Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/362

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small for slight degrees of polarization, and exceedingly rapid near the limiting value of polarization.

268.] We have seen, Art. 262, that the electromotive force acting in any electrolytic process is numerically equal to the mechanical equivalent of the result of that process on one electrochemical equivalent of the substance. If the process involves a diminution of the intrinsic energy of the substances which take part in it, as in the voltaic cell, then the electromotive force is in the direction of the current. If the process involves an increase of the intrinsic energy of the substances, as in the case of the electrolytic cell, the electromotive force is in the direction opposite to that of the current, and this electromotive force is called polarization.

In the case of a steady current in which electrolysis goes on continuously, and the ions are separated in a free state at the electrodes, we have only by a suitable process to measure the intrinsic energy of the separated ions, and compare it with that of the electrolyte in order to calculate the electromotive force required for the electrolysis. This will give the maximum polarization.

But during the first instants of the process of electrolysis the ions when deposited at the electrodes are not in a free state, and their intrinsic energy is less than their energy in a free state, though greater than their energy when combined in the electrolyte. In fact, the ion in contact with the electrode is in a state which when the deposit is very thin may be compared with that of chemical combination with the electrode, but as the deposit increases in density, the succeeding portions are no longer so intimately combined with the electrode, but simply adhere to it, and at last the deposit, if gaseous, escapes in bubbles, if liquid, diffuses through the electrolyte, and if solid, forms a precipitate.

In studying polarization we have therefore to consider

(1) The superficial density of the deposit, which we may call σ. This quantity σ represents the number of electrochemical equivalents of the ion deposited on unit of area. Since each electrochemical equivalent deposited corresponds to one unit of electricity transmitted by the current, we may consider σ as representing either a surface-density of matter or a surface-density of electricity.

(2) The electromotive force of polarization, which we may call p. This quantity p is the difference between the electric potentials of the two electrodes when the current through the electrolyte