, 27.
Zenodorus, 51.
Zero (symbol for), 7, 88; origin of term, 129.
Zeuthen, 313; ref. to, IX., 297.
Zeuxippus, 40.
Zolotareff, 371; ref. to, 372.