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Derived Units.

6.] The unit of Velocity is that velocity in which unit of length is described in unit of time. Its dimensions are .

If we adopt the units of length and time derived from the vibrations of light, then the unit of velocity is the velocity of light.

The unit of Acceleration is that acceleration in which the velocity increases by unity in unit of time. Its dimensions are .

The unit of Density is the density of a substance which contains unit of mass in unit of volume. Its dimensions are .

The unit of Momentum is the momentum of unit of mass moving with unit of velocity. Its dimensions are .

The unit of Force is the force which produces unit of momentum in unit of time. Its dimensions are .

This is the absolute unit of force, and this definition of it is implied in every equation in Dynamics. Nevertheless, in many text books in which these equations are given, a different unit of force is adopted, namely, the weight of the national unit of mass; and then, in order to satisfy the equations, the national unit of mass is itself abandoned, and an artificial unit is adopted as the dynamical unit, equal to the national unit divided by the numerical value of the force of gravity at the place. In this way both the unit of force and the unit of mass are made to depend on the value of the force of gravity, which varies from place to place, so that statements involving these quantities are not complete without a knowledge of the force of gravity in the places where these statements were found to be true.

The abolition, for all scientific purposes, of this method of measuring forces is mainly due to the introduction of a general system of making observations of magnetic force in countries in which the force of gravity is different. All such forces are now measured according to the strictly dynamical method deduced from our definitions, and the numerical results are the same in whatever country the experiments are made.

The unit of Work is the work done by the unit of force acting through the unit of length measured in its own direction. Its dimensions are .

The Energy of a system, being its capacity of performing work, is measured by the work which the system is capable of performing by the expenditure of its whole energy.