Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/45

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the teeth and jaws; worse at night and morning; better in open air; irritable.

Phos.—Toothache from having hands in cold water; gums bleed easily.

Pulsatilla.—Drawing, stitching, jerking pain; worse from warmth; chilliness.

Dulc.—Toothache from taking cold.

Mercury sol.—Pain affecting a whole row of teeth; jumping pains, especially at night; teeth feels bruised and too long.


Pulsatilla.—If given in the beginning is generally sufficient.

Staph.—If they appear often, and leave hard spots; especially on the upper lid.

Hepar sulphur.—Will usually correct the disposition to styes.

Other remedies are

For styes on the upper lid,—caus.ferrum.merc.sulphur. On lower lid,—rhus tox.phos. Corners of eyes,—natr. mursulph.


Aconite.—Earache caused by exposure to cold wind; violent, jumping pain.

Bell.—Digging, shooting pain; roaring and humming in the ears; great sensitivity to noise; pain in the head and eyes.

Chamomilla.—Shooting pain as if a