Page:A catalogue of books printed by William Caxton.pdf/11

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by Caxton.

Book of Divers Ghoſtly Matters. (See Ghostly Matters.)

Book of Good Manners. (See Legrand.)

Book for Travellers. (See Vocabulary.)

Burdeux, John de. The Gouvernal of Health; and the Medicina Stomachi. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1489?]

(Earl Dyſart, Ham Houſe, Surrey.)

Canterbury Tales. (See Chaucer.)

Caoursin, Gulielmus. The Siege of Rhodes. Without Place or Date. (Printer's Name uncertain, but generally attributed to Caxton). Folio. [1493?]

Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy Gr. 6209.