Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/305

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If we now express these equations in terms of and , where

, ,

they become

a = y co r 2 - / , (9)

Equation (10) is satisfied if we assume any arbitrary function of and . and make


Substituting these values in equation (9), it becomes


Dividing by , and restoring the coordinates and , this becomes


This is the fundamental equation of the theory, and expresses the relation between the function, , and the component, , of the magnetic force resolved normal to the disk.

Let< be the potential, at any point on the positive side of the disk, due to imaginary matter distributed over the disk with the surface-density .

At the positive surface of the disk


Hence the first member of equation (14) becomes


But since satisfies Laplace s equation at all points external to the disk,


and equation (14) becomes


Again, since is the potential due to the distribution , the potential due to the distribution , or , will be . From this we obtain for the magnetic potential due to the currents in the disk,
