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by Caxton.
Doctrinal. The Doctrinal of Sapience. Woodcuts. "Caxton me fieri fecit." Tranſlated 1489. Without Place or Date. Folio. [1489?]
(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 52.)
Edward the Confessor, Life of. Erroneouſly attributed to Caxton in Ames's "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 70.
Elizabeth, St. (See Catherine.)
Eneydos. (See Virgil.)
England. The Chronicles of England. Firſt Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton, in thabbey of Weſtmynſtre." Folio. 1480.
(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 32. 2.)
England. The Chronicles of England. Second Edition. "Enprynted by me William Caxton, in thabbey of Weſtmeſtre." Folio. 1482.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 4.