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Books printed
England. The Deſcription of Britain. "Fynyſhed by me William Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1480.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 10. b. 24.
England. The Statutes of Henry VII. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?]
Britiſh Muſeum Gr. 6002.
Fayts of Arms. (See Christine.)
Feſtial, or Feſtival, The. (See Mirkus, John.)
Fifteen Oes, The. (See Prayers.)
Gerson, John.The Art and Craft to know well to die. Translated by Caxton in 1490. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 10. c. 8.
Ghostly Matters. A Book of Diver's Ghoſtly Matters, containing:—The Seven Points of True Wiſdom,