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Books printed

Boethius, A. M. T. S. De Conſolatione Philoſophiæ, tranſlated into Engliſh by Geoffrey Chaucer. "I William Caxton have done my devoir to enprint it." Without Place or Date. Folio. [ante 1479.]

Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 11. c. 9. Another copy Gr. 10544.

Bonaventure, St. Speculum vitæ Chriſti. With Woodcuts. Firſt Edition. "Emprynted by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1488?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 44.)

Bonaventure, St. Speculum vitæ Chriſti. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Emprynted by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1491?]

Britiſh Muſeum C. 41. f. on Vellum. (Show Caſe viii.) Another copy, C. 10. b. 15.

Book of Courteſy. (See Lydgate.)

Book of Fame. (See Chaucer.)