Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/69

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companies most complaints but does not relieve. Worse at night; in damp and cold weather; from exercise.


Duration of action, 15 to 21 days.

Antidotes,—Coffee, Cham., Camphor.

Acts principally through the gastric system, and suitable for ailments caused from the abuse of tobacco, wine, coffee stimulants and patent medicines; complaints arising from mental exertion, sedentary life; hunger with aversion to food; desire for brandy and chalk; stomach sensitive to pressure; bruised pain in the back. Worse in the morning; after eating; from motion.


Antidotes,—Camphor, Nux vomica.

Duration of action, unknown.

Acts on the respiratory system.

Thirst for very cold drinks; hunger soon after eating; all food tastes bitter; hoarseness with loss of voice; very sleepy after eating. Suitable after the loss of animal fluids; great debility, trembling; slight wounds bleed much; all ailments worse in the evening, from light. Better in the dark; after sleep.