Page:A Physical and Topographical Sketch of the Mississippi Territory, Lower Louisiana, and a Part of West Florida.djvu/15

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The tract of country to which my observations are more particularly confined, and Medical Topography of which it is the object of these pages to illustrate, will be found between twenty-nine and thirty-two degrees twenty-eight minutes north latitude, and twelve and fourteen degrees west longitude, from the city of Washington, and includes what is called the Natches, the country of the Lower Chactaws, a part of West Florida, and a considerable portion of Lower Louisiana.

From the mouth of the Ohio to that of the Yazow river, in latitude thirty-two degrees twenty-eight minutes north, the inundated country on the Mississippi is little varied by high lands, except at the Iron Banks, and Chickasaw Bluffs; generally preserving a width of about sixty miles: but at these places, particularly the latter, it is contracted to half its usual width. The high country, inhabited by the Chactaws, on the east