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by Caxton.

or Orologium Sapientiæ; The Seven Profits of Tribulation; The Rule of St. Benet. "Wyllelmū Caxton. Emprynted at Weſtmynſtre." Without Date. Quarto. [1490?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 4. 64.)

Godfrey of Boloyne. The Hiſtory of Godfrey of Boloyne; or the Conqueſt of Jeruſalem. Printed in the Abbey of Weſtminſter by William Caxton. Folio. 1481.

Britiſh Muſeum C. 11. c. 4.

Golden Legend. (See Voragine.)

Gouvernal of Health. (See Burdeux.)

Gower, John. Confeſſio Amantis. "Enprynted at Weſtmeſtre by me William Caxton." Folio. (Dated erroneouſly 1493.) 1483.

Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy 11. c. 7. Another copy Gr. 11627.

Guilleville, de. (See Deguilleville.)