Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/9

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ten and handed down to the present generation that we are greatly in need of a more modern work of reference upon the subject. The rules laid down by Lilly and Ptolemy have been copied by all later writers and we may say with a good degree of accuracy that about all that is generally known of Astrology can be found in the works of these two men.

In the present treatise the authors do not claim every paragraph to be original with themselves, but they do claim that such as has been gleaned from ancient authors and all original ideas has been placed in such language that the merest tyro may read and understand.

It has been our intention in the present treatise to give all that is generally known and confirmed by facts, both old and new ideas concerning Medical Astrology, in order to form a ready reference work for the professional astrologer, and at the same time, to be interesting and instructing for the beginner.

Many drugs have been omitted for the lack of space and proof as to their proper place in the list, which we hope will be added to and the list largely increased in the future.

The chapter on the "action of drugs"